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Ivy+ Textbooks

Ivy+ Tuition & Textbooks logo

THE Promise

A quality education at an affordable price!

  • Flat tuition fees for full-time students
  • Easy, predictable, low-cost pricing for all required textbooks and courseware

Current tuition rates

Required Textbook and Courseware Fees for Fall 2024-Summer 2025 = $16.50/credit hour

Benefits to Students

The Textbooks model is here to save you significant time and money when it comes to purchasing your required course materials! 

SUCCESS FROM DAY 1: Day-1 access to all required digital textbooks and courseware through a student’s IvyLearn account.

FLEXIBILITY: Required materials are delivered digital first with the option to request low-cost or loose-leaf print versions from the Ivy Tech bookstore.

PREDICTABILITY: Required textbooks are now offered at a flat, per-credit-hour fee. No more shopping around for textbooks or wondering how much materials will cost each semester.

Ivy+ Textbook Formats

Textbooks is a digital-first program. All required textbooks are delivered in this format and feed directly into a student’s IvyLearn dashboard. If a required textbook is not available digitally, students will receive a physical textbook rental*. Additionally, students have the option to request a low-cost or loose-leaf print copy of their digital textbook when available from the publisher.

*Textbook rentals must be either purchased from or returned to eCampus at the end of a course. Returns can be made in person at any Ivy Tech campus store or designated drop off location, or by mail through a pre-paid mailing slip provided by eCampus.

Ivy+ Textbook Exceptions

Dual credit, KLLM, skills training, and building/construction trade apprenticeship students are not currently eligible for Textbooks. Also not included in the per credit hour pricing are course materials that are recommended but not required, program fees, course fees, and consumable fees (e.g., exam fees, proctoring fees, nursing scrubs, welding rods).

Accessing your Ivy+ Textbooks is as easy as . . .

1. Register for Classes

New students can register for classes and find more information on the courses offered by visiting the Ivy Tech Schedule Builder.

Existing and returning students can register directly via MyIvy!

2. Confirm Your Textbook Order

Roughly 30-days before the start of term, students should expect an email to their email account from eCampus, Ivy Tech’s bookseller partner, with a link to their student dashboard where they can confirm their textbooks and preferred delivery method for any printed materials.

If registering for classes within 30 days of the start of term, please allow 24-48 hours for this confirmation to generate.

3. Access Your Ivy+ Textbooks

Students will be able to access their digital materials and textbooks 2-days before the start of class. They will also be sent an email to their email from eCampus when print materials are available for pick up at an Ivy Tech campus store or designated pick-up point, or when they’re in route for delivery.

  • For more information on Ivy+ Tuition and Textbooks visit the Ivy+ homepage on the main Ivy Tech site, and make sure to check your email for any important instructions and information.

    Students and faculty with access to MyIvy can also find great resources available in the Knowledge Base articles.

    Alternatively, for help with specific issues, please submit a ticket using the following links:

    For textbook concerns, order issues, technological concerns, or general campus store questions, submit a help ticket with eCampus.

    For all other questions and concerns, please email or contact our Ivy Help Line at 1-888-IVY-LINE (1-888-489-5463).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Textbooks?

    Textbooks is Ivy Tech Community College’s equitable access program that supplies eligible students with all required textbooks and courseware at a low, per-credit-hour price, significantly reducing the average student’s cost of materials.

    Who is not eligible for Textbooks?

    Currently, dual credit, KLLM, skills training, and building/construction trade apprenticeship students are currently excluded from Textbooks. Students in these programs either have their materials covered by the program or are responsible for sourcing and purchasing required items on their own.

    How will I receive my materials?

    Ivy Tech is a digital-first institution. Most required textbooks and materials integrate in the College’s learning management system and will be available to you in IvyLearn 2-days before the start of class. Before the start of term, you will receive an email from eCampus confirming your materials. At this time, you can confirm your preferred delivery method for any printed textbooks and materials. These options include pickup at an Ivy Tech campus store or pick-up center or having the materials shipped directly to your address of choice.

    Can I opt out of Textbooks?

    Eligible students will automatically be enrolled in Textbooks and charged the per-credit-hour fee for required textbooks and courseware. You must take action to opt out. Opting out of Textbooks applies to the entire semester. You cannot pick and choose select courses to opt out of.

    Opting out means you are responsible for purchasing all of your own textbooks, courseware, and other required materials for all courses over the 16-week semester.

    The window to opt out of Textbooks is from the time you receive your textbook selection email from the bookstore through the last full refund date of your earliest starting class. You can change your opt out/in status for Textbooks via the Opt Out Portal in MyIvy during this window.

    Can I opt back into Textbooks?

    If you opt out of Textbooks and later decide you'd like to opt back into the textbook program, you can do so by changing your status in the Opt Out Portal in MyIvy. The window to opt back into the textbook program is the same as the window to opt out. You have from the moment you receive your textbook selection email from the bookstore through the last full refund date of your earliest starting class to set your status.

    What happens to my materials if I add or drop a course?

    If you add or drop a course, our system will register the change within 24 hours. At that time, you will be notified on how to either confirm your new materials or return any physical textbooks to eCampus, either in-person at a campus store or through a pre-paid mailing slip. To avoid charges, you will have 7 days from the time the course is dropped to return your old books.

    What is the Summer-Flex Scholarship?

    The Summer-Flex Scholarship is a program that incentivizes students to complete 30 credit hours over the course of an academic year. Full-time students can make up any necessary credits over the summer semester at no additional cost. For example: If you take 12 credits in the Fall and 12 credits in the Spring, you are eligible to take up to 6 credits over the Summer at no additional cost.

    I need accessible textbooks, how do I gain access?

    Accessible Format Textbooks are available for students with disabilities. Eligibility and requests are handled by Disability Support Services.

  • What is included in the Textbooks program?

    The Textbook program covers all required textbooks and courseware. Course materials that are recommended but not required, program fees, course fees, and consumable fees (e.g. exam fees, proctoring fees, scrubs, welding rods, etc.) are not currently included in the per-credit-hour price.

    Can I order print copies of my digital textbooks?

    Some publishers offer a low-cost or looseleaf print edition of their books that students can order from the bookstore to supplement their digital texts. This availability varies by publisher. These materials are an additional cost and are not covered by the Textbook fee. However, you can use your financial aid to pay for these materials through eCampus.

    What if I need the same book for the next semester?

    If you are using the same textbook across courses or over multiple semesters, eCampus will instruct you on how to manage your textbooks. For items delivered as ‘Print Keep,’ you will be flagged internally as having already received the required materials so you do not receive duplicate copies. For items delivered as ‘Print Rental,’ you will be directed to keep your books for the sequential courses and will receive an updated date that materials will be due back to eCampus. Digital books will be delivered in IvyLearn and will appear on the Textbooks link for each course that uses that text.

    Which materials need to be returned at the end of a course?

    If you have a rented textbook that you have not been instructed to keep for a sequential course, this will need to be returned to eCampus, either in-person at a campus store or designated drop-off location, or through a packing slip provided by the online bookstore. Failure to return printed textbooks will result in a hold being placed on your account that will prevent you from registering for further classes.

    After registering for classes, how long does it take to receive an email from the bookstore confirming my materials?

    Roughly 45-days before the start of term, you should expect an email to your email account from eCampus, Ivy Tech’s bookseller partner, to confirm your textbooks and preferred delivery method for any printed materials.

    How do I access my digital textbooks?

    Digital textbooks are available through your IvyLearn dashboard. Simply click on an eBook or select digital content in IvyLearn's 'Textbook' tab to access it. If an access code is required, a pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter the code to access. Features such as highlighting, read aloud, and note-taking will vary based on the publisher and digital platform.

    Can I opt out of Textbooks?

    Eligible students will automatically be enrolled in Textbooks and charged the per-credit-hour fee for required textbooks and courseware. You must take action to opt out.

    Opting out of Textbooks applies to the entire semester. You cannot pick and choose select courses to opt out of. Opting out means you are responsible for purchasing all of your own textbooks, courseware, and other required materials for all courses over the 16-week semester.

    The window to opt out of Textbooks is from the time you receive your textbook selection email from the bookstore through the last full refund date of your earliest starting class. You can change your opt out/in status for Textbooks via the Opt Out Portal in MyIvy during this window.

    Can I opt back into Textbooks?

    If you opt out of Textbooks and later decide you'd like to opt back into the textbook program, you can do so by changing your status in the Opt Out Portal in MyIvy. The window to opt back into the textbook program is the same as the window to opt out. You have from the moment you receive your textbook selection email from the bookstore through the last full refund date of your earliest starting class to set your status.

    I need accessible textbooks, how do I gain access?

    Accessible Format Textbooks are available for students with disabilities. Eligibility and requests are handled by Disability Support Services.

  • Can I order print copies of my digital textbooks?

    Some publishers offer a low-cost or looseleaf print edition of their books that students can order from the bookstore to supplement their digital texts. This availability varies by publisher. These materials are an additional cost and are not covered by the Textbook fee. However, you can use your financial aid to pay for these materials through eCampus.

    Which materials need to be returned at the end of a course?

    If you have a rented textbook that you have not been instructed to keep for a sequential course, this will need to be returned to eCampus, either in-person at a campus store or designated drop-off location, or through a packing slip provided by the online bookstore. Failure to return printed textbooks will result in a hold being placed on your account that will prevent you from registering for further classes.

    What if I need the same book for the next semester?

    If you are using the same textbook across courses or over multiple semesters, eCampus will instruct you on how to manage your textbooks. For items delivered as ‘Print Keep,’ you will be flagged internally as having already received the required materials so you do not receive duplicate copies. For items delivered as ‘Print Rental,’ you will be directed to keep your books for the sequential courses and will receive an updated date that materials will be due back to eCampus. Digital books will be delivered in IvyLearn and will appear on your bookshelf via the Textbooks link for each course that uses that text.

    What happens if I don't return my rented materials to the bookstore?

    You are required to return any rental textbooks to the bookstore. Failure to do so will result in a hold on your student account that will prevent registration until the materials are either returned or you pay the replacement costs.

    How can I return my rented textbooks/materials to the bookstore?

    You can return your rented textbooks in one of two ways. The materials can be returned to any Ivy Tech campus store in-person or by mail through a pre-paid return label from eCampus.

    If I don't return my rented textbooks/materials to the bookstore, when will I see a hold on my account?

    You will receive multiple notifications from eCampus and Ivy Tech reminding you to return your rented textbooks and materials. If you fail to take action, you will see a hold on your account preventing future registration. This hold typically appears 30 days after the end of term.

    How can I resolve a non-returned rental hold on my student account?

    If you would like to resolve a non-return rental hold on your account, you can take one of a few different actions. First, you can return your materials to the campus store either in-person or through a pre-paid mailing label from eCampus. Second, you can pay a replacement fee for the materials, or third, you can purchase the materials from eCampus at a discounted rate.

  • How much does the Ivy+ Textbook program cost?

    Textbooks is an equitable access program. Eligible* students are automatically enrolled and charged a low, per-credit-hour fee for all required textbooks and courseware. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the textbook fee is only $16.50 per credit hour.

    *Dual credit, KLLM, skills training, and building/construction trade apprenticeship students are not currently eligible for Textbooks. These students either have their required materials covered by their program or are responsible for sourcing and purchasing these items on their own.

    How is the Textbook program billed?

    The Textbook fee is assessed based on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the semester and will appear as a line item on your student bill. To figure out how much your textbook fee will be, multiply the number of credit hours you are enrolled in for the semester by the current per-credit-hour rate.

    Ex: If you are enrolled in 15 credits hours, you will have a fee of $247.50 ($16.50 x 15)

    My class does not have any required materials, am I still being charged for it?

    The Textbook fee is assessed based on the number of credit hours you are taking over the 16-week semester. You are not charged by individual courses or for specific textbooks or materials. This is designed to balance the total cost of your required textbooks and courseware across your semester and overall academic career and could mean that you have multiple required textbooks for some courses and none for others. Even if your individual course does not require textbooks or materials, you will continue to see savings on the overall costs of your textbooks and courseware during your time at Ivy Tech.

    Does the Ivy+ Textbook fee affect my available financial aid?

    No, Textbooks will not affect financial aid. Available financial aid (Pell grant, state financial aid, student loans, other grants, scholarships, etc.) will be applied to tuition costs and required fees first. The remaining balance can be used for other supplies and materials at any Ivy Tech campus store, in-person or online!

    I have additional financial aid funds, can I use them in the bookstore?

    Yes. After covering your required materials, you can also use your remaining financial aid to purchase other needed supplies or supplemental texts and materials from the campus store.

Find Local Campus Store Contact Info

Don't see a nearby location? Call 1-888-489-5463 and we'll get you started.

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso


Ivy Tech Columbus Campus Store
4475 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203

Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Lake County Campus Store
410 E Columbus Drive
East Chicago, IN 46321

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Mondays–Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon CT
Saturday-Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Evansville Campus Store
3407 N First Avenue
Evansville, IN 47710

Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Fort Wayne Campus Store
4805 Campus Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46835

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon
Saturday-Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Indianapolis Campus Store
2535 N Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46208

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon
Saturday-Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Lafayette Campus Store
3101 S Creasy Lane Ivy Hall 1370
Lafayette, IN 47905

Lake County has 3 full-service locations. Select a location below to see contact information for their Campus Store department.

Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon
Saturday-Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Lawrence Campus Store
9301 East 59th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46216

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

This physical bookstore location is now permanently closed. Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

(Week before classes begin: M-F 9a-4p)
Normal Hours:
Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon ET
Saturday–Sunday: Closed

574-289-7001 x5344

Ivy Tech South Bend Campus Store
220 Dean Johnson Blvd.
South Bend, IN 46601

Please contact or visit one of the campus stores closest to you for in-store shopping (see available locations below). Online orders placed on can be shipped to any campus store for in-store pickup, or choose to ship directly to your home.

Ivy Tech Campus Stores: Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Lake County, Lawrence, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso

Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon ET
Saturday–Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Terre Haute Campus Store
8000 S Education Drive
Terre Haute, IN 47802

Mon–Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon CT
Saturday–Sunday: Closed


Ivy Tech Valparaiso Campus Store
3100 Ivy Tech Drive
Valparaiso, IN 46383