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Career Link is a team that provides transformative career development services for Ivy Tech students and alumni as well as a variety of talent connection opportunities and employee training for employers. The pool of resources we offer connects students, employers, alumni, and communities.
By focusing on honing the employability skills of our students and the state's workers, we are working to meet the specific skills and training needs of employers in Indiana and neighboring states.
Career Development for Students
Career Link services for students are truly focused on your success. You’ll work with a Career Coach from the very beginning of your educational journey with Ivy Tech. We understand that it takes time and commitment to develop a career and that your academic goals and career goals are linked. We want to intentionally help you focus on both!The "Ivy+" badge in the Ivy+ Career Link name represents a "plus" for our students and employer partners! It signifies that we have reimagined the way we provide career development services to provide career coaching that's high-impact and transformative for our students, emphasizing career readiness and opportunities to engage directly with Indiana employers. For employers, it means we are committed to being the best place you can turn to find top talent and train your workforce to stay competitive.
You'll meet with your Career Coach regularly throughout your time at Ivy Tech to explore career paths and develop a clear plan for achieving your professional goals. Through individual, personalized career coaching, they'll help you identify your interests, strengths, and career objectives and explore today’s careers.
Your Career Coach will also help you polish the skills that lead to success, such as time management, decision-making, effectively using feedback, and more. And when you're ready, your Coach will guide you through resume and cover letter development as well as interview practice to make sure you're presenting yourself in the strongest way possible.
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You'll develop your Career Development Portfolio with your Career Coach by your side. It will include the creation of your resume, a professional networking profile, employer engagement, and highlights of your work-and-learn experiences. We think you'll find it's the best way to showcase why an employer should hire you.
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Work-and-learn experiences are opportunities to gain hands-on experience in careers that interest you while you're still in school. They include activities such as in-person or virtual internships, micro-internships, practicums, or clinicals, and in some cases, special projects and apprenticeships. It includes project work in a real-world context to help you better understand a career and the world of work. There are also a number of ways you can engage with employers to prepare for a work-and-learn experience, such as job site tours, career fairs, or job shadowing.
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Whether you are a student looking for a part-time job or a graduate or alumnus looking for a full-time job, we can help! Our goal is to provide our students with personalized assistance in helping identify employment opportunities that match their interests and education credentials.
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Don't see a nearby Career Coach location? Call 1-888-489-5463 and we'll get you started.
Tearle Dwiggins
Phone: 765-643-7133 ext. 2054
General Inquiries:
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Lawrenceburg.
Schedule an Appointment:
Matthew Childers | | 812-330-6358
Career Coach for Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, and Applied Sciences
Leanne Hughes | | 812-330-6130
Career Coach for Arts, Sciences & Education, Public Affairs & Social Services, Business, Logistics & Supply Chain
Holly Barnes |
Career Coach for Nursing, Health Sciences, Information Technology (IT)
Kayla Dusseau | | 812-330-6018
Director of Career Coaching & Career Coach for Garatoni School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Caroline Snyder
Public Affairs & Social Services | Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering & Applied Science | Information Technology
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in South Bend.
Carrie Feltis | 812-429-1423 |
Director of Career Coaching, Career Coach for:
Alex Hoffman | 812-492-0155 |
Career Coach for :
Jada Cansler | 812-492-0339 |
Career Coach for:
Joyce Baker |
Director of Career Coaching, Career Coach for programs in:
Carrie Black |
Career Coach for programs in:
Tara Kuhmichel |
Career Coach for programs in:
LeGunia Rogers
Entrepreneurship | Arts, Sciences & Education | Business, Logistics & Supply Chain
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Terre Haute.
Jeremy Farries, MBA |
Career Coach for programs in:
Lilandra Lestz, M.A. |
Career Coach for programs in:
Whitney Smith, MBA |
Career Coach for programs in:
Drew Carey, BCC |
Career Coach for programs in:
Taranae Madani, M.S. |
Career Coach for programs in:
Donisha Council, M.A. |
Career Coach for programs in:
General Inquiries:
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Fort Wayne.
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Valparaiso.
Jason Zink |
Career Coach for programs in:
Jessica Farrell |
Lead Career Coach for programs in:
Mark Woodcock |
Career Coach for programs in:
Lake County has 3 full-service locations. Select a location below to see contact information for their Career Coach department.
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Indianapolis.
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Valparaiso.
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Sellersburg.
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Indianapolis.
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Sellersburg.
Please contact Career Coach at our full-service campus located in Evansville.
Cary King
Director of Career Coaching | 812-298-2270
Virtual On-Demand Service:
Video | Voice | Chat
Monday–Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET
Enter Zoom Room →
Cindi Czapla
Career Coach for School of Nursing, School of AMEAS & School of Arts, Sciences, and Education.
Darnieshia Morris
Career Coach for School of Healthcare (Non-Nursing), School of Business/IT, School of Public and Social Services
Did you participate in the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG Indiana) program in high school? If you were a JAG Indiana student, you can join the JAG College Success Program at a participating campus to help you navigate college and graduate successfully!
The Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program is a state-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to helping high school students of promise achieve success through graduation.
JAG is a resiliency-building workforce program that helps students learn in-demand employability skills and provides a bridge to post-secondary education and career advancement opportunities. Currently there are 130 JAG programs available throughout Indiana. The program is funded by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.
Learn more about the program by visiting
Your employees are your greatest asset and employee training is among the most critical investments you can make in your business. Ivy Tech Community College offers a wide variety of skills training through our statewide network of campuses to help you affordably provide training for your employees.
Standard and custom training classes are offered in a variety of formats and subject matter targeted to meet the needs of Indiana's employers and employees to support the operations of your organization.
Contact your local Ivy Tech Employer Consultant on the Career Link team to identify training classes that would be a good fit for your employees.
Learn more about:
If our current employee training classes don't meet your needs, we also specialize in developing custom training for our employer partners. We can develop skills training on a variety of topics—management and supervisory skills, healthcare, technology, safety, information technology, and many more— and each one can be customized to be offered how, when, and where you need it.
Reach out to your local Employer Consultant to develop a plan just for you, or use this form to tell us what you need.
Career LinkLearn more about:
Consider providing a path for your employees to earn a college degree or certificate at minimal or zero upfront cost in a field of study you have approved. Participating in a deferred tuition payment program such as Achieve Your Degree allows your employees to take classes and gain skills without paying tuition upfront. Contact your local Employer Consultant to set up deferred tuition.
Learn more about how it works:
Next Level Jobs is part of Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Indiana agenda to continue the positive momentum of our state. Next Level Jobs provides employers with reimbursements for training their employees by reimbursing an employer for up to $5,000 per trained employee who is trained, hired, and retained for six months, up to $50,000 per employer.
Employers within any qualified occupations in high-demand sectors like IT and Business Services; Building and Construction; Health and Life Sciences; Advanced Manufacturing; Agriculture; and Transportation and Logistics can take advantage of this opportunity for each current or new employee. As an approved training provider, Ivy Tech understands the requirements of the grant and will work alongside you and your local WorkOne/Service Provider to develop training that meets your exact needs.
Learn more about the:
Don't see a nearby Talent Connection Manager location? Call 1-888-489-5463 and we'll get you started.
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Lawrenceburg.
Meghan Fletcher - - 812-330-6360
Talent Connection Manager
Matthew Childers - - 812-330-6358
Talent Connection Manager & Career Coach
General Inquiries:
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in South Bend.
Anh Lapsley
Talent Connection Manager for Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, and Applied Sciences; Business; Entrepreneurship; Public Affairs and Social Services
Meghan Stevens
Talent Connection Manager for Nursing; Health Sciences; IT; Arts, Sciences, and Education
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Terre Haute.
Jenny Trusler
Talent Connection Manager for Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, and Applied Sciences
Raemina Neal
Talent Connection Manager for IT
Katie Marbley
Talent Connection Manager for Health Sciences & Nursing
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Fort Wayne.
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Valparaiso.
Tiffany Miller
Talent Connection Manager for Public Affairs and Social Services; Health Sciences; Nursing; Agriculture
Sabrina Vary
Talent Connection Manager for Business; IT; Advanced Manufacturing
Lake County has 3 full-service locations. Select a location below to see contact information for their Talent Connection Manager department.
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Indianapolis.
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Valparaiso.
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Sellersburg.
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Sellersburg.
Please contact Talent Connection Manager at our full-service campus located in Evansville.
Monday-Friday | 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Center for Workforce Development
1700 E. Industrial Drive
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Rod Dowell
Employer Consultant Ivy+ Career Link
Virtual On-Demand Service:
Video | Voice | Chat
Monday–Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET
Enter Zoom Room →
Jermara Hughes
Talent Connection Manager for all but Adv. Manufacturing
Scott Austin
Talent Connection Manager for Adv. Manufacturing
Don't see a nearby Employer Consultant location? Call 1-888-489-5463 and we'll get you started.
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Lawrenceburg.
Kevin Keith - Lawrence County, Orange County, Martin County, Greene County, Crane
Sarah Cady - Monroe County, Brown County, Owen County, Morgan County
Michael Waterford - Microelectronics and Department of Defense
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Nicholas A. Bragin
Director, Employer Engagement
Kathleen Kania
Employer Consultant
260-480-4226 ext 034185
Randy Wooldridge ||
Heather Vance ||
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Terre Haute.
Mark Radford
Director of Workforce Development
Lee Nave
Employer Consultant
Monica Peterson
Employer Consultant
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Fort Wayne.
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Valparaiso.
Susanne Kemmer
Employer Consultant
Zachary Waycott
Employer Consultant
Lake County has 3 full-service locations. Select a location below to see contact information for their Employer Consultant department.
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Indianapolis.
Brandon Wernert
Employer Consultant
Ivy+ Career Link
Office: 812-537-4010 ext. 7230
Cell: 812-651-0164
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Valparaiso.
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Sellersburg.
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Sellersburg.
Please contact Employer Consultant at our full-service campus located in Evansville.
Monday-Friday | 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Center for Workforce Development
1700 E. Industrial Drive
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Brooks David Weszely
Virtual On-Demand Service:
Video | Voice | Chat
Monday–Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET
Enter Zoom Room →
Working adults have multiple demands on their time, and completing a college degree or certificate may not be something you can consider at this point. Ivy Tech's skills training may include industry certifications and assessments that provide flexible options for you to take classes to advance your job skills or get into the workforce quickly. Our skills training is open to the general public seeking upskilling or professional development.
Learn more about:
Your Career Coach is available to assist you with exploring career paths, developing your resume, connecting you with employers, and more. Find your Local Career Coach
For assistance with training or any of your organization's needs, contact your local Employer Consultant.
To explore opportunities for connecting with talent and offering work-and-learn experiences, contact your local Talent Connection Manager.