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Anderson Campus

Anderson Main Campus Affiliated Learning Sites

Coronal Polishing for Dental Assistants


What You’ll Learn

MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student can:

  1. State the purpose of the CDC’s Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the USA.
  2. Summarize the recommendations of the CDC regarding community water fluoridation.
  3. Explain the rationale for changing terminology related to fluoride from systemic and topical – to pre-eruptive and post-eruptive.
  4. Describe the structure of normal enamel, including mineral and organic components.
  5. Explain how fluoride functions to prevent dental caries.
  6. State how the presence of fluoride in the outer surface of enamel affects where demineralization occurs first.
  7. List six different types of fluoride treatment modalities.
  8. Outline the normal metabolism of the fluoride ion in humans.
  9. Define community water fluoridation.
  10. State the optimal fluoride concentration range, in parts per million (ppm), for maximum caries protection with minimal risk of fluorosis.
  11. Discuss the economics of community water fluoridation.
  12. Explain the reasoning for having individuals who drink well water have their water tested to determine the appropriate fluoride content.
  13. State the symptoms of fluoride toxicity.
  14. List the steps to be taken if a patient ingests a toxic amount of fluoride.
  15. Discuss the results of not properly treating a patient who has ingested a toxic amount of fluoride.
  16. Define dental fluorosis.
  17. State the significance of dental fluorosis.
  18. Describe the appearance of fluorosis.
  19. State the rationale for a professionally applied topical fluoride treatment.
  20. Discuss the benefits of a professionally applied topical fluoride treatment.
  21. Explain the significance of utilizing the patient’s caries risk when determining the need for a topical fluoride treatment.
  22. State the types of topical fluoride available for a professionally applied fluoride treatment.
  23. Given a patient in the clinic/lab, complete a fluoride varnish.
  24. Demonstrate proper infection control measures in a clinical before administering a fluoride treatment, during and after the procedure.
  25. Discuss the role of the dental assistant in applying anti-caries medicaments.
  26. State the requirements, as specified by the Indiana State Board of Dentistry, for a dental assistant to apply anti-caries medicaments to a patient in a dental office.

Career Options

Dental Assistants are in high demand across the state. Visit for more information.

Class Details

The course provides participants the opportunity to establish didactic, laboratory, and clinical competency in applying medicaments to control and prevent dental caries. Does not include required patient care experiences in the dental office. Participants must apply caries preventive medicaments to a minimum of 5 patients in a clinical setting, under the direct observation of an Indiana dentist or dental hygienist whose license is in good standing.

  • Each participant is required to also act as a patient during lab.

**Prerequisites: Dental assistant who is (a) a graduate of a dental assisting program that the Commission accredits on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association; or (B) a dental assistant who did not graduate from a dental assisting program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association but has been employed in a dental practice as a dental assistant for a minimum of one year. Documentation will be required.

Start Your Journey

We’re currently working to schedule the next session of this class at the Anderson campus. To help get the class at your local Ivy Tech campus, reach out to your local team with questions about when this class may be offered.

Also Offered in Anderson