Dual Credit is when a high school student takes Ivy Tech classes at their high school (for free!) and the course allows students to fulfill high school graduation requirements and provides college credits. That’s why it’s called Dual Credit—you get credit toward both high school and college graduation at the same time. The classes are taught during the regular school day by certified high school teachers and there is no cost to students!

A Smart Choice

Taking dual credit classes while you’re in high school has many benefits:

  • Saves you and your parents money (you get college credit up to your first full year for free!)
  • Helps you make a smooth transition onto a college campus - whether that’s Ivy Tech or a four-year college or university
  • You are better prepared for college-level courses
  • Gives you training and a credential to start a career after high school if that’s your path
  • Access to Ivy Tech resources such as the library and tutoring

Dual Credit Crosswalks

Ivy Tech's Dual Credit programming is accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). We work with Indiana high schools to deliver college-level courses that align with high school standards. The Dual Credit Crosswalk aims to assist high schools and career centers with the alignment between secondary (high school) courses and post-secondary courses.

View Dual Credit Crosswalk


Taking dual credit classes in high school can set you up for success to move straight into the workforce after high school, or to start college with your freshman credits already completed.

Option 1: Career-Focused Courses

If you want to start your career right after high school, your dual credit classes in high school can earn you a short-term certificate (known as a certificate) from Ivy Tech in areas such as information technology, welding and construction trades, and healthcare. These certificates can be earned quickly, some in less than a year, while you’re in high school, and all lead to high-wage earning potential. About 55% of dual credit students take these types of courses. (Note, sometimes these courses are called CTE, or Career Technical Education, courses.)

You can also build on the college credits you earn in high school by enrolling at Ivy Tech right after graduation to work toward a higher credential. You’ll have a big head start on getting the high-wage, high-demand job that you’re looking for.

Option 2: General Education Courses – Start College as a Sophomore

If you want to pursue a bachelor’s degree, your dual credit classes in high school can be focused on achieving the Start as a Sophomore: Indiana College Core, which fulfills core requirements equivalent to your first year of college. If you complete this 30-credit hour certificate while you’re in high school, you can start as a sophomore at any public (and many private) Indiana four-year institution right after graduation. You literally save a year’s worth of time and tuition! About 45% of dual credit students take this approach.


  • High School Partnerships

    Ivy Tech operates one of the largest dual credit programs in the country. We partner with over 450 Indiana high schools and career centers to offer dual credit courses to students. To find out if your high school offers Ivy Tech dual credit courses, talk to your high school counselor.

    View Directory of Participating High Schools

  • College-Level Courses

    Expectations for dual-credit courses are higher than for other courses in your high school. You will be taking college-level courses and your teacher will expect the same quality of work from you as we do from students on an Ivy Tech campus.

    You Choose: Career-Focused Courses and General Education

    Courses are offered in a wide variety of subjects, including:

    • Career and technical education (CTE) – manufacturing, healthcare, and information technology
    • General education – English, mathematics, social and behavioral sciences, life and physical sciences, and humanities/arts

    Course List

    Every high school partner offers a different combination of dual credit courses across a variety of subjects. To see which classes are available at your high school, contact your high school guidance counselor. If you’d like to get an idea of the types of courses that might be available, click the link below to see the dual credit courses being taught at high schools around Indiana this year.

    View Dual Credit Course List

    Core Transfer Library (CTL)

    Our high school partners commonly offer courses that are part of the Core Transfer Library (CTL), which is a list of pre-approved courses that transfer between all Indiana public colleges and universities.

    Start College as a Sophomore: Indiana College Core 

    Many of the dual credit courses offered are also part of the Indiana College Core. The core consists of a block of 30 hours of transferable college credit covering six different academic categories that fulfill general education requirements for a bachelor’s degree. Any student who satisfactorily completes the core can transfer that coursework to another public college or university in Indiana.

    At Ivy Tech, we also call this approach “Start as a Sophomore” because the completion of these 30 credit hours allows you to start your college education as a sophomore at any public (and many private) Indiana four-year college or university.

    Developed to NACEP Standards

    To ensure high-quality dual credit coursework, Ivy Tech aligns its policies and practices with the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). NACEP is a national accrediting body with standards that ensure the academic rigor of dual credit courses and their alignment with on-campus programming while advancing college in high school initiatives and policy.

  • Every participating high school works with its nearby Ivy Tech campus to develop the list of dual credit courses it will offer and the short-term and long-term certificates from Ivy Tech that its high school students can pursue. Check with your high school counselor to see what your options are.

    Below are some examples of Ivy Tech credentials for which many of our dual credit high school partners offer courses:


    Many of the certificates you can earn while attending Ivy Tech in high school align with career and technical education (CTE) pathways and Indiana’s Next Level Jobs program, which prepares students for high-wage, high-demand jobs in Indiana.

    Example short-term certificates you can earn:

    • Pre-Nursing Studies - Students pursuing this 18-credit-hour track can graduate with the qualifications to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), or apply directly to the Ivy Tech Nursing program right after high school.
    • Medical Assisting - Students can pursue one of three 18-credit-hour certificates in the Ivy Tech Medical Assisting program, including Medical Office Administration, Medical Scribe Professional, or Outpatient Insurance Coding.
    • Industrial Technology - Ivy Tech offers 4 different 18-credit-hour certificates in this area, including Industrial Coatings and Finishes, Industrial Electrical, Industrial Mechanical, Materials Technology, along with Structural Welding for 21 credit hours.
    • Informatics - Be a part of this growing industry by pursuing an Informatics (20 credits) or Salesforce Administrator (22 credits) certificate.
    • Business Administration - Ivy Tech offers a variety of short-term certificates related to business, ranging from 9-21 credits each. Highlights include Digital Marketing, Human Resources Management, Business Information Technology, and Insurance.


    • Indiana College Core - Many high school students taking classes at Ivy Tech pursue the Indiana College Core. The core consists of a block of 30 hours of transferable college credit covering six different academic categories that fulfill general education requirements for a bachelor’s degree. The six categories are written communication, speaking and listening, quantitative reasoning, scientific ways of knowing, and social and behavioral ways of knowing. Any student who satisfactorily completes the core can transfer that coursework to another public college or university in Indiana.

      We’ve put together a handy checklist (PDF) to help track a student’s progress toward the Indiana College core:



    Not sure which career direction to head? We understand that choosing a career pathway can be difficult work. Check out this helpful, easy-to-read career guide (in the format of an online flip book) developed by the Indiana Governor’s Workforce Cabinet. It contains information to help you navigate your way through your career and technical education (CTE) choices and descriptions for 15 different in-demand fields in Indiana.


  • College Readiness

    Some dual credit courses require students to submit qualifying score(s) before they are deemed “college-ready.” Depending on the course, this college-ready score could be:

    • A PSAT 10 score, SAT score, or ACT score
    • A cumulative GPA of 2.6 or higher for juniors and seniors
      NOTE: GPA alone will not qualify students for: MATH 135, 136, 137, 201, 211, 212, CHEM 101, PHYS 101, or SDEV 140.

    Knowledge Assessment

    If you do not have previous college credit, an ACT, SAT or PSAT score, or a cumulative high school GPA that satisfies the assessment requirement, you will need to complete the Knowledge Assessment. The Knowledge Assessment assesses your level in reading, writing, and mathematics. The assessment is free and your score will be accepted up to four years after you take the assessment.

    To learn how to access Knowledge Assessment through your student MyIvy account to meet prerequisite requirements for dual credit courses, watch this helpful video tutorial:

    How to Use the Knowledge Assessment Tool

    View Knowledge Assessment Instructions (PDF)


    A prerequisite is a requirement that a student must have taken prior to enrolling in a specific course or program. Some dual credit courses require students to take prerequisites before they can register for a course. Prerequisites vary by course and some courses do not have prerequisites, so it’s important to work with a high school or Ivy Tech staff member who can assist you.

    See the Dual Credit Prerequisite Chart for a complete list of the prerequisite courses and qualifying scores for each dual credit course.

  • 1. See if Your High School Offers Dual Credit Courses

    We partner with over 450 Indiana high schools and career centers to offer dual credit courses to students. View Directory of Participating High Schools

    2. Talk to Your Counselor

    To get started, talk to your high school counselor and let them know you are interested in taking Ivy Tech dual credit courses. They’ll let you know what courses are available and help you determine if you qualify to take the courses based on college readiness standards.

    3. Complete the DualEnroll.com Application


    Students apply to the Dual Credit program by creating a new student account on the DualEnroll.com website. DualEnroll is a self-registration platform where you will apply and register for your dual credit coursework.

    See complete instructions for how to apply to take dual credit classes

    4. Look Out for Confirmation Emails & a Letter

    Once you complete the DualEnroll application, you will receive a series of emails from DualEnroll.com confirming your new account and letting you know your application has been processed. One of the emails and a letter will contain your student identification number (also known as your C#) and your Ivy Tech username. 

    5. Create a MyIvy Account

    MyIvy is Ivy Tech's online student portal. As a Dual Credit student, you will use My Ivy to access Knowledge Assessment (see step 6), grades, transcripts, and support resources such as the virtual library, Tutoring.com, and more. Read Instructions for First-time MyIvy Users

    6. Assess Your College Readiness and Prerequisites Needed

    Read more about this above in “Do I Qualify for Dual Credit Courses?”

    7. Register for Classes on DualEnroll.com

    Once your account is processed, you can make course registration requests on DualEnroll.com. The courses available to you are determined by what’s offered at your home high school and applicable career center. Learn More about How to Register for Classes


    If you need help, please reach out to your local campus or call us at 888-489-5463.

    Already a Dual Credit Student?


  • What's the Difference Between Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment?

    You may be wondering how Dual Credit is different than Dual Enrollment since they sound so similar. Here is how they compare:




    Who It's For
    • Any student in grades 9-12 who meets course prerequisites
    • High school students whose high school doesn’t offer Dual Credit classes
    • Homeschooled students ready for the challenge of college courses
    What It Is
    • High school students take Ivy Tech classes at their high school
    • Get both high school and college credit for a single course
    • High School students take college courses directly with Ivy Tech while still in high school
    • Students are enrolled both in high school and Ivy Tech and take courses separately
    • Get college credit only for Ivy Tech courses
    Where You Take Ivy Tech Classes
    • At your high school during the regular school day
    • At Ivy Tech—in person at a campus, online, or a variety of options in between
    Who Teaches the Classes
    • Your high school teachers
    • Ivy Tech faculty
    • Free for students
    • $178.38 per credit hour (or $2,577.11 per semester for a full-time, in-state student)
    • All required textbooks are $17 per credit hour
    A Good Fit If...
    • You are looking for training to start a high-wage, high-demand career right after high school
    • Or, you want to get a head start on college and complete up to your freshman year of college credits through the Indiana College Core, also known as our Start As a Sophomore program
    • You are looking for training to start a high-wage, high-demand career right after high school
    • Or, you want to get a head start on college and complete up to your freshman year of college credits through the Indiana College Core, also known as our Start As a Sophomore program
    • You want to gain an understanding of college culture
    • Save money—earn college credit up to your first full year for free!
    • Save time—earn college credits in high school and graduate quicker
    • Save time—earn college credits in high school and graduate quicker
    How To Apply
  • About Dual Credit Courses

    Dual credit courses carry the same rigor as a traditional college class. All requirements and deadlines are aligned to ensure high quality for the student. Course content is identical to on-campus offerings and incorporates the same syllabi, class assignments, and examinations while utilizing comparable textbooks. Dual credit can be run simultaneously with AP classes to ensure students have an option; however, two separate college partners can’t run a simultaneous dual credit class at the high school.

    Courses are Free

    No tuition is charged to students or to the school. Ivy Tech covers the cost.

    Memorandums of Understanding

    High schools must complete agreements (memorandums of understanding) with local Ivy Tech campuses in order for courses to be offered for dual credit.

    View 2023-2024 Memorandum of Understanding Template

    Ivy Tech Dual Credit Crosswalk

    Ivy Tech Community College works with Indiana high schools to deliver college-level courses that align with high school standards. The Dual Credit Crosswalk is updated annually and aims to assist high schools and career centers with the alignment between secondary (high school) courses and post-secondary courses.

    View Dual Credit Crosswalk

    High School Instructor Requirements

    High school instructors must meet specific Higher Learning Commission (HLC) credentialing requirements to be eligible to teach as dual credit faculty members. Instructor onboarding is completed to familiarize them with Ivy Tech policies and procedures, syllabi are reviewed to ensure alignment to college syllabi, site visits to dual credit classrooms are conducted to ensure content delivery is following Ivy Tech standards, and professional development is offered in a rolling format to ensure best practices are being utilized.

    Common Questions about Dual Credit Faculty Credentialing (PDF)
    Higher Learning Commission Faculty Guidelines (7 pages)
    Ivy Tech Faculty Credential Standards Policy 

    Tuition Fee Remission for High School Teachers

    Ivy Tech Community College sincerely appreciates and values the opportunity to partner with high school teachers to provide dual credit opportunities to students. In recognition of this valued relationship, Ivy Tech allows high school dual credit teachers who meet the qualifications to take up to six credit hours tuition-free per semester. This benefit also includes your spouse and dependent children.

    Read more about Free Tuition for Dual Credit Teachers

    Ivy Tech Dual Credit Handbook

    View, download, or print our Ivy Tech Dual Credit Handbook (PDF) to learn more about:

    • Processes for establishing course offerings
    • Faculty credentialing
    • Registration timelines
    • Rights, commitments, and responsibilities of participating parties
    • Academic policies
    • Instructions for online tools (MyIvy, IvyLearn, etc.)
    • Available resources


    DualEnroll Website

    DualEnroll is the platform where students apply, enroll, and drop dual credit classes, receive notifications regarding enrollment, and more.


    A Collaborative Effort

    The Dual Credit program is a collaborative effort between the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE), the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE), Ivy Tech Community College, and K-12 partner schools, along with oversight provided by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). NACEP is Ivy Tech’s accrediting agency. Read the Indiana Dual Credit legislation here.


    If you need help, please reach out to your local Ivy Tech campus dual credit coordinator or call us at 888-489-5463.


If you’re ready to take college-level classes, but your high school doesn’t offer Ivy Tech courses, you can still enroll directly with Ivy Tech through our high school Dual Enrollment program.

Directory of Participating High Schools

High School Affiliated Ivy Tech Campus Street Address City State Zip Code
21 Century Schools - Gary Lake County 556 Washington St Gary IN 46402-1915
A.K. Smith Area Career Center Michigan City 817 Lafayette St Michigan City IN 46360-3725
Acad of Science & Entrepreneur Bloomington 444 S Patterson Dr Bloomington IN 47403-2125
Academy for Innovative Studies Evansville 3013 N 1st Ave Evansville IN 47710-3166
Adams Central HS Fort Wayne 222 W Washington St Monroe IN 46772-9436
Alexandria-Monroe HS Anderson 1 Burden Ct Alexandria IN 46001-2632
Algebraic Institute Indianapolis 8383 Craig St Indianapolis IN 46250-3642
American School Indianapolis 2200 E 170th St Lansing IL 60438-1002
Anderson High School Anderson 4610 Madison Ave Anderson IN 46013-1316
Anderson Prep Academy Anderson 101 W 29th St Anderson IN 46016-5209
Andrean HS Lake County 5959 Brdway Merrillville IN 46410
Angola HS Fort Wayne 317 S Wayne St Angola IN 46703-1966
Area 18 CTE Coop Bluffton HS Fort Wayne 1 Tiger Trl Bluffton IN 46714-8905
Area 30 Career Center Terre Haute 1 N Calbert Way Greencastle IN 46135-7335
Area 31 Career Center   1200 N Girls School Rd Indianapolis IN 46214-3403
Argos Junior-Senior HS South Bend/Elkhart 500 Yearick St Argos IN 46501-1053
Arlington High School Indianapolis 4825 N Arlington Ave Indianapolis IN 46226-2401
Arsenal Technical HS Indianapolis 1500 E Michigan St Indianapolis IN 46201-3079
Attica Junior-Senior HS Lafayette 211 E Sycamore St Attica IN 47918-1814
Austin HS Sellersburg 401 S Highway 31 Austin IN 47102-1331
AVD Southlake Career Coop   PO Box 645 Cedar Lake IN 46303-8523
Avon HS Indianapolis 7575 E County Road 150 S Avon IN 46123-8193
Bais Yaakov HS of Indiana South Bend/Elkhart 302 W 8th St Mishawaka IN 46544-5133
Barr-Reeve Jr-Sr HS Evansville PO Box 128 Montgomery IN 47558-0128
Batesville HS Batesville 1 Bulldog Blvd Batesville IN 47006-9546
Bedford North Lawrence HS Bloomington RR 13 Box 350 Bedford IN 47421-9167
Beech Grove HS Indianapolis 5330 Hornet Ave Beech Grove IN 46107-2306
Believe Circle City   2540 N Capitol Ave Indianapolis IN 46208
Bellmont HS Fort Wayne 1000 E North Adams Dr Decatur IN 46733-2739
Ben Davis HS Indianapolis 1200 N Girls School Rd Indianapolis IN 46214-3403
Benjamin Bosse HS Evansville 1300 Washington Ave Evansville IN 47714-1933
Benton Central Senior HS Lafayette 4241 E 300 S Oxford IN 47971
Bethany Christian HS South Bend/Elkhart 2904 S Main St Goshen IN 46526-5421
Bethesda Christian HS Indianapolis 7950 N 650 E Brownsburg IN 46112
Bishop Dwenger HS Fort Wayne 1300 E Washington Center Rd Fort Wayne IN 46825-4556
Bishop Luers HS Fort Wayne 333 E Paulding Rd Fort Wayne IN 46816-3563
Bishop Noll Institute Lake County 1519 Hoffman St Hammond IN 46327-1764
Blackford HS Marion 2392 N State Road 3 Hartford City IN 47348-9597
Blackhawk Christian School Fort Wayne 7400 E State Blvd Fort Wayne IN 46815-6502
Bloomfield HS Bloomington PO Box 266 Bloomfield IN 47424-0266
Bloomington Graduation School Bloomington 705 W Coolidge Dr Bloomington IN 47403-3314
Bloomington High School North Bloomington 3901 N Kinser Pike Bloomington IN 47404-1870
Bloomington High School South Bloomington 1965 S Walnut St Bloomington IN 47401-6529
Blue River Career Center   801 Saint Joseph St Shelbyville IN 46176-3235
Blue River Valley Jr-Sr HS New Castle PO Box 158 Mount Summit IN 47361-0158
Bluffton HS Fort Wayne 428 S Oak St Bluffton IN 46714-2418
Booker T Washington Alter HS Terre Haute 1201 S 13th St Terre Haute IN 47802-1411
Boone Grove HS Valparaiso 325 W 500 S Box 91 Boone Grove IN 46302
Boonville HS Evansville PO Box 649 Boonville IN 47601-0649
Bremen Senior HS South Bend/Elkhart 511 W Grant St Bremen IN 46506-1600
Brown County HS Bloomington PO Box 68 Nashville IN 47448-0068
Brownsburg HS Indianapolis 1000 S Odell St Brownsburg IN 46112-1929
Brownstown Central HS Columbus 500 N Elm St Brownstown IN 47220-1330
Burris Laboratory School Muncie 2000 Univ Av Muncie IN 47306-0001
Calumet Christian School Lake County A1 Griffith IN 46319-1518
Calumet HS Lake County 3900 Calhoun St Gary IN 46408-1753
Cannelton Junior-Senior HS Evansville 109 S 3rd St Cannelton IN 47520-1504
Canterbury School Fort Wayne 3210 Smith Rd Fort Wayne IN 46804-3109
Cardinal Ritter HS Indianapolis 3360 W 30th St Indianapolis IN 46222-2139
Career Academy South Bend South Bend/Elkhart 3801 Crescent Cir South Bend IN 46628-6136
Carmel HS Hamilton County 520 E Main St Carmel IN 46032-2259
Carpe Diem - Meridian Campus Indianapolis 2240 N Meridian St Indianapolis IN 46208-5728
Carpe Diem - Northwest Campus Indianapolis 5435 W Pike Plaza Rd Indianapolis IN 46254-3010
Carroll HS Fort Wayne 3701 Carroll Rd Fort Wayne IN 46818-9528
Carroll HS Lafayette 2362 IN-18 Flora IN 46929
Cascade HS Indianapolis 6565 S County Road 200 W Clayton IN 46118-9003
Castle HS Evansville 3344 Highway 261 Newburgh IN 47630-9546
Caston HS Logansport PO Box 128 Fulton IN 46931-0128
Cathedral HS Indianapolis 5225 E 56th St Indianapolis IN 46226-1403
Center Grove HS Columbus 2717 S Morgantown Rd Greenwood IN 46143-8537
Centerville Senior HS Richmond 509 Willow Grove Rd Centerville IN 47330-1100
Central Catholic HS Lafayette 2410 S 9th St Lafayette IN 47909-2404
Central HS Evansville 5400 N 1st Ave Evansville IN 47710-4110
Central Nine Career Center Columbus 1999 US Highway 31 S Greenwood IN 46143-2938
Central Noble HS Fort Wayne 302 Cougar Ct Albion IN 46701-1398
Century Career Center   2500 Hopper St Logansport IN 46947-3800
Charles A Tindley Accelerated Indianapolis 3960 Meadows Dr Indianapolis IN 46205-3114
Charlestown HS Sellersburg 1 Pirate Pl Charlestown IN 47111-1646
Chatard HS Indianapolis 5885 Crittenden Ave Indianapolis IN 46220-2840
Chesterton HS Valparaiso 2125 S 11th St Chesterton IN 46304-8934
Christel House Academy Indianapolis 2717 S East St Indianapolis IN 46225-2104
Christel House DORS Indianapolis 2717 S East St Indianapolis IN 46225-2104
Christian Academy of IN Sellersburg 1000 Academy Dr New Albany IN 47150-3180
Christian Academy of Madison Madison 477 W Hutchinson Ln Madison IN 47250-7830
Churubusco HS Fort Wayne 1 Eagle Dr Churubusco IN 46723-1400
City Baptist HS Lake County 700 Sibley St Hammond IN 46320-1635
Clarksville HS Sellersburg 800 Dr Dot Lewis Dr Clarksville IN 47129-2321
Clay City HS Terre Haute 601 Lankford St Clay City IN 47841-1255
Clay HS South Bend/Elkhart 19131 Darden Rd South Bend IN 46637-3947
Clinton Central Jr-Sr HS Lafayette 815 IN-29 Michigantown IN 46057-0178
Clinton Christian HS South Bend/Elkhart 61763 County Road 35 Goshen IN 46528-9661
Clinton Prairie HS Lafayette 2400 S County Road 450 W Frankfort IN 46041-7413
Cloverdale Community Jr-Sr HS Terre Haute Rural Route 3 Box 1A Cloverdale IN 46120
Colonial Christian HS Indianapolis 8140 Union Chapel Rd Indianapolis IN 46240-2445
Columbia City Joint HS Fort Wayne 1600 S. State Road 9 Columbia City IN 46725-1733
Columbus Area Career Connectn   1200 Central Ave Columbus IN 47201-6001
Columbus Christian School Inc. Columbus 3170 Indiana Ave Columbus IN 47201-7261
Columbus East HS Columbus 230 S Marr Rd Columbus IN 47201-7267
Columbus North HS Columbus 1400 25th St Columbus IN 47201-4384
Columbus Signature Academy Columbus 2205 25th St Columbus IN 47201-3282
Community Montessori Sellersburg 4102 Saint Joseph Rd New Albany IN 47150-9750
Concord Community HS South Bend/Elkhart 59117 Minuteman Way Elkhart IN 46517-3409
Concordia Lutheran HS Fort Wayne 1601 Saint Joe River Dr Fort Wayne IN 46805-1433
Conexus-Howe HS Indianapolis 4900 Julian Ave Indianapolis IN 46201-3755
Connersville Senior HS Richmond 1100 Spartan Dr Connersville IN 47331-1013
Corydon Central HS Sellersburg 375 Country Club Rd Corydon IN 47112-1751
Covenant Christian High School Valparaiso 611 15th St SW Demotte IN 46310-9285
Covenant Christian HS Indianapolis 7525 W 21st St Indianapolis IN 46214-2239
Covington Community High Sch Lafayette 515 Commercial St Covington IN 47932-1076
Cowan HS Muncie 9401 S Nottingham St Muncie IN 47302-9486
Crawford County Jr-Sr HS Sellersburg 1130 IN-66 Marengo IN 47140
Crawfordsville HS Lafayette 1 W Athenian Dr Crawfordsvlle IN 47933-8253
Crispus Attucks HS Indianapolis 1140 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Indianapolis IN 46202-2221
Crothersville Jr-Sr HS Columbus 109 N Preston St Crothersville IN 47229-1255
Crown Point HS Lake County 1500 S Main St Crown Point IN 46307-9492
Culver Community HS South Bend/Elkhart 701 School St Culver IN 46511-1026
D E Gavit Jr-Sr HS Lake County 1670 175th St Hammond IN 46324-3132
Daleville Junior-Senior HS Muncie PO Box 525 Daleville IN 47334-0525
Damar Academy Indianapolis 5125 Decatur Blvd Indianapolis IN 46241-9570
Danville Community HS Indianapolis 100 Warrior Way Danville IN 46122-1572
Decatur Central HS Indianapolis 5251 Kentucky Ave Indianapolis IN 46221-3616
Decatur Twnshp Sch Excellnce Indianapolis 5106 S High School Rd Indianapolis IN 46221-3606
Dekalb HS Fort Wayne 3424 County Road 427 Waterloo IN 46793-9402
Delphi Community HS Lafayette Armory Rd Delphi IN 46923
Delta HS Muncie 3400 E State Road 28 Muncie IN 47303-9774
District 26 Career Center Anderson 325 W 38th St Anderson IN 46013-4017
Dugger Union Community Schools Terre Haute 7356 E County Road 50 S Dugger IN 47848-8101
High School Affiliated Ivy Tech Campus Street Address City State Zip Code
Eagle Tech Academy Fort Wayne 107 N Walnut St Columbia City IN 46725-2066
East Allen Career Center Fort Wayne 1065 Woodmere Dr New Haven IN 46774
East Central High School Lawrenceburg 1 Trojan Ln Saint Leon IN 47012-8421
East Chicago Central HS Lake County 1100 W Columbus Dr East Chicago IN 46312-2582
East Noble HS Fort Wayne 901 Garden St Kendallville IN 46755-2257
Eastbrook Senior HS Marion 560 S 900 E Marion IN 46953-9629
Eastern Greene HS Bloomington RR 4 Box 623 Bloomfield IN 47424-9511
Eastern Hancock Jr-Sr HS Anderson RR 1 Charlottesvle IN 46117
Eastern HS Kokomo 421 S Harrison St Greentown IN 46936-1416
Eastern HS Sellersburg 1100 N Eastern School Rd Pekin IN 47165-7902
Eastside Junior-Senior HS Fort Wayne 603 E Green St Butler IN 46721-1135
Edgewood HS Bloomington 601 S Edgewood Dr Ellettsville IN 47429-1129
Edinburgh Community HS Columbus 300 Keeley St Edinburgh IN 46124-1384
Edwardsburg HS South Bend/Elkhart 69358 Section St Edwardsburg MI 49112-9655
Elkhart Area Career Center   2424 California Rd Elkhart IN 46514-1226
Elkhart Central HS South Bend/Elkhart 1 Blazer Blvd Elkhart IN 46516-4565
Elkhart Christian Academy South Bend/Elkhart 25943 County Road 22 Elkhart IN 46517-9258
Elkhart Memorial HS South Bend/Elkhart 2608 California Rd Elkhart IN 46514-1222
Elwood Community HS Anderson 1137 N 19th St Elwood IN 46036-1376
Eman School Hamilton County 12201 Lantern Rd Fishers IN 46038-2878
Eminence HS Bloomington 6760 State Road 42 Martinsville IN 46151-8591
Emmerich Manual HS Indianapolis 2405 Madison Ave Indianapolis IN 46225-2106
Evansville Day School Evansville 3400 N Green River Rd Evansville IN 47715-1350
Excel Center - Anderson Anderson 630 Nichol Ave Anderson IN 46016-1247
Excel Center - Clarksville Sellersburg 1329 Applegate Ln Clarksville IN 47129-9612
Excel Center - Decatur Indianapolis 5125 Decatur Blvd Indianapolis IN 46241-9570
Excel Center - Franklin Indianapolis 2855 N Franklin Rd Indianapolis IN 46219-1347
Excel Center - Gary Lake County 4610 W Ridge Rd Gary IN 46408-1316
Excel Center - Hammond Lake County 3508 169th St Hammond IN 46323-2543
Excel Center - Meadows Indianapolis 3919 Meadows Dr Indianapolis IN 46205-3113
Excel Center - Michigan Indianapolis 1635 W Michigan St Indianapolis IN 46222-3852
Excel Center - Muncie Muncie 1023 W Jackson St Muncie IN 47305-1556
Excel Center - Noblesville Indianapolis 300 N 17th St Noblesville IN 46060-2327
Excel Center - Richmond Richmond 1215 S J St Richmond IN 47374-6369
Excel Center - Shadeland Indianapolis 2525 N Shadeland Ave Indianapolis IN 46219-1787
Excel Center - Shelbyville Indianapolis 117 N Harrison St Shelbyville IN 46176-1309
Excel Center - South Bend South Bend/Elkhart 2721 Kenwood Ave South Bend IN 46628-1750
Excel Center - Univ Heights Indianapolis 3919 Madison Ave Indianapolis IN 46227-1365
Excel Center - West Indianapolis 6000 W 34th St Indianapolis IN 46224-1262
Excel Center-Bloomington Bloomington 2088 S Liberty Dr Bloomington IN 47403-5171
Excel Center-Kokomo Kokomo 101 W Superior St Kokomo IN 46901-4658
Excel Center-Lafayette Lafayette 615 N 18th St Lafayette IN 47904-3410
Fairfield Jr-Sr HS South Bend/Elkhart 67530 U S 33 Goshen IN 46526
Faith Christian School Lafayette 5526 State Road 26 E Bldg 2 Lafayette IN 47905-8712
Fishers High School Hamilton County 13000 Promise Rd Fishers IN 46038-9606
Floyd Central HS Sellersburg 6575 Old Vincennes Rd Floyds Knobs IN 47119-9742
Forest Park HS Evansville RR 3 Box 326 Ferdinand IN 47532-9803
Fountain Central HS Lafayette 750 US Hwy 136 Veedersburg IN 47987
Frankfort Senior HS Lafayette 1 Maish Rd Frankfort IN 46041
Franklin Central HS Indianapolis 6215 S Franklin Rd Indianapolis IN 46259-9600
Franklin Community HS Columbus 2600 Cumberland Dr Franklin IN 46131-6809
Franklin County HS Batesville 10156 Oxford Pike Brookville IN 47012-9414
Frankton HS Anderson 610 E Clyde St Frankton IN 46044-9360
Fremont HS Fort Wayne PO Box 655 Fremont IN 46737-0655
Frontier HS Lafayette 1 Falcon Dr Chalmers IN 47929-8099
Garrett Junior-Senior HS Fort Wayne 801 E Houston St Garrett IN 46738-1662
Gary Area Career Center Lake County 1800 E 35th Ave Gary IN 46409-1207
Gary Lighthouse Charter College Prep Lake County 3201 Pierce St Gary IN 46408-1100
Gary Middle College Lake County 520 Washington St Gary IN 46402-1915
Geo Next Generation High School   4002 N Franklin Rd Indianapolis IN 46226
George Rogers Clark School Lake County 1921 Davis Ave Whiting IN 46394-1820
George Washington High School South Bend/Elkhart 4747 W Washington St South Bend IN 46619-2321
Gibson Southern HS Evansville 3499 W 800 S Fort Branch IN 47648-8174
Goshen HS South Bend/Elkhart 1 Redskin Rd Goshen IN 46526-4100
Greater Lafayette Career Academy Indianapolis 2201 S 18th St Shadeland IN 47909-2551
Greencastle HS Terre Haute 910 E Washington St Greencastle IN 46135-1852
Greenfield Central HS Anderson 810 N Brdway Greenfield IN 46140
Greensburg Community HS Columbus 1000 E Central Ave Greensburg IN 47240-2231
Greenwood Community HS Columbus 615 W Smith Valley Rd Greenwood IN 46142-3048
Griffith HS Lake County 600 N Wiggs St Griffith IN 46319-2060
Hagerstown Jr-Sr HS Richmond 701 Baker Rd Hagerstown IN 47346-1022
Hamilton Community School Fort Wayne Rural Route 1 Box 208 Hamilton IN 46742
Hamilton Heights HS Hamilton County 25802 State Road 19 Arcadia IN 46030-9646
Hamilton Southeastern HS Hamilton County 13910 E 126th St Fishers IN 46037-9781
Hammond Acad Sci/Tech Lake County 33 Muenich Ct Hammond IN 46320-1706
Hammond Area Career Center Lake County 5727 Sohl Ave Hammond IN 46320-2356
Hammond HS Lake County 5926 Calumet Ave Hammond IN 46320-2505
Hanover Central Jr-Sr HS Lake County 10120 W 133rd Ave Cedar Lake IN 46303-8510
Harmony School Bloomington PO Box 1787 Bloomington IN 47402-1787
Harrison HS Evansville 211 Fielding Rd Evansville IN 47715-3360
Harrison HS Lafayette 5701 N 50 W West Lafayette IN 47906-9736
Hauser HS Columbus PO Box 24 Hope IN 47246-0024
Heartland Career Center Fort Wayne 79 South County Road 200 West Wabash IN 46992
Hebron HS Valparaiso 307 S Main St Hebron IN 46341-8909
Henryville HS Sellersburg 213 N Ferguson St Henryville IN 47126-9735
Heritage Christian School Indianapolis 6401 E 75th St Indianapolis IN 46250-2703
Heritage Hall Christian School Muncie 6401 W River Rd Muncie IN 47304-4653
Heritage Hills HS Evansville 3644 E County Road 1600 N Lincoln City IN 47552-9662
Heritage Jr-Sr HS Fort Wayne 13608 Monroeville Rd Monroeville IN 46773-9557
Herron High School Indianapolis 110 E 16th St Indianapolis IN 46202-2404
Highland HS Lake County 9135 Erie St Highland IN 46322-2735
Hinds Career Center Anderson 1105 N 19th St Elwood IN 46036-1376
Hobart Senior HS Valparaiso 2211 E 10th St Hobart IN 46342-5313
Home School - Central Indiana Indianapolis Home School Indiana IN XXXXX
Homestead HS Fort Wayne 4310 Homestead Rd Fort Wayne IN 46814-5451
Hoosier Academies High School Indianapolis 2855 N Franklin Rd Indianapolis IN 46219-1347
Hoosier Hills Career Center   3070 N Prow Rd Bloomington IN 47404-1604
Hoosier Youth Challenge Academy Richmond 10892 IN-140 Knightstown IN 46148
Hope Academy Indianapolis 8102 Clearvista Pkwy Indianapolis IN 46256-1661
Horizon Christian School Indianapolis 7702 Indian Lake Rd Indianapolis IN 46236-8475
Huntington North High School Fort Wayne 450 Macgahan St Huntington IN 46750-1310
High School Affiliated Ivy Tech Campus Street Address City State Zip Code
Illiana Christian High School Lake County 10920 Calumet Ave Dyer IN 46311-3519
Impact Institute Fort Wayne 1607 Dowling St Kendallville IN 46755-9407
Indian Creek Senior HS Columbus Rural Route 3 Box 64 Trafalgar IN 46181
Indian Trails Career Coop   300 S 3rd St Monticello IN 47960-2242
Indiana Christian Academy Anderson 52 W Hartman Rd Anderson IN 46012-1199
Indiana Connections Academy Indianapolis 6640 Intech Blvd Ste 250 Indianapolis IN 46278-2018
Indiana Digital Learning Sch Madison 8707 W US Highway 36 Modoc IN 47358-9583
INDIANA MATH AND SCIENCE-NORTH Indianapolis 7435 N Keystone Ave Indianapolis IN 46240-4367
INDIANA MATH SCIENCE ACADEMY   Indianapolis 4575 W 38th St Indianapolis IN 46254-3313
Indiana Online Academy Indianapolis 6036 Lakeside Blvd Bldg A Indianapolis IN 46278-1988
Indiana School For Blind Indianapolis 7725 Col Av Indianapolis IN 46240
Indianapolis Metropolitan HS Indianapolis 1635 West Michigan Street Indianapolis IN 46222
IPS - George Washington High School Indianapolis 2215 W Washington St Indianapolis IN 46222-4279
IPS Career Technology Center   725 N Oriental St Indianapolis IN 46202-3766
Irvington Community HS Indianapolis 6705 Julian Ave Indianapolis IN 46219-6642
J Everett Light Career Center Indianapolis 1901 E 86th St Indianapolis IN 46240-2347
Jac-Cen-Del Jr-Sr HS Batesville PO Box 28 Osgood IN 47037-0028
James Whitcomb Riley HS South Bend/Elkhart 405 E Ewing Ave South Bend IN 46613-2545
Jasper HS Evansville 1600 Saint Charles St Jasper IN 47546-9210
Jay County HS Marion Rural Route 2 Highway 67 Portland IN 47371
Jefferson HS Lafayette 1801 S 18th St Lafayette IN 47905-2011
Jeffersonville HS Sellersburg 2315 Allison Ln Jeffersonville IN 47130-5818
Jennings County HS Columbus 800 W Walnut St North Vernon IN 47265-1461
Jimtown HS South Bend/Elkhart 59021 County Road 3 Elkhart IN 46517-9305
John Adams HS South Bend/Elkhart 808 S Twyckenham Dr South Bend IN 46615-1134
John Glenn HS South Bend/Elkhart John Glenn Dr Walkerton IN 46574
John Marshall HS Indianapolis 10101 E 38th St Indianapolis IN 46235-1903
Kankakee Valley HS Lafayette  3923 W, IN-10 Wheatfield IN 46392-0182
King's Academy                 Marion 1201 S Water St Jonesboro IN 46938-1655
Kingdom Academy at Bluffton Fort Wayne 225 Ferguson Park Ct Bluffton IN 46714-9389
Knightstown Jr-Sr HS New Castle Panther Trail Knightstown IN 46148
Knox HS Valparaiso 1207 S Main St Knox IN 46534-2224
Knoy Resource Center   205 E Market St Cloverdale IN 46120-8708
Kokomo Area Career Center Kokomo 2415 S Berkley Rd Kokomo IN 46902-8020
Kokomo HS Kokomo 2501 S Berkley Rd Kokomo IN 46902-3006
Kouts Jr-Sr HS Valparaiso PO Box 348 Kouts IN 46347-0348
Lacrosse HS Michigan City PO Box 360 La Crosse IN 46348-0360
Lake Central HS Lake County 8400 Wicker Ave Saint John IN 46373-9710
Lakeland HS Fort Wayne Rural Route 5 Box 432 La Grange IN 46761
Lakeview Christian School Marion 5316 S Wern Av Marion IN 46952
Lakewood Park Christian School Fort Wayne 5555 County Road 29 Auburn IN 46706-9608
Lanesville Jr/Sr HS Sellersburg 2725 Crestview Ave NE Lanesville IN 47136-8601
Lapel HS Anderson 1850 S 900 W Lapel IN 46051-8800
LaPorte HS Michigan City 602 F St La Porte IN 46350-5526
LaVille Jr-Sr HS South Bend/Elkhart 69969 US 31 S Lakeville IN 46536
Lawrence Central HS Indianapolis 7300 E 56th St Indianapolis IN 46226-1306
Lawrence North HS Indianapolis 7802 Hague Rd Indianapolis IN 46256-1754
Lawrenceburg HS Lawrenceburg 100 Tiger Blvd Lawrenceburg IN 47025-1608
Lebanon HS Indianapolis 510 Essex Dr Lebanon IN 46052-1521
Legacy Christian School Hamilton County 470 Lakeview Dr Noblesville IN 46060-1213
Leo Junior-Senior HS Fort Wayne 14600 Amstutz Rd Leo IN 46765-9606
Lewis Cass Jr-Sr HS Logansport PO Box 410 Walton IN 46994-0410
Liberty Christian School Anderson 2323 Columbus Ave Anderson IN 46016-4539
Lighthouse College Prep Academy Indianapolis 1780 Sloan Ave Indianapolis IN 46203-3640
Lincoln HS Evansville 1545 S Hart Street Rd Vincennes IN 47591-5589
Lincoln HS Richmond 205 E Parkway Dr Cambridge Cty IN 47327-1349
Linton-Stockton HS Terre Haute 10 H St NE Linton IN 47441-1133
Logansport HS Logansport 1 Berry Ln Logansport IN 46947-3901
Loogootee HS Bloomington 201 Brooks Ave Loogootee IN 47553-1412
Lost River Career Cooperative Bloomington 600 Elm St Ste 1 Paoli IN 47454-1175
Lowell Senior HS Lake County 2051 E Commercial Ave Lowell IN 46356-2115
High School Affiliated Ivy Tech Campus Street Address City State Zip Code
Maconaquah HS Peru Rural Route 1 Bunker Hill IN 46914
Madison Consolidated HS Madison 2421 Wilson Ave Madison IN 47250-2134
Madison Grant HS Marion 11700 S E 00 W Fairmount IN 46928
Manchester HS Fort Wayne 1 Squire Dr N Manchester IN 46962-1187
Marian HS South Bend/Elkhart 1311 S Logan St Mishawaka IN 46544-4701
Marion HS Marion 750 W 26th St Marion IN 46953-2929
Marion Regional Career Center Marion 750 W 26th St Marion IN 46953-2929
Marquette HS Michigan City 306 W 10th St Michigan City IN 46360-4048
Martinsville HS Bloomington 1360 E Gray St Martinsville IN 46151-1851
Mater Dei HS Evansville 1300 Harmony Way Evansville IN 47720-6148
Mccutcheon HS Lafayette 4951 State Road 43 S Lafayette IN 47909-3459
McKenzie Career Center Indianapolis 7250 E 75th St Indianapolis IN 46256-1914
Mclean HS Terre Haute 961 Lafayette Ave Terre Haute IN 47804-2929
Medora HS Columbus PO Box 248 Medora IN 47260-0248
Memorial HS Evansville 1500 Lincoln Ave Evansville IN 47714-1520
Merrillville Career Consortium Lake County 276 E 68th Pl Merrillville IN 46410-3566
Merrillville Senior HS Lake County 276 E 68th Pl Merrillville IN 46410-3566
Michigan City HS Michigan City 8466 W Pahs Rd Michigan City IN 46360-2919
Midwest Academy Indianapolis 1420 Chase Ct Carmel IN 46032-7502
Milan Junior-Senior HS Batesville PO Box 307 Milan IN 47031-0307
Mishawaka HS South Bend/Elkhart 1202 Lincolnway E Mishawaka IN 46544-2716
Mississinewa HS Marion 205 E North H St Gas City IN 46933-1147
Mitchell HS Bloomington 1000 W Bishop Blvd Mitchell IN 47446-1080
Monroe Central Jr-Sr HS Richmond RR 1 Parker City IN 47368-9801
Monrovia Jr-Sr HS Bloomington 205 S Chestnut St Monrovia IN 46157-1025
Mooresville HS Bloomington 550 N Indiana St Mooresville IN 46158-1220
Morgan Township School Valparaiso 299 S State Road 49 Valparaiso IN 46383-7976
Morristown Junior-Senior HS Indianapolis PO Box 247 Morristown IN 46161-0247
Morton Senior HS Lake County 6915 Grand Ave Hammond IN 46323-2587
Mount Vernon HS Anderson 8112 N 200 W Fortville IN 46040-9747
Mount Vernon Sr HS Evansville 700 Harriett St Mount Vernon IN 47620-2031
Muncie Area Career Center Muncie 2500 N Elgin St Muncie IN 47303-2241
Muncie Central HS Muncie 801 N Walnut St Muncie IN 47305-1458
Munster HS Lake County 8808 Columbia Ave Munster IN 46321-2520
Neighbors New Vistas High School Valparaiso 5201 US Highway 6 Portage IN 46368-4732
New Albany HS Sellersburg 1020 Vincennes St New Albany IN 47150-3148
New Castle Area Career Center   801 Parkview Dr New Castle IN 47362-2954
New Castle High School New Castle 801 Parkview Dr New Castle IN 47362-2954
New Haven HS Fort Wayne 1300 Green Rd New Haven IN 46774-1912
New Palestine HS Anderson 4485 S Victory Ln New Palestine IN 46163
New Prairie HS Michigan City Rural Route 2 New Carlisle IN 46552
New Tech Institute Evansville 1901 Lynch Rd Evansville IN 47711-2842
New Washington Middle High School Sellersburg 226 IN-62 New Washington IN 47162
Noblesville HS Hamilton County 18111 Cumberland Rd Noblesville IN 46060-5650
North Central Area Voc Coop   701 Berkley St Plymouth IN 46563-1819
North Central HS Indianapolis 1801 E 86th St Indianapolis IN 46240-2345
North Central HS Terre Haute PO Box 242 Farmersburg IN 47850-0242
North Daviess Jr-Sr HS Terre Haute RR 1 Elnora IN 47529-9801
North Decatur Jr-Sr HS Columbus 3172 N State Road 3 Greensburg IN 47240-7951
North Harrison HS Sellersburg 1070 IN-64 Ramsey IN 47166
North HS Evansville 15331 Highway 41 N Evansville IN 47725-8524
North Judson-San Pierre HS Valparaiso 900 Campbell Dr North Judson IN 46366-1351
North Knox HS Terre Haute 10890 N State Road 159 Bicknell IN 47512-8184
North Lawrence Career Center   258 Bnl Dr Bedford IN 47421-6108
North Miami HS Peru Route 1 Denver IN 46926
North Montgomery HS Lafayette 5945 US 231 N Crawfordsvlle IN 47933
North Newton HS Lafayette 1641 W 250 N Morocco IN 47963
North Posey HS Evansville 5900 High School Rd Poseyville IN 47633-8859
North Putnam Jr-Sr HS Terre Haute 8869 N County Road 250 E Roachdale IN 46172-9496
North Side HS Fort Wayne 475 E State Blvd Fort Wayne IN 46805-3321
North Vermillion HS Terre Haute Rural Route 1 Box 191 Cayuga IN 47928
North White HS Lafayette  305 E Broadway St Monon IN 47959
Northeast Dubois HS Evansville PO Box 249 Dubois IN 47527-0249
Northeastern Jr-Sr HS Richmond 7295 N US Highway 27 Fountain City IN 47341-9523
Northfield Jr/Sr HS Fort Wayne Route 6 Wabash IN 46992
Northridge HS South Bend/Elkhart 56779 Northridge Dr Middlebury IN 46540-9102
Northrop HS Fort Wayne 7001 Coldwater Rd Fort Wayne IN 46825-3607
Northview HS Terre Haute 1 W Knight Dr Brazil IN 47834-7242
Northwest HS Indianapolis 5525 W 34th St Indianapolis IN 46224-1301
Northwestern HS Kokomo 3431 N 400 W Kokomo IN 46901-9107
Northwood HS South Bend/Elkhart 2101 N Main St Nappanee IN 46550-9310
Norwell HS Fort Wayne 1100 E US 224 Ossian IN 46777
Oak Hill HS Marion 7756 W Delphi Pike Apt 27 Converse IN 46919-9518
Oldenburg Academy Batesville PO Box 200 Oldenburg IN 47036-0200
Options Charter School-Noblesvlle Hamilton County 9945 Cumberland Pointe Blvd Noblesville IN 46060-4905
Options Charter School-Carmel Hamilton County 340 Ridge Point Dr Carmel IN 46032-2595
Oregon-Davis HS Valparaiso 5998 N 750 E Hamlet IN 46532-9524
Orleans HS Bloomington 200 W Wilson St Orleans IN 47452-1007
Our Lady Of Providence HS Sellersburg 707 Providence Way Clarksville IN 47129-1534
Owen Valley Community HS Bloomington RR 4 Box 13 Spencer IN 47460-9443
Paoli Jr-Sr HS Bloomington 501 Elm St Paoli IN 47454-1153
Park Tudor School   7200 N College Ave Indianapolis IN 46240
Parke Heritage High School Terre Haute 506 N Beadle St Rockville IN 47872-1146
Parke-Vermillion Educational/Traing Institute   PO Box 95 Hillsdale IN 47854-0095
Patoka Valley Career/Technical Coop   1520 Saint Charles St Jasper IN 47546-9798
Pendleton Heights HS Anderson 1 Arabian Dr Pendleton IN 46064-9003
Penn HS South Bend/Elkhart 56100 Bittersweet Rd Mishawaka IN 46545-7715
Perry Central Community School Evansville 18677 Old State Road 37 Leopold IN 47551-8081
Perry County Career/Technical Coop   1520 Saint Charles St Jasper IN 47546-9798
Perry Meridian HS Indianapolis 401 W Meridian School Rd Indianapolis IN 46217-4215
Peru HS Peru 401 N Brdway Peru IN 46970
Pike Career and STEM Center Indianapolis 5401 W 71st St Indianapolis IN 46268-2106
Pike Central HS Evansville 1810 E State Road 56 Petersburg IN 47567-8378
Pike HS Indianapolis 6701 Zionsville Rd Indianapolis IN 46268-2462
Pioneer Jr.-Sr. HS Logansport PO Box 68 Royal Center IN 46978-0068
Plainfield HS Indianapolis 1 Red Pride Dr Plainfield IN 46168-7938
Plymouth HS South Bend/Elkhart 810 Randolph Dr Plymouth IN 46563-1854
Portage Christian School Valparaiso PO Box 28 Portage IN 46368-0028
Portage HS Valparaiso 6450 US Highway 6 Portage IN 46368-5110
Porter County Career Center Valparaiso 1005 Franklin St Valparaiso IN 46383-4256
Prairie Heights Comm HS Fort Wayne 305 S 1150 E LaGrange IN 46761-9301
Princeton Community HS Evansville PO Box 325 Princeton IN 47670-0325
Prosser Career Educational Center   4202 Charlestown Rd New Albany IN 47150-9567
Providence Cristo Rey HS Indianapolis 75 N Belleview Pl Indianapolis IN 46222-4145
Purdue Polytechnic HS Indianapolis 49 W Maryland St Spc H10B Indianapolis IN 46204-3522
High School Affiliated Ivy Tech Campus Street Address City State Zip Code
Randolph Southern Jr-Sr HS Richmond PO Box 305 Lynn IN 47355-0305
Reitz HS Evansville 350 Dreier Blvd Evansville IN 47712-5039
Renaissance Academy Sellersburg 806 Eastern Blvd Clarksville IN 47129-2337
Rensselaer Central HS Lafayette 1204 E Grace St Rensselaer IN 47978-3213
Richmond Area Career Center   380 Hub Etchison Pkwy Richmond IN 47374-5339
Richmond HS Richmond 380 Hub Etchison Pkwy Richmond IN 47374-5339
Rising Sun HS Lawrenceburg 210 S Henrietta St Rising Sun IN 47040-1020
River Forest Jr-Sr HS Lake County Indiana St & Huber Boulevard Hobart IN 46342
Riverton Parke HS Terre Haute RR 1 Montezuma IN 47862-9801
Rochester Community HS Logansport PO Box 108 Rochester IN 46975-0108
Rock Creek Community Academy Sellersburg 11525 US 31 Sellersburg IN 47172
Roncalli HS Indianapolis 3300 Prague Rd Indianapolis IN 46227-7010
Rossville Jr.-Sr. HS Lafayette 1 Robert Egly Dr Rossville IN 46065-9664
Rushville Consolidated HS Richmond 1201 Lions Path Rushville IN 46173-2121
Saint Theodore Guerin HS Indianapolis 15300 N Gray Rd Noblesville IN 46062-9234
Salem HS Sellersburg 700 N Harrison St Salem IN 47167-1684
Scecina Memorial HS Indianapolis 5000 Nowland Ave Indianapolis IN 46201-1836
School Of Knowledge Indianapolis 2846 Cold Spring Rd Indianapolis IN 46222-2200
Scottsburg HS Sellersburg 500 S Gardner St Scottsburg IN 47170-1016
Seeger Memorial Jr/Sr HS Lafayette 1222 IN-263 W Lebanon IN 47991
Seton Catholic HS Richmond 233 S 5th St Richmond IN 47374-5411
Seymour HS Columbus 1350 W 2nd St Seymour IN 47274-2222
Shakamak HS Terre Haute RR 2 Box 42 Jasonville IN 47438-9511
Shawe Memorial HS Madison 201 W State St Madison IN 47250-2828
Shelbyville HS Indianapolis 2003 S Miller St Shelbyville IN 46176-3207
Shenandoah HS New Castle RR 1 Middletown IN 47356
Sheridan HS Hamilton County 24185 Hinesley Rd Sheridan IN 46069-9349
Shoals Jr.-Sr. HS Bloomington 7900 US Highway 50 Shoals IN 47581-2278
Shortridge Int Bacc HS Indianapolis 3401 N Meridian St Indianapolis IN 46208-4436
Silver Creek HS Sellersburg 557 Renz Ave Sellersburg IN 47172-1329
Smith Academy for Excellence Fort Wayne 725 W Washington Blvd Fort Wayne IN 46802-3950
Snider HS Fort Wayne 4600 Fairlawn Pass Fort Wayne IN 46815-6041
South Adams HS Fort Wayne 1000 Parkway St Berne IN 46711-2365
South Bend Career/Tech Ed   3206 Sugar Maple Ct South Bend IN 46628
South Central Jr-Sr HS Sellersburg 6675 Old Dam 43 Rd SE Elizabeth IN 47117
South Central Jr/Sr HS Michigan City 9808 S 600 W Union Mills IN 46382-9600
South Dearborn HS Lawrenceburg 5770 Highlander Pl Aurora IN 47001-9452
South Decatur HS Columbus 8885 S State Road 3 Greensburg IN 47240-8999
South Knox HS Evansville RR 3 Box 80H Vincennes IN 47591
South Newton Jr-Sr HS Lafayette  13102 S. 50 E Kentland IN 47951
South Putnam HS Terre Haute RR 2 Box 287 Greencastle IN 46135-9802
South Ripley Jr/Sr HS Batesville PO Box 218 Versailles IN 47042-0218
South Side HS Fort Wayne 3601 S Calhoun St Fort Wayne IN 46807-2006
South Spencer HS Evansville RR 1 Rockport IN 47635-9801
South Vermillion HS Terre Haute Rural Route 1 Clinton IN 47842
Southeastern Career Center Madison 901 US 50 Versailles IN 47042
Southern IN Career/Tech Center Evansville 1901 Lynch Rd Evansville IN 47711-2842
Southern Wells HS Fort Wayne 9120 S 300 W Poneto IN 46781-9713
Southmont HS Lafayette 6425 US 231 S Crawfordsvlle IN 47933
Southport HS Indianapolis 971 E Banta Rd Indianapolis IN 46227-2207
Southridge HS Evansville 1110 S Main St Huntingburg IN 47542-9164
Southwestern HS Indianapolis 3606 W 600 S Shelbyville IN 46176-8920
Southwestern Jr-Sr HS Madison 167 Main Cross St Hanover IN 47243
Southwood Jr/Sr HS Fort Wayne Rural Route 5 Box 79 Wabash IN 46992
Speedway HS Indianapolis 5357 W 25th St Speedway IN 46224-3905
Springs Valley HS Bloomington 326 S Larry Bird Blvd French Lick IN 47432-1075
St Joseph HS South Bend/Elkhart 453 N Notre Dame Ave South Bend IN 46617-2335
Steel City Academy Lake County 2650 W 35th Ave Gary IN 46408-1416
Sullivan HS Terre Haute 220 W Wolfe St Sullivan IN 47882-1125
Switzerland County Jr/Sr HS Madison RR 3 Vevay IN 47043-9807
Tabernacle Christian Schools Bloomington 2189 Burton Ln Martinsville IN 46151-3013
Taylor Junior-Senior HS Kokomo 3794 E 300 S Kokomo IN 46902-9507
Tecumseh Jr-Sr HS Evansville R R 1 Highway 68 W Lynnville IN 47619
Tell City HS Evansville 900 12th St Tell City IN 47586-1604
Terre Haute North Vigo HS Terre Haute 3434 Maple Ave Terre Haute IN 47804-1765
Terre Haute South Vigo HS Terre Haute 3737 S 7th St Terre Haute IN 47802-4184
The Fortune Academy Indianapolis 5626 Lawton Loop East Dr Indianapolis IN 46216-1013
Thea Bowman Leadership Academy Lake County 975 W 6th Ave Gary IN 46402-1708
Theodore Roosevelt Coll/Career Lake County 730 W 25th Ave Gary IN 46407-3525
Thomas A Edison Jr/Sr HS Lake County 3304 Parkside Ave Lake Station IN 46405-1143
Tippecanoe Valley HS Warsaw PO Box 38 Mentone IN 46539-0038
Tipton HS Kokomo 619 S Main St Tipton IN 46072-9732
Traders Point Christian Academy Indianapolis 6600 S Indianapolis Rd Whitestown IN 46075-9516
Tri Junior-Senior HS New Castle 6972 S State Road 103 Straughn IN 47387-9720
Tri-Central HS Kokomo Rural Route 2 Sharpsville IN 46068
Tri-County HS Lafayette 11298 W 100 S Wolcott IN 47995-0130
Tri-West Hendricks HS Indianapolis PO Box 10 Lizton IN 46149-0010
Trinity Christian School Indianapolis 440 Saint Peter St Indianapolis IN 46201-4054
Trinity Lutheran HS Columbus 7120 N County Road 875 E Seymour IN 47274-8151
Triton Central HS Indianapolis 4774 W 600 N Fairland IN 46126-9463
Triton Junior-Senior HS Fort Wayne 600 Shaffer Rd Bourbon IN 46504-2066
Turkey Run HS Terre Haute Route 1 Box 333 Marshall IN 47859
Twin Lakes HS Lafayette 300 S 3rd St Monticello IN 47960-2242
Twin Rivers Career Center   PO Box 1266 Vincennes IN 47591-1219
High School Affiliated Ivy Tech Campus Street Address City State Zip Code
Union City Community HS Richmond 603 N Walnut St Union City IN 47390-1034
Union County HS Richmond 410 Patriot Blvd Liberty IN 47353-1213
Union HS Richmond RR 1 Modoc IN 47358-9801
Valparaiso HS Valparaiso 2727 Campbell St Valparaiso IN 46385-2356
Victory College Prep Academy Indianapolis 1780 Sloan Ave Indianapolis IN 46203-3640
Vigo County School Corp Career   PO Box 3703 Terre Haute IN 47803-0703
Viking New Tech HS Fort Wayne 450 Macgahan St Huntington IN 46750-1310
Wabash HS Fort Wayne 580 N Miami St Wabash IN 46992-1704
Wabash River CTE Indianapolis PO Box 440 Montezuma IN 47862-0440
Waldron Jr/Sr HS Indianapolis PO Box 128 Waldron IN 46182-0128
Walker Career Center Indianapolis 9651 E 21st St Indianapolis IN 46229-1706
Wapahani HS Muncie RR 1 Selma IN 47383-9801
Warren Central HS Indianapolis 9500 E 16th St Indianapolis IN 46229-2008
Warsaw Area Career Center Warsaw 1 Tiger Ln Warsaw IN 46580-4807
Warsaw Community HS Warsaw 1 Tiger Ln Warsaw IN 46580-4807
Washington High School Evansville 608 E Walnut St Washington IN 47501-2812
Washington Township HS Valparaiso 383 E State Road 2 Valparaiso IN 46383-9701
Wawasee Area Career/Tech Coop Warsaw 1 Warrior Path Syracuse IN 46567-9170
Wawasee HS Warsaw PO Box 662 Syracuse IN 46567-0662
Wayne HS Fort Wayne 9100 Winchester Rd Fort Wayne IN 46819-2427
Wayne New Tech HS Fort Wayne 9100 Winchester Rd Fort Wayne IN 46819-2427
Wes-Del HS Muncie RR 1 Gaston IN 47342-9801
West Central IN Career/Tech Ed   1 W Athenian Dr Crawfordsville IN 47933-8253
West Central Indiana Career/Tech   1 W Athenian Dr Crawfordsville IN 47933-8253
West Central Senior HS Valparaiso PO Box 15 Francesville IN 47946-0015
West Lafayette Sr/Jr HS Lafayette 1105 N Grant St West Lafayette IN 47906-2400
West Noble HS Fort Wayne Route 2 Ligonier IN 46767
West Side HS Lake County Ninth And Gerry Sts Gary IN 46406
West Vigo HS Terre Haute Rural Route 15 Box 321 W Terre Haute IN 47885
West Washington Jr-Sr High School Bloomington 8028 W Batts Rd Campbellsburg IN 47108-8559
Western Boone Jr-Sr HS Lafayette 1205 IN-75 Thorntown IN 46071-9802
Western HS Kokomo 600 W 250 S Russiaville IN 46979
Westfield-Washington High School Hamilton County 326 W Main St Westfield IN 46074-9384
Westview Junior/Senior HS Fort Wayne Rural Route 1 Topeka IN 46571
Westville HS Michigan City 207 E Valparaiso St Westville IN 46391-9712
Wheeler HS Valparaiso 599 W 300 N Valparaiso IN 46383
White River Valley HS Terre Haute PO Box 1470 Switz City IN 47465-1470
Whiteland Community HS Columbus 300 Main St Whiteland IN 46184-1550
Whitewater Tech Career Center   1300 Spartan Dr Connersville IN 47331-1049
Whiting Jr/Sr HS Lake County 1800 New York Ave Whiting IN 46394-1716
Whitko Career Academy Warsaw 710 IN-5 Larwill IN 46764
Whitko HS Warsaw 1 Big Blue Ave South Whitley IN 46787-1475
Wildcat Creek Co-op   21 Elston Rd Lafayette IN 47909-7000
William W Borden HS Sellersburg 301 West St Borden IN 47106-8951
Winamac Community HS Logansport 715 School Dr Winamac IN 46996-1584
Winchester Community HS Richmond 700 N Union St Winchester IN 47394-1232
Wood Memorial HS Evansville 945 S Franklin St Oakland City IN 47660-1651
Woodlawn School Fort Wayne 17215 Woodburn Rd Woodburn IN 46797-9570
Yorktown HS Muncie 700 E Smith St Yorktown IN 47396
Zionsville Community School Indianapolis 1000 Mulberry St Zionsville IN 46077-1143