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Ivy Tech Community College Fort Wayne has been awarded a prestigious grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) program. The EPIIC program’s goal is to strengthen partnerships with industry, business, and economic development organizations in the fields of advanced manufacturing and emerging technology. This will be achieved by implementing the Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) advisory council model. For more details on the project, visit NSF EPIIC Project.
The Business & Industry Leadership Team (BILT) is a proven employer engagement model created by the National Convergence Technology Center. It fosters collaboration between colleges and industry leaders, ensuring that educational programs are aligned with the rapidly changing demands of the workforce. BILT enables employers to work alongside faculty members to shape curriculum, ensuring students gain the skills needed to succeed in their careers.
While traditional committees typically meet twice per year, have limited employer involvement, and do not actively consider future labor market needs, BILT engages regional employers in co-leadership roles, allowing them to work directly with faculty to develop and update course content. Employers share their knowledge of the skills and competencies needed for the workforce 12 to 36 months into the future, ensuring that students are being prepared for upcoming industry trends and demands. This deeper level of engagement significantly enhances the quality and relevance of academic programs, making students better equipped for the workforce.
The BILT Advisory Council is a unique partnership where employers and faculty collaborate as "co-leaders" in shaping educational programs. Faculty members remain experts in curriculum development, while employers provide critical input on the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) needed in today’s workforce. This dynamic partnership ensures that academic programs stay relevant and meet the evolving demands of employers.
Time Commitment: BILT members typically dedicate 5-6 hours per year.
Meetings: There are 3-4 meetings per year, depending on the industry sector.
We are seeking a diverse group of industry professionals, including employers, technical executives, hiring managers, and technicians, to join the BILT and help guide the future of our programs. Your expertise will be invaluable in ensuring that our curriculum meets the needs of both current and future workforces.
Ideal BILT Members Include:
We are currently recruiting members for the Industrial Technology, Advanced Automation & Robotics Technology, and Welding BILTs. Help us shape the future of workforce development by becoming part of Ivy Tech’s Business & Industry Leadership Team. Your expertise will contribute to creating innovative programs that prepare graduates to meet the ever-changing needs of the workforce.
Be a part of building the workforce of tomorrow. Join BILT today!
*Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.