General Application
For students who want to earn a degree or certificate, or take a few for-credit courses only. Apply Now >
If you're ready to apply, select the application below that matches the type of student you will be. If you're not sure which application to use or would like more detailed instructions, visit:
For students who want to earn a degree or certificate, or take a few for-credit courses only. Apply Now >
Pick up where you left off or upload documents.
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For students enrolled at another college who want to take classes at Ivy Tech and transfer the credits back to their home school.
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For international students who want to earn a degree or certificate. Apply now >
For high school students who want to take Ivy Tech classes while they're in high school. Create a DualEnroll Account to Start Your App >
If you have questions or need help with any part of the application process, reach out to your local admissions representative who will be happy to assist you.
Find Your Local Admissions Rep
If you’d prefer to apply in person, stop by one of our Enrollment Centers on your local campus and we’ll get you started.