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Privacy Policy

  • Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana ("Ivy Tech," "we," "us") respects the privacy of every individual who visits our site. This Privacy Policy outlines the information the Ivy Tech website may collect and how we may use that information. Ivy Tech reserves the right to alter this policy at any time by posting a new privacy policy at this location.

    • This privacy policy applies to information we collect:
      • On this Website
      • In email, text, and other electronic message between you and this Website
    • It does not apply to information collected by:
      • Us offline or through any other means, including on any other website operated by Ivy Tech or any third party; or
      • Any third party, including through any application or content (including advertising) that may link to or be accessible from or through the Website.

    Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to use the Ivy Tech website. By accessing or using the Ivy Tech website, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

  • The "Ivy Tech website" is defined as publicly accessible pages hosted under the domain

    The Ivy Tech website may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that Ivy Tech is not responsible for the privacy practices of those sites. This policy applies solely to information collected by this website.

  • We will not collect any personally identifiable information about you, such as name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address ("personal data") through our site unless you have provided it to us voluntarily. If you do not want your personal data collected, please do not submit it to us.

    • When you do provide us with personal data, we will not sell, rent, or market personal data about you to third parties. Unless otherwise stated, we may:
      • process that information to fulfill an order or request you have placed with us;
      • store and process that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our products and services;
      • contact you or ask a fulfillment house or other third party on our behalf to contact you in connection with a promotion;
      • provide other third parties with aggregate - but not individual - information about visitors to or users of our site.
  • We may disclose aggregated information about our users, and information that does not identify any individual, without restriction.

    • We may disclose personal data that we collect or provide as described in this privacy policy:
      • To our subsidiaries and affiliates.
      • To contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business, and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.
      • To fulfill the purpose for which you provide it.
      • For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information.
      • With your consent.
  • The Ivy Tech website has no intention of collecting any personal data from individuals under 16 years of age without parental consent. Where appropriate, we will specifically instruct those under 13 not to submit such information on our site and/or will take reasonable steps to ensure parental consent to such submission.

  • In some cases, we may automatically (i.e. not via registration) collect information about you that is not personally identifiable. Examples of this type of information include the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using, the IP address of your computer, and the domain name of the website from which you linked to our site. This information is used to ensure our site meets the needs of the majority of our users, as well as to diagnose problems with our server. This information also helps us produce statistics on how often our various pages are visited.

  • When you view our site, we may store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of a "cookie" or similar file and can help us in many ways. For example, cookies allow us to tailor a website to better match your interests and preferences. With most Internet browsers, you can erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions.

  • This site may make message boards available for public use. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal information.

  • The Ivy Tech website takes every precaution to protect our users' information. When users submit sensitive information via our site, this information is encrypted and remains secure during all stages of transmission. The Ivy Tech website complies with all State and Federal statutes requiring safeguards on specific types of information. However, due to the rapidly evolving nature of information technologies, no transmission of information over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. While Ivy Tech is committed to protecting the privacy of our visitors, the College cannot guarantee the security of any information visitors transmit to College sites, and visitors do so at their own risk.

  • Disclosure for Marketing-Related Data Processors


    “Cookies” are tiny text files stored by a user’s browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) to save information for use in subsequent interactions with the site. This information can be anything that is known to the website owner and may include but is not limited to any content you provide via a form on the site, content you view, the date and time that you view this content, the products you purchase, or your location information.

    We collect no personally identifiable information except for information you explicitly submit on this website. You are not required to accept any cookies to use this site.

    We use third-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) to gain insights about the demographics and usage behavior of our visitors and to serve advertising to them across the Internet.

    Standard Internet Logs

    We collect information for each request to our website in a log file. Each log entry includes the date and time of the request, your IP address, the content you requested, the type of browser you use, any URL your browser provides indicating a website that may have referred you to our site, as well as the results of the request (error diagnostic information).

    Use of Collected Data and Data Processors We Use

    We utilize products that collect, receive, or use end users’ personal data. Data is collected to allow us to provide our services, as well as for remarketing and behavioral targeting, advertising, analytics, email marketing, interaction with external social networks and platforms, and website management. Personal data is collected using the following services:

    • Analytics:
      • Google Analytics – This website uses Google Analytics to help analyze how visitors use this site. Google Analytics utilizes the data it collects to track and examine the use of our website, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. Data collected: Cookie, Identifiers for mobile devices and Usage Data. Google’s Privacy Policy | Opt Out | How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites
      • Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting – We use the Demographics and Interest Reporting feature in Google Analytics to gain insights regarding the demographics and interests of our website visitors. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Google’s Privacy Policy
      • Google Remarketing with Analytics – Google Remarketing with Analytics is a service provided by Google Inc. that connects the tracking activity performed by Google Analytics and its cookies with the Google Display Network and Search-ads campaigns. It allows us to create audiences of our site users and deliver relevant ads based on the actions those users took on our site. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Privacy Policy | Opt Out
      • Google Tag Manager – We use this tool to place tracking code. It may collect aggregated data from tags firing. Google’s Privacy Policy
    • Remarketing and Behavioral Targeting:
      We use the following third-party advertising vendors that use cookies to show you our ads across the Internet based on your past visits to our website properties or your previous web browsing behavior.
      • Bing – We use advertising products offered by Microsoft Advertising, potentially including Bing Paid Search and Bing Display. Bing conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Microsoft Advertising that connects data from the Microsoft Advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Microsoft’s Privacy Statement
      • Division-D – We use advertising products offered by Division-D potentially including display, audio streaming, advertising on podcasts and/or Amazon, online video, OTT and OTT display, specific targeting potentially including: behavioral, contextual, keyword, social sharing and app. Division-D conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Division-D, Inc. that connects data from the Division-D advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Division-D’s Privacy Policy
      • Effectv – We use advertising products offered by Effectv which potentially include OTT and OTT display advertising. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Effectv’s Privacy Policy
      • Facebook – We utilize advertising products offered by Facebook and its affiliates, potentially including Instagram, Oculus and WhatsApp, that collect, receive, or use end users’ personal data. Facebook Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects data from the Facebook advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Facebook’s Data Policy
      • Google Ads – We use advertising products offered by Google Ads, potentially including Google Paid Search, Google Display and YouTube. Google Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Google, Inc. that connects data from the Google Ads advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Google Ads’ Privacy Policy | Opt Out
      • iHeartMedia – We use advertising products offered by iHeartMedia that potentially include online video, audio streaming and display advertising. iHeartMedia conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by iHeartMedia that connects data from the iHeartMedia advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. iHeartMedia’s Privacy Policy
      • LinkedIn – We use advertising products offered by LinkedIn, a business-oriented social media and networking platform. LinkedIn conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by LinkedIn Corporation that connects data from the LinkedIn advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. LinkedIn’s Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Opt Out
      • Pandora – We use advertising products offered by Pandora Media Inc., a personalized Internet radio service. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Pandora’s Privacy Policy
      • Pinterest – We use advertising products offered by Pinterest, a social media platform. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Pinterest conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Pinterest that connects data from the Pinterest advertising network with actions performed on our website. Pinterest’s Legal and Privacy | Personalized Ads on Pinterest
      • Q1Media – We use advertising products offered by Q1Media, Inc. potentially including geofencing, audio streaming and OTT. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Q1Media’s Privacy Policy
      • Snapchat – We use advertising products offered by Snap Inc., including Snapchat. Snapchat conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Snap Inc. that connects data from the Snapchat advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Snap’s Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
      • Spotify – We use advertising products offered by Spotify USA Inc., which is an audio streaming service. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. Spotify’s Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
      • StackAdapt – We use advertising products offered by StackAdapt that potentially include online video, pre-roll and competitive conquesting. StackAdapt conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by StackAdapt that connects data from the StackAdapt advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. StackAdapt’s Privacy Policy
      • TikTok – We use advertising products offered by TikTok. TikTok conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by TikTok that connects data from the TikTok advertising network with actions performed on our website. Data collected: Cookie and Usage Data. TikTok’s Privacy Policy

    You can generally opt-out of receiving personalized ads from third party advertisers who follow the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising by visiting the opt-out page on the DAA site.

    You can opt out of personalized online ads from members of the Network Advertising Initiative by visiting the opt-out page of the NAI site.

    You may also decline to receive interest-based ads through TrustE/TrustArc’s preferences manager (or if you are located in the European Union click here).

    • Email Marketing:

      We collect email addresses and other personally identifiable information to send transactional and marketing emails to our subscribers. We utilize the following products that collect, receive, or use end users’ personal data for this purpose. To learn about how a specific email vendor collects and uses personal data, click on the privacy policy link.

      SMS Marketing:
      We collect mobile phone numbers, mobile opt-ins, and other personally identifiable information to send transactional and marketing SMS/text messages to our subscribers. We utilize the following products that collect, receive, or use end users’ personal data for this purpose. Ivy Tech’s terms of service for receiving SMS/text messages from 94762 can be found at To learn about how a specific vendor collects and uses personal data, click on the privacy policy link.

    • Interaction with Additional Third-Party Platforms:
      Although we maintain relationships with third parties with which you may interact, we do not control these third parties’ privacy practices or tracking technologies. For any third party service that you interact with, we encourage you to review privacy practices and policies of each third party as you may be subject to such practices and policies.
    • Website Management:
      Our website utilizes logins for public users. We use cookies to keep users authenticated after they log in.


    If you have questions about any of this information, contact us either by email address and identify the concern.

    Privacy Policy was updated on April 26, 2023

  • If you no longer wish to receive emails, you can click on the link at the bottom of the email message to unsubscribe, or call 888-IVY-LINE and request to be removed from future emails.

  • Ivy Tech Community College recognizes its responsibility to support and uphold the basic freedoms and citizenship rights of all students.

    In the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the term “student” is used to refer to a currently enrolled student, a prospective student, or a group of currently enrolled and/or prospective students. Furthermore, a student who discontinues enrollment after allegedly violating the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities shall be considered a student for the purposes of the conduct proceedings until such matter is resolved.

    Within the context of the entire educational setting this includes experiences both inside and outside the classroom. All students have the rights listed on the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities page.

  • Ivy Tech maintains an educational record for each student who is or has been enrolled at Ivy Tech. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, the student rights that are listed on our FERPA page are covered by the act and afforded to all students at Ivy Tech.

  • Please contact us with any concerns or questions. E-mail, or contact us via postal mail at:

    Communications and Marketing Division
    Ivy Tech Community College
    50 W. Fall Creek Parkway North Drive
    Indianapolis, IN 46208-5752