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Indianapolis Campus

Indianapolis Main Campus Satellite Locations

Indianapolis Area Virtual Assistance



  • Academic Advising Assistance

    Welcome to Indianapolis Advising! For more information on our advisors visit:

    We offer virtual advising once a month. Please use one of the options below to schedule and meet with an academic advisor if you need to be seen sooner.

    New Students: We are excited to have you at Ivy Tech! Welcome! You will need to sign up for a New Student Advising and Orientation event. Please email or call 317-921-4351 to get scheduled for one of these upcoming events. New students will not be seen for zoom drop ins as they are intended for quick questions.

    Please schedule an appointment through your MyIvy account. Visit MyIvy homepage and click Schedule an Appointment. When you are scheduling, look for the person listed as Academic Center Advisor. Read their available options carefully. We do offer in person, phone, and zoom appointments for continuing students! 

    Quick Q & A: Visit us on campus daily to speak with a TRIAGE advisor. These walk-in appointments are meant to be 10-15 minutes in length. We can help Currently Enrolled Students with quick information. This does NOT supplement meeting with your advisor, and an appointment may be scheduled if needed. You can also call 317-921-4351 to be added to the daily schedule.

    Alternatively, you can visit our virtual TRIAGE using the links below. (Some virtual rooms are busier than others. Please understand that we will speak with each student on a first come, first serve basis. There may be a wait in your school, so be prepared, and understand that other schools may not be able to assist you.)

    New Students: We are excited to have you at Ivy Tech! Welcome! You will need to attend a New Student Advising and Orientation event. Please email or visit the enrollment center for more information. New students will not be seen for zoom drop ins as they are intended for quick questions.


    Spring 2025 Schedule for Virtual Q & A

    All Sessions are 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (you can drop in anytime in those hours for quick questions using the Zoom link below)

    Thursday: January 23, February 20, March 27, April 17, May 29, June 26


    School of Art, Sciences and Education

     Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 942 3387 8811

    One tap mobile

    +12678310333,,94233878811# US (Philadelphia)

    School of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 920 5760 1928

    One tap mobile


    School of Public and Social Services

     Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 942 3387 8811

    One tap mobile

    +12678310333,,94233878811# US `(Philadelphia)


    School of Information Technology

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 920 5760 1928

    One tap mobile


    School of Business, Logistics, and Supply Chain

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 920 5760 1928

    One tap mobile


    Health and Nursing

     Join Zoom Meeting

     Meeting ID: 978 6574 1023

     One tap mobile

    +13126266799,,97865741023# US (Chicago)


    If you have questions, please email or call 317-921-4351

  • Speak with someone via Zoom

    Zoom room:
    Phone number: (301) 715-8592
    Meeting ID: 946 7210 4263 

    • Note: If calling in, it may be silent until it is your place in the queue to speak with someone - stay on the line to keep your place. 
  • Drop-in assistance available for Ivy Tech students who are sponsored by an employer Mondays from 4 - 6 p.m. You can also find additional contact information at

    Speak with someone via Zoom

    • Zoom: Start session
    • Meeting ID: 965 2167 0989
    • Passcode: 003370

    Speak with someone via Phone

    • Phone number: 312-626-6799
    • One tap mobile (if on your phone): 13126266799,,96521670989#
    • Meeting ID: 965 2167 0989
    • Passcode: 003370
  • To speak with a Success Coach with SAP questions you can schedule an appointment at

    For more information and hours for the Center for Academic Success Coaching, visit