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Ivy Tech students have the opportunity to apply to several scholarships that are specific to the Tell City Career & Technology Center. Please find these local scholarships outlined below or see even more scholarships that you can get through our Evansville full-service campus
Awarded to a degree seeking student taking at least six credit hours in the Fall Semester at the Ivy Tech Tell City Campus and enrolled in at least six credit hours for the Spring Semester. Scholarship awarded in Spring Semester only.
Two $5,000 (maximum) scholarships will be awarded in the Spring of 2020
Each scholarship covers courses at Ivy Tech campuses in Evansville and/or Tell City that lead to Certificate, Technical Certificate or Associate of Applied Science Degree in one of the following areas:
The resources of each scholarship will be distributed over multiple semesters for a total award value of up to $5,000. The scholarship funding priority is: 1) tuition and fees; 2) books only if tuition and fees are covered.
The scholarships expire 40 months after the initial award date or when the $5,000 limit is reached.
Scholarship award priority will be based on: