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Ivy Tech Community College provides a centralized way for a member of the college community to report concerns and incidents and address observed difficulties that may impede a student’s success at the College. Reporting concerns and incidents to college officials is beneficial to our students' and employees' success and safety. Reporting also strengthens the mission of the College and our educational environment.
Is this an EMERGENCY?
If there is an emergency or immediate threat to health and safety, please call 911.
Members of the college community should report issues they believe may be a violation of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, including, but not limited to, classroom disruption, disorderly conduct, and general student behaviors.
A full listing and descriptions of personal conduct violations, as well as a detailed outline of the student conduct process is available in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Members of the college community may submit a report if they believe there has been a violation of academic integrity as outlined by the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and misconduct at a clinical, field, or internship experience. General student conduct-related concerns should be reported using the Student Personal Misconduct Report.
A full listing and descriptions of academic violations, as well as a detailed outline of the student conduct process is available in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Members of the college community may report students who they believe are experiencing crisis, displaying odd or unusual behaviors, or engaging in other behaviors that may be perceived as being harmful to themselves and/or others.
These reports are typically referred to the campus Aware Team. This multidisciplinary group helps monitor early indicators of the potential for harm to the campus community. The Aware Team also supports the well-being of students through intentional interventions and referrals to campus and community resources and services.
Report information necessary to initiate an investigation of alleged sexual or gender harassment, sexual assault or other sexual violence, stalking, dating and domestic violence and/or retaliation pursuant to a report of Sexual Misconduct. All college employees who are aware of an incident of sexual misconduct are obligated to report using this form or by contacting the Title IX Coordinator. Learn more about prevention of sexual misconduct, review campus and community resources, and find contact information for Campus Title IX Coordinators at Prevent Sexual Misconduct.
Ivy Tech Community College recognizes its responsibility to support and uphold the rights of our students while fostering an institutional culture of free inquiry, free expression, and intellectual diversity. Ivy Tech takes all student concerns seriously. If you witness, directly experience, or have evidence of an issue or concern with a college process, procedure, or an individual at the College that you are unable to resolve, you are encouraged to report it. Some examples of concerns include bias, discrimination, harassment, cultural and intellectual diversity issues, and violation of policy and procedure. The processes that the College follows when various forms of complaints or concerns are shared by students are available in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Ivy Tech Community College is committed to providing an environment in which individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, services, activities, and facilities at the college. If you have encountered an obstacle to accessibility at the college, please share that information so access can be reviewed.
Students should complete this report if they have experienced an accident or injury while fulfilling coursework, attending a college-sponsored activity, or while on the campus or other designated premises. The report's purpose is to notify the appropriate College officials of an accident. If medical treatment is necessary, the College’s no-fault Student Accident Insurance may be available, and this form will facilitate the routing of that information to the student. If you have any questions, please contact the Vice Chancellor for Student Success.
Complete this report if you experienced an accident, injury or illness while on the job. This report will be routed to the regional Human Resources department and to your supervisor. If medical treatment is needed, Human Resources will inform you where to seek treatment. If this is an emergency, seek treatment immediately at the nearest facility and notify Human Resources as soon as practicable.
Complete this report when an accident involves a College-owned, leased, hired, rented or borrowed vehicle. Most accidents require Proof of Insurance at time of an accident. Such information must be submitted to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) immediately following an accident and can only be reported electronically through the College’s insurance broker. If a driver receives a Financial Responsibility Verification from the BMV requesting completion of a Certificate of Compliance, please contact
Please first make notification to campus security and/or local law enforcement. Complete this report when there has been damage to or theft of College-owned property or leased property for which the College is responsible for insuring. It is important that you take all reasonable steps to protect the property from further damage, to keep a detailed record of damaged property including quantities, costs and values, and to document the damage with photos. The College is not responsible for theft of personal property. Do not complete this report for personal property theft or damage.