Welcome to Ivy Tech!

Once you receive your acceptance letter, there are a few steps you need to complete to fully enroll in IvyTech and register for classes.

Below is a step-by-step guide for new students on how to complete your enrollment and register for classes.

PRINT Checklist

If you like to check off items on a list, you can download a handy checklist here that outlines the steps to complete your Ivy Tech enrollment, register for classes, and become an official Ivy Tech student. 

Registering for Classes

  • After you've completed the steps above, you can meet with your academic advisor. All degree-seeking students are assigned an advisor based on their student status or program of study. Your advisor’s name and email can be found in MyIvy in the My Academic Profile section.

    As a new, first-time Ivy Tech student, meet with your advisor to help ensure your educational and career goals are met at Ivy Tech. Together you'll:

    • Discuss your major/academic program
    • Review your assessment scores and any applicable waivers
    • Develop your Academic Completion Plan
    • Help you decide which courses to take
    • Register for classes

    Prepare for Your Appointment

    Prepare for your advising appointment by reviewing this handy checklist (pictured at right).

    How to Schedule an Appointment with Your Advisor

    1. Log in to MyIvy with your Ivy Tech email (username@ivytech.edu) and password
    2. Select "Schedule an Appointment" in the Quick Links section
    3. Locate your Academic Advisor or Faculty Advisor, then click the three dots next to their name and click Schedule. Find a time that works best for you.
  • How to Register for Classes

    Once you have completed the steps above, you may register for classes. As a new, first-time Ivy Tech student, we recommend that you meet with your advisor who will help you develop your Academic Completion Plan and help you sign up for courses that are the best fit for you.

    Register for Classes Using Schedule Builder

    Ivy Tech students register for courses using the Schedule Builder tool which can be accessed within MyIvy.

    For a complete list of registration instructions, including detailed registration steps, deadlines, and information about holds, withdrawals, waitlists, and refunds, visit our Registration 101 page.


    Contact Us

    • If you need assistance, your local admissions representative will help you register for classes. 
    • You can also register for classes in person by visiting the local enrollment center at the campus to which you applied.
    • You are not required to meet with an advisor before registering for classes, but they are available if you need any help through the process. Find your advisor
  • Viewing Your Bill

    When you register for classes, a bill is generated in your student account. Your bill can be viewed in your MyIvy account > Student Dashboard- > View/Pay Balance.

    Making a Payment

    Remember, you are financially liable for your registered classes. Be sure you've made payment arrangements before classes start to avoid classes being dropped for non-payment.

    Payments can be made in three ways:

    1. Online by logging into MyIvy (Browse Topics > Billing & Financial Aid > View/Pay Balance).
    2. In-person at your local Bursar/Business Office.
    3. Online through IvyPay—a good choice for parents or others with granted access to make payments on your behalf.

    Payment Plans

    If you’d like to spread out your payments in a set number of installments, you can set up a payment plan in MyIvy.

    Learn More

    For complete information about payments, including payment options, payment plans, how to make immediate payments, due dates, information about refunds, and more, visit our Payments page.

  • It is important that each student selects their preferred method of receiving refunds from financial aid, self-payments, or other sources. Please follow the link below to set up your information.

    Refund Preferences can be made in via:

    1. Logging into MyIvy
    2. Browse Topics > Billing & Financial Aid > Select Refund Preference
  • What Happens at Orientation?

    One of the most exciting parts of getting ready to start classes is attending a new student orientation. There, you'll meet other students getting ready to start at Ivy Tech, tour the campus and classrooms, learn about student clubs and activities, find out how to use campus technology and access student support resources, and more. Orientation sessions are held in person or virtually depending on the campus.

    Learn More About New Student Orientation

    How to Sign Up

    If you've already registered for classes, it's time to sign up for a new student orientation session hosted by your local campus. Stop by or call your local enrollment center to schedule your orientation or browse a list of upcoming new student orientation sessions at your local campus and sign up today.

    View Upcoming Orientation Sessions

  • Get Excited, It's Almost Time!

    Your Ivy Tech instructors, advisors, and staff are excited to meet you and help you on your way to achieving your goals.

    Before the first day of classes, you can:

    Ivy Tech Class Expectations

    Watch this short video for tips on communicating with your professors and being prepared for classes. (3:27)

    Come to the first day of classes ready to learn!

Find Local Enrollment Centers Contact Info

Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET

812-537-4010 ext. 5305

Lawrenceburg Enrollment Center
50 Walnut Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

Fax: 812-537-0993

Ready to Get Started? We're Here to Help.

Contact Your Local Enrollment Center

If this all feels a bit overwhelming, don’t worry, we’re here to help. Contact your local enrollment center for help with completing the steps outlined above.


You can also take advantage of Tuesdays@TheTech by stopping by your local campus on any Tuesday to get personal support and guidance to complete your enrollment and registration.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week (se habla español)

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