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OSHA Safety Seminar


What You’ll Learn

This course aims to help participants understand how to improve their company's safety culture.

Major Course Learning Objectives

Intro/History of OSHA

o Explains how OSHA was established and how that impacts the way standards were/are created and enforced.

o Explains how OSHA uses the “General Duty Clause” to implement citations for standards they do not have.

Safety Programs and Culture

o Explains the importance of a safety culture and ideas to help guide companies.

o Review examples of internal safety campaigns.

OSHA’s Top Violations

o Reviews the citations given annually by OSHA and trends we see developing.

OSHA Protocol

o This is a shortened version of the more expansive OSHA Protocol class.

o Explains the importance of being prepared for an OSHA inspection.

o Explains the importance of being proactive instead of reactive.

Start Your Journey

We're currently working to schedule the next session of this class at an Ivy Tech location. To help get the class at your local Ivy Tech campus, reach out to your local team with questions about when this class may be offered.