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OSHA Top 10 Violations


What You’ll Learn

This course is designed to dive deeper into the top 10 OSHA violations that occur from year to year. Attendees will have a better understanding of how they can address issues within their own facility to ensure employees are staying safe. We will also review additional items that are common citations from OSHA as well. This will include OSHA’s General Duty Clause and what proof OSHA needs to have when citing it.

Major Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Understand the Top 10 OSHA Violations: Gain in-depth knowledge of the most common violations and how they impact workplace safety.

Identify and Address Safety Issues: Learn how to recognize and address safety hazards within your facility to ensure a safer working environment for employees.

Navigate OSHA Citations: Review additional common OSHA citations and understand how to prevent them in your workplace.

Understand OSHA’s General Duty Clause: Gain a clear understanding of the General Duty Clause and its implications for workplace safety.

Learn OSHA’s Citation Requirements: Understand the type of evidence OSHA needs when citing violations and how to maintain compliance.

Start Your Journey

We're currently working to schedule the next session of this class at an Ivy Tech location. To help get the class at your local Ivy Tech campus, reach out to your local team with questions about when this class may be offered.