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Achieve Your Degree for State Employees

Employer-Reimbursed Education for Select Government Employees

About the Program

Achieve Your Degree logoIn partnership with the State of Indiana, Ivy Tech is offering state employees an affordable education with no upfront tuition costs.* The Achieve Your Degree (AYD) program offers the flexibility to pursue educational opportunities in more than 70 degree programs. 
On-site application assistance and academic advising are provided by Ivy Tech faculty and staff to accommodate state employees’ busy work schedules and to ensure appropriate course schedules. Ivy Tech will also provide individualized advising, financial aid, and tutoring to foster employee success.

Made with You In Mind

  • Financial barriers are removed for students wishing to further their education through the tuition deferral and financial aid process.
  • Uniquely designed Career Certificates, which are embedded within Technical Certificates and Associate degrees, as well as our Transfer programs provide professional and career pathways within companies at a reduced cost to the employer.
  • Opportunities for transfer to four-year institutions via Transfer as a Junior programs are a more cost-effective use of limited company tuition benefit dollars and can replace internal professional development training.
  • Employers and community institutions can develop higher skilled employees from within which reduces turnover, fosters company loyalty, and increases the community value of this program.
  • Employees developed through the Achieve Your Degree program become more involved in the surrounding community and are more loyal to your organization.

Achieve Your Degree is a smart way for working adults to learn new skills and earn a certificate or associate degree from Ivy Tech with no tuition costs.* Ivy Tech staff will come to your workplace to help you through every step of the process.

State of Indiana employees who meet the following criteria are eligible for this program:

  1. Employed full time continuously with the state for at least 12 months prior to their submission of an Education Reimbursement or Tuition Assistance Application
  2. Have not received a disciplinary action in the one year immediately preceding the date of initial approval for the course for which Reimbursement or Assistance is sought
  3. Have not exhausted $5,250.00 in the calendar year

*Additional fees like exams or textbooks may not be covered. Please refer to your tuition assistance policy to learn more.

    1. See if your agency or department is part of the Achieve Your Degree program. You can do this by asking your internal HR department or checking the list of participating agencies on this page.
    2. Complete the State of Indiana agency-specific application. 
      1. An Education Reimbursement and Tuition Assistance Application with employee information, course start date/anticipated end date, intended certificate, degree, or trade path, and explanation of the benefit of the coursework; and
      2. The course description(s) from the institution.
    3. Apply for the Ivy Tech Achieve Your Degree program. Apply for the AYD program online at: Then complete the AYD consent form that will be emailed to the employee through the Ivy Tech email. Please note: Applicants will be provided with an Ivy Tech email address after completing the application. Finally, upload the Approval Document INSPD provides to the AYD application.

      Apply Now  
    4. Create your Ivy Tech login to sign your Deferred Tuition Request form. The link to complete this electronically will be in your Ivy Tech email. You can use this emailed link to sign the consent form and upload your approved application for tuition assistance.
    5. Register for classes. Once you've been enrolled in the Achieve Your Degree program, it's time to register for classes. Learn How to Register for Classes
  • Below is a list of participating State of Indiana executive-level departments and agencies that currently qualify for the Achieve Your Degree program.

    If you do not see your agency or department on this list, but believe you should qualify, please speak with your HR team to confirm.

    AGO - Adjutant General's Office   IFA - Finance Authority
    ATC - Alcohol and Tobacco Commission   IG - Office of Inspector General
    Attorney General   IGC - Gaming Commission
    BMV - Bureau of Motor Vehicles   IHCDA - Housing and Community Development Authority
    BOAH - Board of Animal Health   ILEA - Law Enforcement Academy
    Bureau of Motor Vehicles Commission   Indiana State Park Inns
    CHE - Commission for Higher Education   INDOT - Department of Transportation
    CJI - Criminal Justice Institute   INPRS - Public Retirement System
    Comptroller   IOT - Office of Technology
    DCS - Department of Child Services   IPAS - Protection and Advocacy Services Commission
    DFI - Department of Financial Institutions   IPSC - Integrated Public Safety Commission
    DHS - Department of Homeland Security   ISBVI - School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
    DLGF - Department of Local Government Finance   ISD - Indiana School of the Deaf
    DNR - Department of Natural Resources   ISDA - State Department of Agriculture
    DOE - Department of Education   ISDT - State Department of Toxicology
    DOH - Department of Health   ISMHS - State Museums and Historical Sites
    DOL - Department of Labor   ISP - State Police
    DOR - Department of Revenue   IURC - Utility Regulatory Commission
    DUAB - Distressed Unit Appeal Board   IVH - Veteran's Home
    DVA - Department of Veterans Affairs   IWMC - War Memorials Commission
    DWD - Department of Workforce Development   MPH - Management Performance Hub
    FSSA - Family and Social Services Administration   Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority
    GCPD - Governor's Council for People with Disabilities   OALP - Office of Administrative Law Proceedings
    Governor's Office   OED - Office of Energy Development
    GWC - Governor's Workforce Cabinet   OMB - Office of Management and Budget
    Hoosier Lottery   OUCC - Office of Utility Consumer Counselor
    HRC - Horse Racing Commission   PAC - Public Access Counselor
    IAC - Indiana Arts Commission   Professional Licensing Agency
    IARA - Archives and Records Administration   SBA - Budget Agency
    IBTR - Board of Tax Review   SBOA - State Board of Accounts
    ICRC - Civil Rights Commission   SBOE - State Board of Education
    ICSB - Charter School Board   SEAC - State Employees Appeals Commission
    IDCC - Destination Development Corporation   Secretary of Commerce
    IDEM - Department of Environmental Management   Secretary of State
    IDOA - Department of Administration   SPD - State Personnel Department
    IDOC - Department of Correction   State Library
    IDOI - Department of Insurance   WCB - Worker's Compensation Board
    IEDC - Economic Development Corporation   White River State Park Commission
    IEERB - Education Employment Relations Board    


Find Local Achieve Your Degree Contact Info

Don't see a nearby Achieve Your Degree location? Call 1-888-489-5463 and we'll get you started.

Talent Connections Manager/ AYD Coordinator

Kyle Bell

765-643-7133 ext. 2065

Employer Consultant
Matt Dole

New Student Contact
Office of Admission

Current Student Contact
Academic Advising

Employer Contact
Adam Gross

Workforce Alignment, Program Manager
Rhonda Jackson

Mailing Address
4475 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203

Director of Adult Recruitment, Achieve Your Degree Coordinator, and Ivy Achieves Lead
Clarissa Andrews, M.S. Ed
765-966-2656, ext. 1218

Director, Career Development and Employer Engagement
Achieve Your Degree Coordinator
Jessica A. Farrell, M.S.

Mon-Thurs 8 am-6 pm
Fri 8 am-5 pm

Mon-Thurs 8 am-6 pm
Fri 8 am-5 pm

Genie Feldleyfer 

Joseph Binkley, MA 
Director of Employer Education Services & ASAP


Director, Career Development and Employer Engagement
Achieve Your Degree Coordinator
Jessica A. Farrell, M.S.

Workforce Alignment, Program Manager
Rhonda Jackson

Mailing Address
4475 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203

Mon-Thurs, 8 am-6 pm
Fri 8 am-5 pm

Please contact Achieve Your Degree at our full-service campus located in Terre Haute.

Lisa Beasley 

Talent Connections Manager of Ivy+ Career Link

AYD County Coordinator

Office: 317.921.4863

Indianapolis AYD Team
Schedule a meeting:

Set an appointment with us:

Achieve Your Degree Coordinator
Jennifer Krupa

Program Manager, Career Coaching and Employer Connections & Achieve Your Degree (AYD)
Kathleen Kostecka, M.B.A.

Lead Career Coach
Achieve Your Degree Coordinator
Jessica A. Farrell, M.S.

Lake County has 3 full-service locations. Select a location below to see contact information for their Achieve Your Degree department.

Employer Consultant
Matt Dole

Employer Consultant, Career Coaching and Employer Connections (CCEC)
Courtney Althoff
812-265-2580, ext. 4128


Program Manager, Career Coaching and Employer Connections & Achieve Your Degree (AYD)
Kathleen Kostecka, M.B.A.

Vice Chancellor of Workforce Partnerships & Strategic Communications
Jennifer Gasiorek

Vice Chancellor of Workforce Partnerships & Strategic Communications
Jennifer Gasiorek

Please contact Achieve Your Degree at our full-service campus located in Kokomo.

Director of Adult Recruitment, Achieve Your Degree Coordinator, and Ivy Achieves Lead
Clarissa Andrews, M.S. Ed
765-966-2656, ext. 1218

Ashley Snyder

812-246-3301 ext 4209

Workforce Alignment, Program Manager
Rhonda Jackson

Mailing Address
4475 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203

Genie Feldleyfer 

Achieve Your Degree Coordinator, Talent Connection Manager
Libby Wiggers

Monday - Friday | 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m.

If you're a student interested in earning your credential at Ivy Tech through your employer's Achieve Your Degree partnership, contact:
Rod Dowell | 812-298-2492 |

If you're a company interested in creating an Achieve Your Degree partnership with Ivy Tech to help your employees skill up through tuition assistance, contact:
Brooks David Weszely | 812-298-2304 |

Virtual On-Demand Service:
Video | Voice | Chat
Monday–Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET
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Program Manager, Career Coaching and Employer Connections & Achieve Your Degree (AYD)
Kathleen Kostecka, M.B.A.

Questions About The Program?

If you have questions about your eligibility or what it looks like to be an Ivy Tech student as part of the Achieve Your Degree Program, reach out to the Achieve Your Degree team at the location nearest to your employer.

Contact Your Local Achieve Your Degree Rep

24 hours a day, 7 days a week (se habla español)

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