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NFPA Arc Flash 70E


What You’ll Learn

Each year, electrical dangers in the workplace cause hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace -- the Standard originally developed at OSHA's request -- is the key to saving lives, reducing liability, and avoiding loss due to electrical incidents. This course applies the most current edition of NFPA 70E to teach how to assess electrical risks and reduce employee exposure to potentially deadly hazards. This course uses activities, exercises, videos, job aids, and templates to provide students with the right tools to help set up and follow an electrical safety program, as well as help document safety procedures for compliance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA 1926 Subpart K.

  1. Understand the interaction between NFPA 70E and OSHA requirements
  2. Define electrical safety hazards and how to protect against shock, electrocution and arc flash
  3. Identify safety policies and procedures employers are legally required to provide for their workers
  4. Describe the safety procedures needed to work safely while exposed to live circuits
  5. Determine arc flash PPE categories for many common workplace tasks and conditions
  6. Recognize the intent and limitations of personal protective equipment
  7. Describe requirements for energizing and de-energizing power circuits
  8. Identify the elements of an Electrical Hazard Analysis
  9. Use the NFPA 70E Arc Flash PPE Tables to determine Arc Flash PPE Category for various tasks
  10. Identify safety-related maintenance requirements for a wide range of electrical equipment, including those specific to batteries and battery rooms, electrical distribution equipment, and safety grounding equipment
  11. Identify the hazards to personnel working with equipment, and employee responsibilities

Start Your Journey

We're currently working to schedule the next session of this class at an Ivy Tech location. To help get the class at your local Ivy Tech campus, reach out to your local team with questions about when this class may be offered.