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Sexual Violence Prevention

Ivy Tech Community College intends to provide a safe place for all students. Violent behavior, direct or indirect threats, harassment, or intimidation will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of all students to help keep the school safe by monitoring their own behavior and reporting incidents involving other students who exhibit any form of violent or threatening behavior. Determination of physical assault, battery or forcible sex offenses will be grounds for immediate dismissal. A student may appeal these sanctions by following the appropriate appeal process. All student actions/behaviors are also governed by local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

If you have experienced a sexual assault or violence in a dating or intimate relationship, the most important thing you can do is get to a safe place. If you believe you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 as soon as possible.

    • Once you are safe, contact someone you trust to be with you for support. This could be a friend, family member, or someone on campus.
    • Report it to your campus security or local law enforcement. Contacting the police does not require you to file charges.
    • Seek medical attention (go to an emergency room and ask for a SAFE or rape exam) as soon as possible.
    • Preserve evidence. Do not do any of the following things until you’ve gotten medical attention and/or contacted the police: Bathe or shower; Use the restroom; Change clothes; Comb hair; Clean up the crime scene; Move anything the offender may have touched. Don’t try to collect evidence yourself. Get help from medical or law enforcement personnel as soon as possible—or at least within 96 hours of the assault. You do not need to decide immediately whether to take action against the person who assaulted you, but if you might want to do this, it is important to preserve evidence of the assault.
    • Get counseling and support by seeking out the contacts and resources listed below.
    • Consider completing an incident report.
  • Students who become aware of a threatening situation or potential for violence should contact Campus Security or the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs immediately. Students can also utilize the incident report form via My Ivy or directly at

    Students making a report will be asked to provide as much detail as possible, including names of other witnesses, the name of the person making the threat or possessing the weapon, location and other pertinent information that would be helpful in conducting a fair and accurate investigation.

    Make a Report 

  • Most Ivy Tech employees are either required or encouraged to report incidents of sexual harassment, gender-based harassment or sexual violence when they become aware of those incidents. There are other employees, "Confidential Employees," specifically trained to offer support to victims who may be consulted and who will keep information confidential, except in cases of immediate risk of harm to the community. Please see the lists of Confidential Employees; Title IX Coordinators, Campus and Community Resources, and Policies in the dropdowns below.

Incident Reporting FAQ

  • A: Anyone.

  • A: The report is routed to the campus Title IX Coordinator for review. The College will address all reports of sexual misconduct in a manner fitting the information that is shared. The Title IX Coordinator will assess the harm to both individuals and the community and will respond in light of available information and any requests for confidentiality.

  • A: If you provide your name and your contact information, yes. We will want to acknowledge and follow-up on your report, check-in with you to learn what resources and support you might want or need, and make sure that you have been provided important information about options and next steps.

  • A: This form provides you with an opportunity to provide the Title IX Office with information related to sexual misconduct and the report will initiate a Title IX review. If you are a person who believes they have experienced sexual misconduct by a current Ivy Tech Community College student, faculty, or staff member, you may, if you choose, file a complaint to initiate an adjudication process.

  • A: Absolutely. The Title IX Coordinator would be happy to speak with you to answer all of your questions. You do not need to provide us with information about the report in order to get your questions answered.

Confidential Employees You Can Talk To

Duties of the College Title IX Coordinator and Campus Title IX Coordinators

The College's Title IX Coordinator will be informed of all reports of sexual misconduct and will oversee the College’s review, investigation, and resolution of those reports to ensure the College’s compliance with Title IX, and related laws, and the effective implementation of the Student Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy.

Each campus of the College maintains a Campus Title IX Coordinator. These individuals will be responsible for tracking and reporting to the College Title IX Coordinator all incidents of sexual misconduct in their respective regions. Campus Title IX Coordinators will work with the College Title IX Coordinator to ensure that the appropriate designated College officials are involved in investigating and adjudicating complaints according to this Student Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy and other applicable College policies and procedures. Campus Title IX Coordinators will work with the College Title IX Coordinator to ensure that adequate education, training, sanctions, and appropriate resources are available and provided in their respective regions. 

Ivy Tech Community College Title IX Coordinator

Sally Ronald
(463) 285-8334

Find Campus Title IX Coordinator and Resources Information

Don't see a nearby location? Call 1-888-489-5463 and we'll get you started.

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Amy Ward
George and Frances Ball Building
125 South High Street, Rm 312
Muncie, IN 47305
765-289-2291 ext. 1214

Regional Director of Safety & Security:   765-289-2291 Ext.1707
Law Enforcement:  
Anderson Police Department   765-648-6700
Medical & Counseling:  
Christian Center Rescue Hotline   765-649-4264;
Community Hospital of Anderson   765-298-4242
Crisis Hot Line   800-662-3445
Indiana Family Helpline   800-433-0746
Madison Co. Community Health Center   765-641-7499;
Social Services:  
Community Hospital of Anderson    765-298-5468
Victim Advocate Program of Anderson    765-648-6773

Title IX Coordinator

Esthela O'Neil
Connie and Steve Ferguson Academic Building
200 Daniels Way
Bloomington, IN 47404


Campus Security: 812-330-6249
Law Enforcement:  
Bloomington Police Department 812-339-4477 or 911
Monroe County Sheriff’s Department 812-349-2780 or 911
Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department 812-275-3316 or 911
Greene County Sheriff’s Department 812-384-4411 or 911
French Lick Police Department 812-936-9811 or 911

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Jennifer Englert-Copeland
Moravec Hall, Rm 140B
4475 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203


Campus Security:  
Columbus Ivy Tech/IUPUC Campus Security 812-348-7233
Ivy Tech Regional Director of Safety & Support 812-537-4010 Ext. 7275
Law Enforcement:  
Columbus Police Department 812-376-2600
Columbus Police Dispatch 812-379-1689
Bartholomew County Sheriff 812-379-1650
Emergency Operations Center 812-379-1689 (non-emergency phone)
Columbus Regional Hospital 800-841-4938 or 812-379-4441
VIMCare Clinic  812-375-3660
Planned Parenthood – Columbus Health Ctr. 812-376-3045
OBGYN Associates of Columbus 812-372-1581
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services 812-379-5575 or 800-221-6311
Center for Counseling Coaching & Consultation 812-447-2464
Community Downtown (Community Church of Columbus) 812-348-6257
Centerstone Columbus 812-314-3400
Horizon House 812-799-1062
Human Services Inc. 812-372-8407
Family Service Inc. 812-372-3745

Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Lafayette.

College Title IX and Title VI Coordinator

Sally Ronald 


Campus Security Gary:  
North building     219-981-4820
South building     219-981-4832 
Crown Point Site  219-980-7799 or 219-286-9068 
Director of Security  574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948
Local Law Enforcement:  
Gary Police 219-881-1260
Crown Point Police 219-663-2131
Methodist Northlake  219-886-4000  
Methodist Southlake  291-738-5500 
St. Anthony  219-738-2100 
Pinnacle Hospital  219-756-2100
Crisis Center Northwest IN 219-938-7070
Jude House  800-254-1286 or 219-662-7066
Women Center  219-663-5311


Campus Security:  574-289-7001 ext. 6802     
South Bend ITOSS  574-289-7001 ext. 6804
Director of Security  574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948
Local Law Enforcement:  
South Bend Police  574-235-9201
Memorial Hospital of South Bend  574-647-1000
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center  800-274-1314

Title IX Coordinator

Rebecca McQueen-Ruark
Evansville Main Campus, Room 140A
3501 North First Avenue
Evansville, IN 47710



Regional Director of Safety & Security: 812-330-6055
Law Enforcement:  
Evansville Police Department 812-436-7896
Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office 812-421-6200

Ascension St. Vincent Evansville

Deaconess Hospital 812-450-5000;
Community Services (Counseling):  
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line 812-422-5622
Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line 812-424-7273 or 800-339-7752
Holly’s House 812-437-7233;
YWCA 812-422-1191

Title IX Coordinator

Nicholas Spangle
3800 North Anthony Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46805


Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Lafayette.

Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Columbus.

Title IX Coordinator

Jessica Metz
Hamilton County Campus, Room 121
300 N 17th Street
Noblesville, IN 46060

Hamilton County



On- Duty Campus Security


Director of Public Safety

Ryan Chandler, 317-921-4263

Local Law Enforcement


Noblesville Police Department


Carmel Police Department


Fishers Police Department


Westfield Police Department


Sheridan Police Department


Cicero Police Department


Arcadia Police Department


Medical/Counseling Resources:


Riverview Hospital


Community North Hospital


Aspire Indiana


Trinity Free Clinic


Community Resources:


Prevail, Inc. 


Hamilton County Health Department


Title IX Coordinator

Jordan Snoddy
North Meridian Center Rm. 540
50 West Fall Creek Parkway North Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46208
317-921-4800 ext 08465


Indianapolis Downtown
Campus Security:  
Downtown Campus 317-921-4806
Downtown Campus Emergency 317-921-8080
Local Law Enforcement:  
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department North District 317-327-6100
Marion County Sheriff Department 317-327-1700
IU Methodist Hospital 317-962-2000
Eskenazi Hospital 317-880-0000
Melissa Filock
Student Therapist
Victims Assistance St. Vincent Emergency Physician of Hope 317-338-2345
Purple Sneakers Outreach and Education Program/Beacon of Hope Crisis Center 317-731-6140
Victim Connect 855-484-2846

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Theresa Murphy
Kokomo Main, M102D
1815 East Morgan Street
Kokomo, IN 46901


Campus Security: 765-271-5502
Police (non-emergency): 765-457-1105
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)
Phone: 800-656-4683 (HOPE)

Jennifer Johnson, Mental Health Counselor

For assistance complete this Referral Form.

For community based resources, log on to MyIvy and then visit to search by zip code for local resources.

Logansport Campus Campus Security: (574) 753-5101, (765) 432-8014 (evening only)
Police (non-emergency): (574) 753-4101
Peru Instructional Site Campus Security: (765) 431-1735 (evening only)
Police (non-emergency): (765) 472-2400

Title IX Coordinator

Nicholas Spangle
3800 North Anthony Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

Campus Security:   574-267 -428 ext 7225
Director of Security  574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948 
Local Law Enforcement:    
Warsaw Police 574-267-5244
Kosciusko Community Hospital 574-267-3200
Crisis/ Intervention in Kosciusko County Victim Service Center   574-269-9112

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Jessica Pitstick
Ivy Hall Room 1203
3101 South Creasy Lane
Lafayette, IN 47905



Campus Security:

Campus Police: (765) 430-2883 (8am-5pm)
Campus Security: (765) 430-2882

Local Law Enforcement:   
Lafayette Campus Police (non-emergency): (765) 807-1200 (after hours)
Frankfort Instructional Site Police (non-emergency): (765) 654-4245
Crawfordsville Campus Police (non-emergency): (765) 362-3762
Monticello (White County) Police (non-emergency): (574)-583-2256
Counseling/Mental Health:  

Lafayette Crisis Center - Mental Health America - Available 24/7:

Crisis Line
Rape Survivor Advocacy
Teen Line
Information & Referral


765-742-0244 or 877-419-1632

Wabash Valley Alliance - Lafayette 765-423-2638
Wabash Valley Alliance - Attica 765-446-6400
Wabash Valley Alliance - Crawfordsville 765-362-2852
Wabash Valley Alliance - Monticello 574-483-9350
Wabash Valley Alliance - Otterbein 765-583-0186
Wabash Valley Alliance - Delphi 765-564-2247
Wabash Valley Alliance - Rensselaer 219-866-4194
Wabash Valley Alliance - Frankfort 765-670-6480
Wabash Valley Alliance - After Hours/Emergency numbers  765-423-2638 or 800-859-5553
Willowstone Family Services 765-423-5361
White County Community Counseling 574-583-8055

College Title IX and Title VI Coordinator

Sally Ronald 


Campus Security Gary:  
North building     219-981-4820
South building     219-981-4832 
Crown Point Site  219-980-7799 or 219-286-9068 
Director of Security  574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948
Local Law Enforcement:  
Gary Police 219-881-1260
Crown Point Police 219-663-2131
Methodist Northlake  219-886-4000  
Methodist Southlake  291-738-5500 
St. Anthony  219-738-2100 
Pinnacle Hospital  219-756-2100
Crisis Center Northwest IN 219-938-7070
Jude House  800-254-1286 or 219-662-7066
Women Center  219-663-5311


Campus Security:  574-289-7001 ext. 6802     
South Bend ITOSS  574-289-7001 ext. 6804
Director of Security  574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948
Local Law Enforcement:  
South Bend Police  574-235-9201
Memorial Hospital of South Bend  574-647-1000
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center  800-274-1314

Title IX Coordinator

Jordan Snoddy
North Meridian Center Rm. 540
50 West Fall Creek Parkway North Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46208
317-921-4800 ext 08465


Campus Security:  
Lawrence Campus 317-921-4303
Local Law Enforcement:  
Lawrence Police Department 317-549-6404
Marion County Sheriff Department 317-327-1700
Community North Hospital 317-621-6262
Melissa Filock
Student Therapist
Victim Connect 855-484-2846
Victims Assistance St. Vincent Emergency Physician of Hope 317-338-2345
Purple Sneakers Outreach and Education Program/Beacon of Hope Crisis Center 317-731-6140

Title IX Coordinator

Lisa Moorehead
Riverfront Campus, Room 326
50 Walnut Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
812-537-4010 ext. 5237


Campus Security: 812-537-4010 ext. 7275
Law Enforcement:  
Lawrenceburg Police 812-537-2284
Dearborn County Hospital 812-537-1010
Margaret Mary Hospital 812-934-6624
Urgency Care 812-539-2911
Safe Passage 812-933-1990
Community Mental Health Center 812-537-7381 or 1-877-849-1248


Title IX Coordinator

Dustin Stewart
Madison Campus, Room 1450
590 Ivy Tech Drive
Madison, IN 47250
812-265-2580 X4109


Campus Security: 812-265-2580 ext. 4911
Law Enforcement:  
Madison Police Department 812-273-3347
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office 812-265-2648
Hanover Police Department 812-265-2648
King’s Daughters’ Health 812-200-0190
KDH EMS 812-801-0100
KDH Convenient Care Center 812-273-5372
First Stop Urgent Care 812-274-2742
Student Assistance Service Solutions 800-766-0068
Wortham Counseling Services 812-273-8964
Bob Pimlott Counseling 812-265-4151
Safe Passage 812-274-0959
Life Choices Clinic 812-273-0400

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Alexia Bailey-Web
Marion Campus, 202
261 South Commerce Drive
Marion, IN 46952
765-651-3100 ext. 3408


Marion and Grant County
Campus Security: 765-651-3100 ext. 3437
Local Law Enforcement:  
Marion County Police Department 765-662-7289
Marion County Sheriff Department 317-327-1700
Grant County Sheriff Department 765-662-9836
Adult Protective Services 800-992-6978 (National Hotline)
Anderson Based Services  765-608-5226;
Bridges to Health 765-662-7289
Crisis Hot Line 800-662-3445
Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE (7233);
Family Services Society 765-662-9971;
Grant County Victim Advocate 765-664-0739
Hands of Hope, Family Services- Crises Hotline 765-664-0701;
Madison County Victim Advocate 765-641-9673
Marion General Hospital 765-660-6000;
Society, Inc. 765-662-9971

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Amy Ward
George and Frances Ball Building
125 South High Street, Rm 312
Muncie, IN 47305
765-289-2291 ext. 1214


Campus Security:  765-289-2291 ext. 1313
Law Enforcement:  
Muncie Police Department 765-747-4838
Delaware County Sheriff Department 765-747-7878
A Better Way 765-747-9107 (24 hr. Hotline)
Adult Protective Services 800-992-6978
Ball State University Counseling Practicum Clinic 765-285-8047;
Christian Ministries 765-288-0601;
Crisis Hot Line 800-662-3445
Eaton EMS 765-396-9483
Gateway Health Clinic (Open Door Health Services) 765-286-7000;
IU / Ball Memorial Hospital 765-747-3111
Meridian Services 765-288-1928;
Open Door Health Services 765-286-7000;
Victim Advocate Program of Muncie 765-747-4777

Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Muncie.

Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Columbus.

Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Kokomo.

Title IX Coordinator

Jordan Snoddy
North Meridian Center Rm. 540
50 West Fall Creek Parkway North Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46208
317-921-4800 ext 08465


Law Enforcement:  
Plainfield Police Department 911 or 317-838-3565
Hendricks County Sheriff’s Department 317-745-6269
Hendricks Regional Health 317-745-6269
Hendricks Behavioral Hospital 844-991-9900
Melissa Filock
Student Therapist
Victim Connect 855-484-2846

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Tammy Frankland
Johnson Hall Rm. 1113
2357 Chester Boulevard
Richmond, IN 47374
765-966-2656 ext. 1112



Fayette County
Law Enforcement:  
Connersville Police Department 911 or 765-825-2111
Reid Health Emergency Department 765-825-5131
YWCA/Genesis (24 hours/day) 800-886-4508 or 765-966-0538 or
Fayette Co. Victim Assistance Agency 765-827-5227


Franklin County
Brookville Police Department 911 or 765-647-4178
Margaret Mary Community Hospital  812-934-6624
Directions: A Program of the Community Health Ctr. Inc. 812-537-1302
Safe Passage 812-933-1990
YWCA/Genesis (24 hours/day)

800-886-4508 or 765-966-0538 or


Rush County
Law Enforcement:  
Rushville Police Department 911 or 765-932-3907
Rush Memorial Hospital 765-932-4111
YWCA/Genesis (24 hours/day) 800-886-4508 or 765-966-0538 or
Quinco Consulting Association of Decatur County 800-832-5442


Union County
Law Enforcement:  
Liberty Police Department 911 or 765-458-5721
Reid Health 765-983-3000 or
YWCA/Genesis (24 hours/day) 800-886-4508 or 765-966-0538 or


Wayne County
Law Enforcement:  
Richmond Police Department 911 or 765-983-7247
Reid Health 765-983-3000 or
Prosecuting Attorney 765-973-9394
Public Defender  765-973-9263
YWCA/Genesis (24 hours/day) 800-886-4508 or 765-966-0538 or
Adult Protective Services 765-973-9256 or
Centerstone 888-983-8000
Lutheran Counseling Center 765-935-3166

9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday through Thursday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Charlotte Bingham
8104 Hwy 311, Pfau Hall G12
Sellersburg, IN 47172
812-246-3301 x4949


Campus Security: 812-248-4999 or 812-704-8926
Law Enforcement:  
Clark County Sheriff 812-283-4471
Floyd County Sherriff 812-948-5404
Baptist Health Floyd 812-944-7701
Clark Memorial Hospital 812-282-6631
Solutions Advantage Behavioral Health 800-766-0068
Center for Women and Families 812-944-6743
Wellstone Regional Hospital 812-284-8000

Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Columbus.

Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at our full-service campus located in Columbus.

Title IX Coordinator

Sandra Senatore-Roberts
Room 120x
220 Dean Johnson Blvd
South Bend, IN 46601
574-289-7001 ext 1002


Campus Security:  574-289-7001 ext. 6802     
South Bend ITOSS  574-289-7001 ext. 6804
Director of Security  574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948
Local Law Enforcement:  
South Bend Police  574-235-9201
Memorial Hospital of South Bend  574-647-1000
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center  800-274-1314


Campus Security:  574-830-0375 Ext 4498 or 574-876-2946 
Director of Security 574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948 
Local Law Enforcement:   
Elkhart Police   574-295-7070 
Elkhart General Hospital  574-294-2621
Info/ Helpline      574-293-8671

Title IX Coordinator

Melissa Kearns
Terre Haute Main Campus, D130D
8000 South Education Drive
Terre Haute, IN 47802


Terre Haute/Greencastle
Regional Director of Safety & Security: 812-330-6055
Law Enforcement:  
Vigo County Sheriff’s Department 812-462-3226
Putnam County Sheriff’s Department  765-653-3211
Union Hospital 812-238-7000
Regional Hospital 812-232-0021
Putnam County Hospital  765-301-7300
Valley Professionals Community Health Clinic 812-238-7631
Hamilton Center Mental Health Services 800-742-0787
FSA Counseling Services 812-232-4349
Mental Health America of Putnam County 765-653-3310
CODA (Council on Domestic Abuse) Terre Haute 800-566-2632
Putnam County Family Support Services, Inc. (Domestic Violence Help) 765-653-5115

Mental Health Counselor - E148A (Terre Haute Main Campus)

Jana Piantedosi is available Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m. to provide counseling services to students.  

Services are provided at no cost to students and are confidential.  To schedule an appointment call 812-298-2528 or Appointments are available in person and via tele-counseling. 

Student Success Coach – Student Success Center (in The Commons, Terre Haute Main Campus)

Melissa Kearns is available to provide 1:1 coaching Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m. To schedule an appointment call 812-298-2398 or Appointments are available in person or virtually. 

Title IX Coordinator

Lora Plank
3100 Ivy Tech Drive
Valparaiso, IN 46383


Campus Security: 219-476-4731 or 219-476-4730
Director of Security  574-289-7001 ext. 5730 or 574-876-1948
Local Law Enforcement:  
Valparaiso Police 219-462-2135
Porter Regional  219-983-8300
The Caring Place  800-933-0466 or 219-464-2128 



Ivy Tech Community College will thoroughly investigate all allegations of misconduct, make a determination based on facts and evidence, and take corrective action to correct the situation. The policies below provide further information and address address sexual discrimination, sexual misconduct, and violence.

U.S. Laws

  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities at universities receiving federal funds. Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.) requires schools that receive federal financial assistance to take necessary steps to prevent sexual assault on their campuses, and to respond promptly and effectively when an assault is reported. Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (42 U.S.C. § 2000c et seq.) also requires public schools to respond to sexual assaults committed against their students.

  • The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)), commonly referred to as the Clery Act, requires colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to report annual statistics on crime on or near their campuses—including sexual assault and rape—and to develop and disseminate prevention policies. Click here to view Annual Security Reports by campus.

  • The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) established federal legal definitions of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

  • The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE) was enacted in March 2013, and amends the Jeanne Clery Act, creating additional protections for victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, as well as creating more prescriptive requirements for prevention and awareness programs related to these offenses.

Prevention and Awareness Information

  • We encourage you to protect yourself and others whenever possible. Understand that no matter how safe or unsafe you are, sexual violence is not your fault. Taking these actions may increase your safety and the safety of others.

    • Be aware of your surroundings.
    • Listen to your intuition. If you feel like something is wrong, it probably is. Try to get out of the situation.
    • Don't be afraid to make a scene and yell, scream, or run for protection.  Some people’s physiological response may not be to fight, if that is the case, if possible ask to use the restroom or cause a distraction.
    • Remember, alcohol and drugs can impair perceptions of and reactions to situations. Be especially careful when you drink, and when you're with someone who has been drinking.  Remember that someone who is intoxicated cannot give consent by IU’s definition.  If you aren’t sure you have a “yes,” then try and remove your friend from the situation and don’t engage in sexual activity.
    • Watch your beverage at all times. Date rape drugs are tasteless, colorless, and odorless.  People often don't know they have ingested these drugs until the effects are well under way.
    • Go with a group of friends when you go out to a party or to the bars, and look out for each other.
    • Speak up or call authorities if you see someone who could be in trouble.  Under Indiana’s Lifeline Law, people younger than 21 who are under the influence of alcohol will not be prosecuted for crimes such as possession, intoxication or consumption of alcohol if they call 911 for medical help for another person or in cases of sexual assault and cooperate with police.
  • Everyone has a duty to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive Ivy Tech community.  Helping in potentially harmful incidents is part of that responsibility. Follow these steps when someone appears to be vulnerable to sexual violence. If you see something, say something!

    • Notice the event. Pay attention to your surroundings.
    • Interpret the event as a problem. Recognize that someone is being taken advantage of, vulnerable, or in danger. When in doubt, trust your gut, and step up to help at the at the earliest possible point.
    • Take personal responsibility to help. If you don't help, it is unlikely that anyone else will.
    • Decide how you are going to help. Try not to put yourself at risk or make the situation worse.  There are many ways to help in different situations.
    • Help! Take action and intervene to help prevent or respond to problematic situations at the earliest possible point. If you are not able to fully able to step up and help in a situation, consider responding by asking the person or persons involved if they need help or assistance, contacting the police, or seeking out others for assistance.
    • Direct intervention: Directly addressing the situation in the moment to prevent harm.  Examples of helping directly include talking to the person or removing them from the situation.
    • Delegation: Ask other people to help you. This may be someone who is in a role of authority, such as a police officer or campus official.
    • Distraction: Interrupting the situation without directly confronting someone by causing a distraction.  Examples include spilling your drink, or distracting the individuals who may be involved in the situation by asking a question, causing a scene, or ordering pizza.