Indiana College Core Technical Certificate
30 Credit Hours | 2 Semesters | 1-Year
Offered at 29 Ivy Tech Locations, plus 100% Online
The Indiana College Core is a long-term certificate, known as a technical certificate, offered by Ivy Tech consisting of a block of 30 credit hours toward general education requirements. The credits are guaranteed to transfer to another Indiana public college or university (that's a guarantee backed by the Indiana legislature!). Thirty credit hours are equivalent to your first year in college. So if you're taking Ivy Tech classes in high school through Dual Credit or Dual Enrollment (see the difference), and you complete the Indiana College Core, you could earn your first year of college credits before you graduate!
The Core is offered at more than 100 Indiana high schools and 29 Ivy Tech locations throughout the state as well as 100% online. Full-time students typically take two semesters, or one year to complete the Core.
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To earn the Core, students must take at least three credit hours in six general education competency areas, as well as an additional 12 “elective” credit hours from the same competencies (totaling 30 credit hours). Once these credits have been earned, you will have fulfilled the core requirements equivalent to your first year of college.
⇒ Continue at Ivy Tech for an Associate Degree
If you complete the Indiana College Core in high school, it's an easy transition into Ivy Tech full-time after graduation. You'll already have one year of credits under your belt and only one more year of classes to complete an associate degree of your choice (an associate is a 2-year degree).
⇒ Start as a Sophomore at a 4-Year University
Suppose your goal is a bachelor's degree. In that case, you can complete the 30-credit Indiana College Core by taking Ivy Tech classes in high school and then enroll in any public Indiana four-year university as a sophomore after you graduate. Ivy Tech calls this the Start as a Sophomore pathway.
High school students on the Start as a Sophomore pathway who complete their first year of college at Ivy Tech through Dual Enrollment classes (where students pay tuition) can save more than $5,000 on their bachelor's degree. Dual Credit high school students, who take classes for free at their high school, can save even more!
SAVE $5,000+
Offered at Over 100 Indiana High Schools
The Indiana College Core is also offered at Indiana high schools that meet certain criteria established by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. To find out if your high school offers the Core, use the Indiana Commission for Higher Education's High School Finder. Select only the "Ivy Tech" box to see which high schools have Ivy Tech as their primary college partner.
Find high schools offering the Indiana College Core: Desktop | Mobile
High schools are continuously being added to this list, so also check with your counselor to see what is offered at your school.
Offered at 29 Ivy Tech Locations
Ivy Tech's Indiana College Core Technical Certificate (TC)—also known as the Start as a Sophomore pathway—is available at 29 Ivy Tech locations throughout the state as well as 100% online through IvyOnline. If you don’t see a location listed, the Indiana College Core is not being offered there at this time.
Indiana 4-Year Public Institutions
When you earn the Indiana College Core in high school, after you graduate you can begin pursuing your bachelor's degree with automatic sophomore status at any Indiana public four-year institution. Choose from the following Indiana colleges and universities:
- Ball State University
- Hanover College
- Indiana State University
- Indiana University Bloomington
- Indiana University East
- Indiana University Kokomo
- Indiana University Northwest
- Indiana University Columbus
- Indiana University Indianapolis (IUI)
- Indiana University South Bend
- Indiana University Southeast
- Purdue Global
- Purdue University
- Purdue University Fort Wayne
- Purdue University Northwest
- University of Southern Indiana
- Vincennes University
- Western Governors University (WGU) Indiana
Six Competency Areas
The Indiana College Core is based on competencies and learning outcomes in six areas:
Foundational Intellectual Skills
Ways of Knowing
1. Speaking & Listening
2. Written Communication
3. Quantitative Reasoning
4. Scientific Ways of Knowing
5. Social & Behavioral Ways of Knowing
6. Humanistic & Artistic Ways of Knowing
Course Requirements
Below is a list of Ivy Tech courses offered for the Indiana College Core Technical Certificate for the 2022-2023 academic year. Courses are available in-person, online, and in hybrid formats. The number of credits required is based on students who are program-ready and does not include College Prep courses.
Speaking and Listening – 3 required credits, no more than 6 credits
- COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- COMM 102 - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
Written Communication – 3 required credits, no more than 6 credits
- ENGL 111 - English Composition CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 215 - Rhetoric and Argument CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
Quantitative Reasoning – 3 required credits, no more than 15 credits
- MATH 123 - Quantitative Reasoning CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 135 - Finite Math CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 136 - College Algebra CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 137 - Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 200 - Statistics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 201 - Brief Calculus I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 202 - Brief Calculus II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 211 - Calculus I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- MATH 212 - Calculus II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- MATH 221 - Calculus for Technology I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- MATH 222 - Calculus for Technology II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
Scientific Ways of Knowing – 3 required credits, no more than 15 credits
- ASTR 101 - Solar System Astronomy CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ASTR 102 - Stellar and Galactic Astronomy CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- BIOL 100 - Human Biology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- BIOL 101 - Introductory Biology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- BIOL 105 - Biology I - Molecular and Cellular Processes CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- BIOL 107 - Biology II - Diversity of Life CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- BIOL 121 - General Biology I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- BIOL 122 - General Biology II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- BIOL 201 - General Microbiology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- BIOL 211 - Microbiology I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- BIOL 222 - Genetics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- BIOL 240 - Ecology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- CHEM 101 - Introductory Chemistry I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- CHEM 105 - General Chemistry I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- CHEM 106 - General Chemistry II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- CHEM 111 - Chemistry I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- CHEM 115 - Introduction to General Organic and Biological Chemistry CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- CHEM 211 - Organic Chemistry I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- CHEM 212 - Organic Chemistry II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- CHEM 215 - Quantitative Chemical Analysis CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PHYS 101 - Physics I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- PHYS 102 - Physics II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- PHYS 220 - Mechanics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- PHYS 221 - Heat Electricity and Optics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 5
- SCIN 100 - Earth Science CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- SCIN 111 - Physical Science CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing – 3 required credits, no more than 15 credits
- ANTH 154 - Cultural Anthropology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- COMM 201 - Introduction to Mass Communication CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- COMM 202 - Small Group Communication CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- COMM 212 - Culture and Communication CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ECON 101 - Economics Fundamentals CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ECON 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ECON 202 - Principles of Microeconomics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- GEOG 207 - World Geography CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- HIST 101 - Survey of American History I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- HIST 102 - Survey of American History II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- HIST 111 - World Civilization I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- HIST 112 - World Civilization II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- POLS 101 - Introduction to American Government and Politics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- POLS 211 - Introduction to World Politics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PSYC 201 - Lifespan Development CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PSYC 205 - Abnormal Psychology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PSYC 240 - Human Sexuality CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PSYC 253 - Introduction to Social Psychology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PSYC 260 - Health Psychology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- SOCI 111 - Introduction to Sociology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- SOCI 164 - Multicultural Studies CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- SOCI 245 - Cultural Diversity CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- SOCI 252 - Social Problems CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- SOCI 253 - Introduction to Social Psychology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing – 3 required credits, no more than 15 credits
- ARTH 101 - Survey of Art and Culture I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ARTH 102 - Survey of Art and Culture II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ARTH 110 - Art Appreciation CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 202 - Creative Writing CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 206 - Introduction to Literature CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 214 - Introduction to Poetry CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 220 - World Literature I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 221 - World Literature II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 222 - American Literature To 1865 CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- ENGL 223 - American Literature After 1865 CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- FREN 101 - French Level I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- FREN 102 - French Level II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- FREN 201 - French Level III CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- FREN 202 - French Level IV CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- GERM 101 - German Level I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- GERM 102 - German Level II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- GERM 201 - German Level III CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- GERM 202 - German Level IV CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- HUMA 100 - Theatre Appreciation CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- HUMA 118 - Music Appreciation CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PHIL 102 - Introduction to Ethics CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- PHIL 220 - Philosophy of Religion CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- SPAN 101 - Spanish Level I CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- SPAN 102 - Spanish Level II CREDIT HOURS MIN: 4
- SPAN 201 - Spanish Level III CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
- SPAN 202 - Spanish Level IV CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3
Total Credits Required: 30
Completion Guide
The Indiana College Core completion guide provides the recommended path to graduation, broken out into eight-week terms. Typical path to completion is one year. Courses are numbered to show an overall quantity for students taking fewer classes at a time. Consult with your advisor to determine which classes are the best option for you to take.
Use this handy checklist to monitor student progress toward fulfilling the Indiana College Core. You can check off completed courses, add subtotals for each competency area, and tally total completed credits.
Apply to Ivy Tech
To get started, simply apply to Ivy Tech! You'll soon be on your way to saving thousands of dollars as you complete the Indiana College Core through Ivy Tech while you're in high school.
Contact Us with Questions
If you have questions or need assistance we’re available 24/7, via phone at 888-IVY-LINE (888-489-5463) or online chat.
Find Local High School Programs Contact Info
Don't see a nearby High School Programs location? Call 1-888-489-5463 and we'll get you started.
Director of K-14 Initiatives & Recruitment
Sammie Hardebeck
812-934-3954, ext. 8119
Executive Director of K-14 Initiatives
Rosie Lopez-Malagon
219-392-3600, ext. 2312
Executive Director of K-14 Initiatives
Rosie Lopez-Malagon
219-392-3600, ext. 2312
Director K-14 Initiatives: Dual Credit & Early College
Dawn BonAmi
Director K-14 Engagement and Transition
Kyle Bischoff
Executive Director of K-14 Initiatives
Rosie Lopez-Malagon
219-392-3600, ext. 2312
Monday-Friday | 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m. ET
Ivy Tech Greencastle
915 S Zinc Mill Road
Greencastle, IN 46135
Virtual On-Demand Service:
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Monday–Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET
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Executive Director, K-14 Initiatives
Andrew Buckle
Director, K-14 Initiatives
Heather Morrison
317-921-4800, ext. 084907
Director, Dual Enrollment & Transition
Robyn Williams
Please contact High School Programs at our full-service campus located in Fort Wayne.
Lake County has 3 full-service locations. Select a location below to see contact information for their High School Programs department.
Vice Chancellor of Academic Afffairs
Kristen Isch
College Connection Coach
Ashlynn Pollard
Please contact High School Programs at our full-service campus located in Valparaiso.
Director Academic Affairs Support & Secondary Initiatives
Melissa Kircher Smith
765-966-2656, ext. 1126
Please contact High School Programs at our full-service campus located in Evansville.
Monday-Friday | 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Terre Haute Enrollment Center
8000 S. Campus Drive
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Director of Admission, Recruitment, & K-14
Amanda Cox
Virtual On-Demand Service:
Video | Voice | Chat
Monday–Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET
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