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Anderson Campus

Anderson Main Campus Affiliated Learning Sites

Local Anesthesia for Dental Hygienists


Learn about Pain Control in Dentistry

What You’ll Learn

This course provides participants the opportunity to establish didactic and clinical competency administering local anesthesia in a dental setting. Included in the course will be concepts and experiences in:

(1) theory of pain control

(2) selection of pain control modalities

(3) anatomy

(4) neurophysiology

(5) pharmacology of local anesthetics

(6) pharmacology of vasoconstrictors

(7) psychological aspects of pain control

(8) systemic complications

(9) techniques of maxillary and mandibular anesthesia

(10) infection control and

(11) local anesthesia medical emergencies

Career Options

Pain control and proper administration of local anesthetics is a required function of a dental hygienistt.

Class Details

To successfully complete this class, all attendees must adhere to these requirements:

  • Attendance at all lectures and labs (no exceptions)
  • Adhere to all ITCC School and Dental Hygiene Program Policies.
  • *Validate foundation knowledge by scoring at least a 75% on a course pretest which will verify the participant can: (study materials will be provided or review texts suggested) a. Locate on a diagram/radiograph, name and state the function of key landmarks on the maxilla and mandible. b. Locate on a diagram, name and state the function of the muscles of facial expression and muscles of mastication. c. Locate on a diagram; name the major divisions and the functional endpoint innervations of Cranial Nerves VII and IX. d. Identify the major features associated with the mandibular and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve. e. Locate on a diagram and name the major divisions of the blood vessels that supply the oral cavity and facial muscles. f. Identify on a diagram the major salivary glands, ducts and sits of entry into the oral cavity.
  • *Achieve a minimum grade of 80% on quiz #1, quiz #2 and on the final written competency exam.
  • *Achieve a minimum grade of 80% on the clinical competency exams.

Participants receiving less than the minimum score will be provided remediation and allowed to repeat the exam. Information to help participants prepare for the pretest will be provided score on the second attempt will not be allowed to continue in the course.

Start Your Journey

We’re currently working to schedule the next session of this class at the Anderson campus. To help get the class at your local Ivy Tech campus, reach out to your local team with questions about when this class may be offered.

Also Offered in Anderson