As soon as you register for classes, you will see a service on our IvyConnect homepage that links you to Career Link for your campus. The Career Link office can connect you with a coach to consult with regularly throughout your time at Ivy Tech to develop a clear plan for achieving your professional goals. You can take advantage of one-to-one and group coach sessions.

Career Exploration

The plan you create will be personalized to fit YOU. Whether you know your ideal path, need some help deciding, or are making a career change, your Career Coach will help every step of the way. You can ask your coach questions, explore academic programs and careers that match your values, interests, personality, and skills, and ask them for guidance on navigating your next steps.

Employability Skills

Career readiness is a foundation from which to demonstrate core competencies that broadly prepare you for success in the workplace and lifelong career management. These are skills employers deem critical to the workplace and look for on a resume and during an interview:

Career & Self-Development
Critical Thinking

Your Career Coach can help you reflect these skills on a resume and discuss them in an interview.

Job Search

Your Career Coach will guide you through resume development as well as interview practice to make sure you're presenting yourself in the strongest way possible. They will also connect you with internship and career fairs and employer engagement events, and discuss how to build a strong professional network of connections with potential employers, alumni, community members, and industry leaders.


HELP DEVELOPING YOUR Career Development Portfolio

Career readiness is key to a successful entrance into the workforce and building a Career Development Portfolio with your Career Coach will help you get there. A Career Development Portfolio is a toolkit that helps you become career ready and includes your resume and LinkedIn profile, plus it will highlight your work-and-learn experiences and the professional network and connections you have made. 



Career Development Portfolio Homepage Screenshot

Sample Career Development Portfolio homepage



  • Connecting Employers and Students

    What is HireIvy?

    HireIvy is a website created by Ivy Tech, powered by Symplicity®, to assist current students and Ivy Tech alumni with career development. It is a college-wide, online job and internship board for local, regional, and statewide opportunities. Plus, it is where you'll develop your Career Development Portfolio, manage your work-and-learn opportunities—like job fairs, job shadowing, employer panels, internships, and more—and access resume review feedback, mock interviewing, and career-related events. 

    Connecting Employers and Students. 

    Hireivy Student Homepage Screenshot

    Sample HireIvy Student Homepage

    How to Access HireIvy

    Current students can access HireIvy through MyIvy in the "Tools & Resources" section. You will be prompted to use single sign-in authentication to access the system.

    Alumni, faculty, and employers can create a free account:

    Create a HireIvy Account

  • Ivy Career Strong Career Assessment Platform

    Ivy Career Strong is a career assessment platform for current Ivy Tech students, powered by third-party partner, VitaNavis®. VitaNavis uses the SuperStrong® interest assessment to find educational and career pathways for you. For each pathway, we link your interests to careers, salaries, job outlooks, skills, and which Ivy Tech programs can help you meet your goals.

    The assessment takes 5-10 minutes and can help you begin planning the next steps in your life.

    Are you ready to start your journey? 

    Contact an Ivy Tech Career Coach for more information and to learn how to access the Ivy Career Strong career assessment platform.

    Find your local Career Coach

    Note: Ivy Career Strong is only for current Ivy Tech students who will be prompted to use single sign-in authentication to access the system.

  • Indiana Career Explorer is an easy, online tool available to all Indiana residents to:

    • Explore their career interests
    • Complete career assessments based on interests and skills
    • Identify occupations that would be a good fit
    • Explore salary and job projections based on U.S. labor statistics
    • Establish educational strategies
    • Prepare for their job search and connect to employers.

    The Indiana Career Explorer website is powered by the State of Indiana's Department of Workforce Development.


  • The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, (or task), action, and the result of the situation you are describing to showcase skills.

    Our coaches teach this method to students preparing to interview during one-to-one or group coaching sessions. Talk to your Career Coach to learn more.

    Find your local Career Coach

  • The WIN Career Readiness e-Learning program provides self-paced content and resources to teach core employability skills in a career context. Current students can gain access to this system through their career coach.

    Find your local Career Coach

  • Whether you’re exploring majors for two- or four-year college degrees or searching for information about your chosen field, "What Can I Do With This Major" can help! Learn typical career areas and types of employers that hire in these fields, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate. This website is not managed by Ivy Tech but contains information you may find useful.


  • Work and Learn Indiana LogoWork and Learn Indiana is a FREE work-based learning matching marketplace connecting Indiana employers, anyone seeking a work-based learning experience, high schools, colleges, and universities. They help Indiana employers and community partners develop and retain Hoosier talent through relevant work-and-learn experiences that drive a highly skilled and equitable workforce.

    You can tap into this free service to connect with organizations across the state who are offering internships and other work-based learning experiences. Search the database to find internships that match your interests or create a candidate profile so employers can find you.


Questions about Career Planning?

Contact Your Career Coach

Your Career Coach and the Career Link team are available to assist with exploring career paths, developing your resume, preparing for interviews, connecting you with employers, and more.

Find your Local Career Coach

24 hours a day, 7 days a week (se habla español)

Live Chat