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Scholarship Finder

There's a Scholarship for You at Ivy Tech


At Ivy Tech, we have more than $8 million in scholarships available each year. Whether or not you qualify for scholarships elsewhere, Ivy Tech has options for you. Use the search tool below to discover relevant scholarships—you may be eligible for more than you think!

525 scholarships found

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Laptop Award

"Accounting" For Your Future Scholarship

Kokomo (ALL)
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The “Accounting” For Your Future Endowed Scholarship was established by Michelle Simmons to support Ivy Tech Accounting students. She has dedicated her time, talent, and treasure supporting the College and its students since 1993. Michelle has served the Kokomo Service Area in a variety of leadership rolls throughout her 30-year career and believes that Ivy Tech Community College changes lives and is a critical component of a successful community.

Michelle Simmons


  • Kokomo
  • Logansport
  • Peru

• Attend a Kokomo Service Area campus
• Resident of Carroll, Cass, Fulton, Howard, Miami, Tipton or Wabash counties
• Minimum 2.8 GPA
• Minimum of 24 credit hours completed
• Pursuing an Associate degree in Accounting
• Submit an essay

Thank You Letter

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


Complete Scholarship Application

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-252-5571.

4C Health Human Services Scholarship

Kokomo (ALL)
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The 4C Health Human Services Scholarship was established by 4C Health to help students who are pursuing a Human Services Degree.

4C Health


  • Kokomo
  • Logansport
  • Peru

• Attend a Kokomo Service Area campus
• Resident of Cass, Fulton, Howard, Miami, Pulaski, or Tipton counties
• Enrolled in a Social Service program:
* Human Services
∙ Addictive Studies
∙ Social Work
• Minimum 3.0 GPA
• May not be an employee of 4CHealth

DACA students are eligible.

  • Preference given to a student who has completed a student experience/practicum with 4C Health
  • Thank you letter
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Technology Fees


  • Complete Scholarship Application

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-252-5571.

A Hand Up

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The A Hand-Up Scholarship is established to support students enrolled at the Bloomington campus of Ivy Tech Community College. It is intended to be used as a means of removing financial barriers that might prevent them from persisting in coursework or completing their education.

Peggy and Stephen Creech

$1,000; 2

  • Bloomington
  • Student (or student’s family) must currently make a mortgage payment to Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County
  • Student must demonstrate financial need; however, a FAFSA on-file with the Ivy Tech Office of Financial Aid is not required
  • Student must have successfully completed no more than 30 hours of college credit at any accredited institution of higher learning
  • Student must have less than $5,000 in outstanding student loan debt
  • Student must have a 2.5 grade point average or higher (on 4.0 scale)
  • The scholarship may be used for undocumented students or those pursuing a degree through the college’s one-year accelerated degree program
  • Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Abby Scheibelhut Memorial Scholarship

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Hendricks County Ivy Tech students who dream to become healthcare professionals.

Tonya Adams & Scholarship Committee

$500; $500 per semester

  • Indianapolis
  • Resident of Hendricks County, or working in Hendricks County
  • GPA of 2.5 or better
  • Resident of Hendricks County, or working in Hendricks County
  • GPA of 2.5 or better
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks
  • Tools Related to the Program of Study
  • Bookstore Fees


Applicants must fill out Ivy Tech Indianapolis general scholarship application at

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 1-888-489-5463.

Abigail Joyce Williams Memorial Scholarship

Lafayette (ALL)
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This scholarship was created in memory of Abigail Williams. The hope for this scholarship is the recipient will complete their education as planned for Abigail, and strive to be a positive contributor to the community. Although her life was taken, the belief is the light and love she brought to this world may live on in the hearts and minds of others as they are given the opportunity to fulfill their own educational dreams.

Eric and Diane Erskin


  • Lafayette
  • Crawfordsville
  • Frankfort
  • Students from Carroll County.
    • If no Carroll County students are qualified, a White County student can be selected.
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


  • Essay not required but encouraged.
  • Letter of Recommendation not required.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-269-5200.

Accounting Program - Richmond

Richmond (ALL)
Feb 16, 2024-Jun 30, 2025
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Employee and community donors have established this fund to assist a returning student (completed one semester with a minimum of 3 earned credits) in the accounting program who has demonstrated a high level of achievement. A minimum of 2.5 GPA required. Full- and part-time students may apply; High School graduates from the Richmond campus service area are preferred. In the situation of two equally qualified students preference will be given to the student who is not receiving other grants, College or Foundation Scholarships.

$180; 2 awards available

  • Richmond
  • Connersville
  • Rushville
  • Students must be admitted at Richmond/Connersville
  • Students must be admitted to the Accounting program
  • Students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher

High school graduates from Wayne, Randolph, Union, and Fayette, counties are preferred

  • Tuition

Feb 16, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

  • FAFSA must be filed
  • Complete Foundation application

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-966-2656, ext. 1219.

Agnes Hall Nursing Scholarship

Lafayette (ALL)
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The Agnes Hall nursing scholarship is one of two scholarships created because an Ivy Tech nurse cared for them in an hour of need.

Agnes Hall


  • Lafayette
  • Crawfordsville
  • Frankfort
  • Lafayette student accepted into the nursing program
  • Enrolled in a minimum six (6) credit hours with eligible SAP status


  • FAFSA 
  • Essay not required but encouraged.
  • Letter of recommendation not required.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-269-5200.

Aileen Wilson Howard Scholarship

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The Aileen Wilson Howard Scholarships are intended to encourage students of promise and need at the Ivy Tech Muncie campus. It is the Donor's intent that Ivy Tech will offer as many scholarships as possible while maintaining the fund to provide scholarships into perpetuity. This scholarship is endowed to increase the education of the skill development of Delaware County residents and to impact the Delaware County community.

$500; 5 awards available

  • Muncie
  • Attend Muncie campus
  • Delaware County resident
  • Program is NOT in a healthcare field
  • Priority given to $0 EFC


  • Go to MyIvy and click on Apply for Scholarships.
  • Select “Start Application.”
  • Once you have completed the general application, submit your application and you will be notified if you are selected.
  • This scholarship does not specify that you must complete the FAFSA, but it is always recommended that students apply for the FAFSA.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-289-2291, ext. 1230.

Alexandra A. Poling Croger Radiation Therapy Professional Endowed Scholarship

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The Alexandra Poling Croger Radiation Therapy Scholarship will support students who are enrolled in their second year of the Radiation Therapy program at the Bloomington campus of Ivy Tech Community College.

John & Joyce Poling


  • Bloomington
  • Be enrolled in their second year of the Radiation Therapy program at the Bloomington campus of Ivy Tech &
  • Demonstrate financial need by having a FAFSA on file with the office of Financial Aid 
  • Based on the students' overall professionalism and clinical competency as determined by Radiation Therapy faculty who serve on the selections committee

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Allison (Ali) Marie Carter Memorial Scholarship

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Applicants of the Allison "Ali" Marie Carter Memorial scholarship must be degree seeking at the Evansville Service Area (Evansville, Princeton, Tell City). Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech. The scholarship may be applied toward tuition, fees, and book costs.

Dr. Mark and Jennifer Browning

$1,000; Varies

  • Evansville
  • Must be degree seeking at the Evansville Service Area.
  • Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech.

Students are expected to write a thank you note to the donors and attend the scholarship event in the spring.

  • Bookstore Fees
  • Textbooks
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Tuition


  • Complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-429-1429.

Altrusa Foundation Scholarship

Indianapolis (ALL)

Each year, we award more than $325,000 in grant funding to our Altrusa and ASTRA Clubs, as well as to international agencies, to support healthcare, educational, and economic development initiatives that truly impact thousands of children and under-resourced communities.


  • Indianapolis
  • Lawrence
  • Plainfield
  • Skills Training Marketplace
  • The requirements for submission are as follows: Applicants must have graduated from high school at least ten (10) years ago.
  • Applicants must be seeking a certificate or undergraduate degree.
    Applicants must have 25% of the course completed at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be a US citizen or permanent resident of Central Indiana.
  • Applicants must be students who are in good standing with a minimum GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale.
  • There are also a few essay questions on the application that need to be answered.


Application Period - April 1 - June 30. Please contact Hap Durkin (317-921-4773 or in the Ivy Tech Development Office to receive an application.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 1-888-489-5463.

Amalie Ford Barger and Hubert S. Barger Endowed Scholarship

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The Amalie Ford Barger and Hubert S. Barger Endowed Scholarship is intended to encourage students of promise and need at Ivy Tech. The scholarship provided is for tuition only.

John and Joyce Poling

$650; 2 Awards Available

  • Bloomington
  • Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Must have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours.
  • Must have a FAFSA on file

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring

  • Tuition


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

American Culinary Federation

South Bend (ALL)
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Scholarship for a degree-seeking student in the Hospitality Administration program at the South Bend-Elkhart campus.

The number of awards will be based on the availability of funds. Recipients of the scholarship will be determined by the Ivy Tech Scholarship Committee.


  • South Bend
  • Elkhart

The applicant must be a full or part time degree seeking student admitted to the Hospitality Administration program.

Must be a Junior Member of the ACF South Bend Chefs and Cooks Association.

Must have participated in a minimum of twelve (12) hours of ACF sanctioned events and no less than two events. Have successfully completed at least fifteen (15) quality credit hours, of which six (6) must be in the Hospitality Program.

Must have a GPA 2.5, and a GPA of at least 3.0 for Hospitality Administration classes.

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks
  • Tools Related to the Program of Study
  • Bookstore Fees


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 574-289-7001.

Anabel Jones and Frank Ratcliff Scholarship

Lafayette (ALL)
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The Anabel Jones and Frank Ratcliff Scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Anabel Jones and in memory of Dr. Frank Ratcliff.

Dr. Anabel Jones


  • Lafayette
  • Crawfordsville
  • Frankfort
  • Lafayette students in the second semester of the Surgical Technology program with a minimum of six (6) credit hours.
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


  • Essay not required but encouraged.
  • Letter of recommendation not required.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-269-5200.

Anderson Foundation -- Lake County

Lake County (ALL)
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This scholarship is made possible through the generosity of the John W. Anderson Foundation for the purpose of supporting students’ educational advancement. Renewable for two academic years.

Anderson Foundation


  • Crown Point
  • East Chicago
  • Gary
  • Non-Need Based
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Must have successfully completed 30 credit hours
  • Part or full-time degree-seeking
  • Must attend classes at any Lake County Campus location and reside within Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Porter, Newton, Starke or Pulaski counties

Thank you letter required. 

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 1-888-489-5463.

Anita & Bill Doty Engineering Scholarship

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The Anita & Bill Doty Engineering Scholarship was established to support incoming or recent high school graduates who intend to pursue a degree in engineering at Ivy Tech Evansville and who plan to transfer to a 4-year institution to earn their Bachelor's Degree in Engineering. Scholarship will be awarded to full time students who are on track to complete their Associate's Degree in Engineering in two years. Supports tuition, fees and books. Eligibility is evaluated each semester to ensure student continues to meet requirements of the program and scholarship to be considered for renewal.

Anita Doty

$1,000; Varies

  • Evansville
  • Incoming or recent high school graduates who intend to pursue a degree in engineering at Ivy Tech Evansville and who plan to transfer to a 4-year institution to earn their Bachelor's Degree in Engineering.
  • Full time students who are on track to complete their Associate's Degree in Engineering in two years. Scholarship eligibility is evaluated each semester to ensure student continues to meet requirements of the program and scholarship to be considered for renewal.
  • Students are expected to write a thank you note to the donors and attend the scholarship event in the spring.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Bookstore Fees
  • Textbooks


  • Complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-429-1429.

Ann Roha Non-Traditional Engineering Student Scholarship Endowment

Richmond (ALL)
Feb 16, 2024-Jun 30, 2025
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Ann Franzen-Roha long-time employee and her family established this endowed account.  Ann is the Director of Financial Aid at Ivy Tech Community College Richmond, and has demonstrated a passion for helping students throughout her career. During the more than three decades she has led Financial Aid services she has helped countless students to achieve the dream of college education. Moving to financial aid in 1978 when 30 students were being served to 2013 with more than 2,500 students receiving federal, state and institutional financial aid at Ivy Tech Richmond, Ann has consistently worked to help each student achieve their goals.  As a graduate of Purdue University, Ann understands the importance of students pursuing non-traditional degrees and has established this endowed scholarship as an incentive for non-traditional or underserved students to pursue engineering as a career.

Ann Franze-Roha

$425; 2 awards available

  • Richmond
  • Connersville
  • Rushville
  • The funds are for non-traditional or underserved students from the Richmond campus who are admitted/enrolled in the Engineering Technology Program.
  • The recipient of the scholarship must have a grade point average of a minimum of 3.00.
  • The recipient must complete the FAFSA and demonstrate financial need.
  • The student will be required to complete the on-line NextGen scholarship application

Submitting a thank you letter to the donor is encouraged

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)

Feb 16, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

    • Complete FAFSA
    • Complete Foundation application


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-966-2656, ext. 1219.

Ann Y. & Jennings D. Carter Scholarship

Evansville (ALL)
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Applicants of the Ann Y. & Jennings D. Carter scholarship must be enrolled at the Evansville Campus. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech. Applicants must plan on continuing their education and earn a degree from the University of Southern Indiana. The scholarship may be applied toward tuition, fees, and book costs.

Jennings Carter Trust, trustee Tom Lynch

$1,000; Varies

  • Evansville
  • Tell City
  • Must be enrolled at the Evansville Campus.
  • Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech.
  • Applicants must plan on continuing their education and earn a degree from the University of Southern Indiana.
  • Students are expected to write a thank you note to the donors and attend the scholarship event in the spring.


  • Complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-429-1429.

Annie and Lee Marchant-Kay Leach Endowed Scholarship

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The Annie and Lee Marchant-Kay Leach Endowed Scholarship was established by Annie and Lee Marchant in honor of Kay Leach to provide assistance to students enrolled in the Lee J. Marchant School of Nursing at Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington. This scholarship is awarded in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Lee and Annie Marchant

$1,450-$2,900; 5

  • Bloomington
  • Financial need must be demonstrated; FAFSA must be on file
  • Student must be enrolled in the Lee J. Marchant School of Nursing at Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington;
  • Student must remain in good standing at the Ivy Tech-Bloomington campus for the duration of the scholarship.
  • The scholarship is available to all students, including recipients from previous years who meet the established criteria.

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Arnie and Laura Snipes Scholarship

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Arnie and Laura Snipes established this scholarship in 2016. The Snipes's are firm believers in education and want to help the students of Fulton County achieve their dreams.

Arnie and Laura Snipes


  • Kokomo
  • South Bend

• Attend a Kokomo Service Area campus or South Bend/Elkhart Service Area campus
• Resident of Fulton County
• Submit an essay
• Demonstrate financial need

Thank you letter

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)


Complete Scholarship Application

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-252-5571.

ASA Book Scholarship

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The ASA Book scholarship was established to help Academic Skills Advancement students with financial need to purchase books. This scholarship is available in the fall, spring and summer semesters. Additional awards can be made available on an emergency basis.

Carol Simmons & Peg Nelson

$200-$400; 2

  • Bloomington
  • Financial need must be demonstrated
  • FAFSA must be on file
  • Recipients(s) must be enrolled in at least one Academic Skills Advancement course
  • Emergency funds can be made available.

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Ascension St. Vincent Evansville Scholarship

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The scholarship will be awarded to Ivy Tech Community College-Evansville students who are seeking a certificate, technical certificate, or associate degree in a health profession field as listed under the Barbara J. Hilton R.N. School of Nursing and the Frank L. Hilton, MD School of Health Sciences. Scholarship candidates will be in financial and academic good standing with the college.

Ascension St. Vincent Evansville


  • Evansville
  • The scholarship will be awarded to Ivy Tech Community College-Evansville students who are seeking a certificate, technical certificate, or associate degree in a health profession field as listed under the Barbara J. Hilton R.N. School of Nursing and the Frank L. Hilton, MD School of Health Sciences.
  • Scholarship candidates will be in financial and academic good standing with the college.


  • Complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-429-1429.

Automotive Student Scholarship - Richmond

Richmond (ALL)
Feb 16, 2024-Jun 30, 2025
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Established by the proceeds from the annual car show, this scholarship is for new or returning students in the automotive program, who have demonstrated a high level of achievement, acquired a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Full and part-time students may apply. High school graduates from the Richmond campus service area are preferred. The scholarships are presented at the Annual Car Show

Reg 9 Annual Car Show Sponsors

$1,000; 12 awards available

  • Richmond
  • Connersville
  • Rushville
  • Students must be admitted to Richmond/Connersville Campus
  • Students must be admitted to the Automotive Program
  • Students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, if currently taking college courses. (Incoming freshmen will not have a GPA to make this a hard requirement).

Sending a thank you letter to the donor(s) is encouraged.

  • Tuition

Feb 16, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Complete Foundation application

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-966-2656, ext. 1219.

Ballard Sturgeon Nursing Scholarship

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The scholarship is made available by John and Marilyn Sturgeon of Greencastle, Indiana. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage students to pursue a degree in nursing at Ivy Tech Greencastle.

John and Marilyn Sturgeon

$500-$1,250; 2 awards available

  • Greencastle
  • Must be pursuing a degree in nursing at Ivy Tech Greencastle.
  • Students who reside in Putnam County or graduated from one of the four Putnam County high schools.
  • Students who are in the second year of the nursing program.
  • Must be pursuing a degree in nursing at Ivy Tech Greencastle.
  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks
  • Transportation Costs
  • Living Expenses


  • Go to MyIvy and click on Apply for Scholarships.
  • Select “Start Application.”
  • Once you have completed the general application, submit your application and you will be notified if you are selected.
  • This scholarship does not specify that you must complete the FAFSA, but it is always recommended that students apply for the FAFSA.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-298-2293.

Bane-Welker Agriculture Scholarship

Lafayette (ALL)
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This scholarship was established by the Phil Bane family to support the Ivy Tech Lafayette Agriculture program.



  • Lafayette
  • Crawfordsville
  • Frankfort
  • Lafayette students enrolled in the Agriculture program with a minimum of six (6) credit hours.
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


  • Essay not required but encouraged.
  • Letter of recommendation not required.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-269-5200.

Barbara J. Hilton Nursing Scholarship

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Scholarship created by Frank L. Hilton. The Barbara J. Hilton Nursing Scholarship will be used to provide one Associate in Science of Nursing student a scholarship to underwrite the cost of tuition, fees, and book costs.

Frank L. Hilton, M.D.

$1,000; Up to 2

  • Evansville
  • Applicants of the Barbara J. Hilton Nursing Scholarship must be degree seeking at Ivy Tech Evansville.
  • Must complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.
  • Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech.
  • The scholarship may be applied toward tuition, fees, and book costs.
  • Should the recipient continue to meet the criteria, the scholarship may be renewed.
  • Students are expected to write a thank you note to the donors and attend the scholarship event in the spring.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Technology Fees
  • Bookstore Fees
  • Textbooks


  • Complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application. Eligible students in the Nursing program will be contacted to apply with an essay and interview process.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-429-1429.

Barbara J. Hilton, R.N. School of Nursing Scholarship

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Applicants of the School of Nursing scholarship must be degree seeking at the Evansville Service Area (Evansville, Princeton, Tell City). Must complete the Ivy Tech Community College scholarship application. Students pursuing a nursing degree (Associate of Science or Practical Nursing); must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and 12 hours program completion; and have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech. The scholarship may be applied toward tuition, fees, and book costs. Consideration given for professional and community service and/or exceptional personal circumstances.

Employees and donors of Ivy Tech Evansville

$1,000; Varies

  • Evansville
  • Tell City
  • Must be degree seeking at the Evansville Service Area (Evansville, Princeton, Tell City).
  • Must complete the Ivy Tech Community College scholarship application.
  • Students pursuing a nursing degree (Associate of Science or Practical Nursing);
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and 12 hours program completion; and have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech.
  • The scholarship may be applied toward tuition, fees, and book costs. 
  • Consideration given for professional and community service and/or exceptional personal circumstances.

Students are expected to write a thank you note to the donors and attend the scholarship event in the spring.

  • Tuition
  • Technology Fees
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Bookstore Fees
  • Textbooks


  • Complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-429-1429.

Barbara MacMillan Scholarship for Dental Hygiene & Assisting

South Bend (ALL)
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The Barbara MacMillan Scholarship for Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting was created by the MacMillian family to honor the life of their mother and former Dean of the school of Health Sciences at the South Bend-Elkhart campus.

This award will provide up to $1,000 for the academic year. The number of awards will be based on the availability of funds. Recipients of the scholarship will be determined by the Ivy Tech Scholarship Committee.


  • South Bend
  • Elkhart
  • Must be a full or part time student enrolled in the dental hygiene or assisting programs.
  • Must exhibit a financial need.

Preference is given to a student who is the first in their family to attend college or pursue advanced degree.

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 574-289-7001.

BASCI Endowed Scholarship

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The Monroe County Building Association Scholarship was established by the Monroe County Building Association to assist students living in Monroe, Owen or Brown counties and are enrolled in the Ivy Tech Bloomington School of Technology. This scholarship is awarded in the fall and spring to the same student as long as they remain in good standing at Ivy Tech Bloomington.

Building Association of So. Central IN

$235-$470; 2

  • Bloomington
  • Must be enrolled in the School of Technology and be a resident of Monroe, Owen or Brown County.
  • Applicant must compose a 500 word essay which demonstrates commitment to employment in the building trades industry through the applicant's personal building experience.
  • The scholarship is based on financial need; a FAFSA must be on file.
  • The award is available to college students with a 3.0 or greater GPA and students transitioning from High School into college with a 2.5 or greater GPA.
  • Minimum enrollment requirement is 6 credit hours.

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Batesville Scholarship

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This scholarship was established by the College to provide financial assistance to students enrolled at the Batesville campus.

Ivy Tech Community College

$500; 1

  • Batesville
  • Must attend Batesville campus.
  • GPA must be 3.0 or greater.

Thank you letter


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-537-4010 ext. 5305.

Bathe-Traeger Educational Scholarship

Lafayette (ALL)
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The Bathe-Traeger Education Scholarship Endowment was establsiehd by Dr. and Mrs. David Bathe to assist a student in our Education program. Their generosity recognizes their parents and the role they played in helping their children meet their educational goals.

Dr. David Bathe and Mrs. Becky Bathe


  • Lafayette
  • Crawfordsville
  • Frankfort
  • Lafayette students in the Education program with a minimum of six (6) credit hours.
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


  • Essay not required but encouraged.
  • Letter of recommendation not required.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-269-5200.

Baxter Benjamin McGee Memorial Scholarship

Madison (ALL)
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Baxter Benjamin McGee (1949-2013) was a lifelong resident of Madison and Jefferson County Indiana.  He was a 1967 graduate of Madison Consolidated High School. After High School, Baxter enlisted in the United States Army and was a Communications Expert, serving two tours of duty during the Vietnam War. Baxter enjoyed a career of working on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. He held the position of Towboat Captain and retired after a 30-year career.

Among Baxter's passions were concern for the environment and nature, support of the Salvation Army, and an insightful realization that education results in workforce certifications (such as a Towboat Pilot's License). He believed that certificates and degrees are a must for our current and future generations to become productive members of society. As such, this Memorial Scholarship Endowment is dedicated to his memory.

$2,600; 2 awards available

  • Madison
  • Be enrolled at the Ivy Tech Community College Madison Campus
  • Be enrolled in any major to earn a degree (AS, AAS, AA), certificate (TC), or certification credential
  • Demonstrate academic success with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or greater
  • Demonstrate financial need greater than $3500 by filing a current year FAFSA


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-265-2580, ext. 4100.

Baxter Biotechnology Scholarship

Internship ($1,500.00 value)
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The Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions, LLC scholarship was established by Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions, LLC to encourage students of promise and need at Ivy Tech's Bloomington campus who desire to pursue careers in the biotechnology field.

Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions, LLC

Internship ($1,500.00 value); 2

  • Bloomington
  • Applicants must be students currently enrolled in the Biotechnology Program at Ivy Tech Community College-Bloomington
  • Student must have successfully completed BIOT-101 or equivalent
  • Student must be currently be enrolled in BIOT 280
  • Student must complete the online scholarship application
  • Student must secure a letter of recommendation from a faculty member associated with the Biotechnology Program at Ivy Tech Bloomington

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring.


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Beckie Clark Memorial Scholarship

Lafayette (ALL)
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This scholarship was established in memory of Rebecca "Beckie" Clark, a student at the Lafayette campus. Beckie was completing her second semester of the nursing curriculum when she was tragically killed in an automobile accident on July 13, 2001 (the weekend before her wedding). Beckie demonstrated on a daily basis the attitude and aptitude essential for nursing. She inspired her fellow students and was considered by them to be a role model.

Joseph and Kimberly Clark


  • Lafayette
  • Crawfordsville
  • Frankfort
  • Lafayette students in the second year of the Nursing program with previous CNA experience.
  • Minimum of six (6) credit hours with eligible SAP status.
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)


  • Essay not required but encouraged.
  • Letter of recommendation not required.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-269-5200.

Belle Tire Scholarship

Terre Haute (ALL)
Event Participation

The Belle Tire Scholarship is generously provided to an Ivy Tech Terre Haute student. The scholarship will be awarded to the second-place senior winner of the annual Automotive Skills Competition hosted by Ivy Tech Terre Haute.

sponsor logo

$1,000; 1 award available

  • Terre Haute
  • Greencastle
  • Must win second place as a senior in high school in the annual high school automotive skills competition
  • Must be a recent high school graduate
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks
  • Transportation Costs
  • Living Expenses


  • Participate and place second as a high school senior in the annual high school automotive skills competition at Ivy Tech Terre Haute.
  • For more information, contact John Timberman, Automotive Technology Program Chair, at or 812-298-2453

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-298-2293.

Berkebile Scholarship

Anderson (ALL)
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Graciously funded by George S. and H. Loma Berkebile to support local Ivy Tech students.

South Madison Community Foundation

$1,000; 10

  • Anderson
  • Attend the Anderson Campus
  • Graduate of an ACS High School
  • Essay Required
  • Priority consideration given to students with a $0 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determined by FAFSA
  • Thank you letter
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks


Contact our Financial Aid team at

Bill Kauffman Legacy of Community Leadership Endowment

Terre Haute (ALL)
Faculty/Staff Referral

The Bill Kauffman Legacy of Community Leadership Scholarship recognizes an outstanding student leader who, by their actions, inspires others. In the spirit of Bill, this individual embodies the skills and passion necessary to impact the community positively. The Kauffman Family wishes this individual continued success and hopes they always strive to reach the finish line within their educational, professional, community, and personal goals.

Kauffman Family

$500; 1 award available

  • Terre Haute
  • Greencastle
  • Must be enrolled at Ivy Tech Terre Haute/Greencastle.
  • Must be enrolled at Ivy Tech Terre Haute/Greencastle.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Textbooks
  • Transportation Costs
  • Living Expenses


To express interest in this scholarship, contact M Schaekel, Director of Student Life and First Year Experience.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-298-2293.

Biology Scholarship

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The Biology Scholarship was established by Ivy Tech Dean, Sarah Cote, to provide financial support to Ivy Tech students pursuing degrees in biology.

Sarah Cote

$200-$400; 2

  • Bloomington

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Bivens, Nelson, Virginia and Constance Scholarship Endowment

Madison (ALL)
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The Bivens, Nelson, Virginia and Constance Scholarship Endowment provides financial aid to students of the Madison Campus.

Bivens, Nelson, Virginia and Constance

$400; 1 award available

  • Madison
  • Be degree-seeking at the Ivy Tech Community College Madison Campus.
  • Be a graduate of Madison Consolidated High School (Indiana).
  • Attend full- or part-time.
  • Demonstrate academic success by earning a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater.
  • Demonstrate financial need by filing a current year FAFSA.
  • Student is seeking an Associate or Technical Certificate of Applied Science, Arts, Fine Arts, General Studies, or Science
  • Attended Madison Consolidated High School
  • Tuition


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-265-2580, ext. 4100.

Bloomington Board of REALTORS® Scholarship

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This scholarship was established by the Bloomington Board of REALTORS® to assist students pursuing an AS or AAS at the Ivy Tech Bloomington campus. The scholarship is awarded in the fall and spring semesters to two students as long as they remain in good standing.

Bloomington Board of REALTORS®

$700-$1,400; 2

  • Bloomington
  • Financial need must be demonstrated
  • FAFSA must be on file
  • Student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Student must be pursuing an AS or AAS degree at the Ivy Tech Bloomington campus.

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Bloomington Friend of Ivy Tech Endowed Scholarships in Healthcare

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The Bloomington Friend of Ivy Tech Endowed Scholarships in Healthcare were established to provide ongoing scholarship support to Ivy Tech Bloomington students pursuing careers in healthcare professions.

A Bloomington Friend of Ivy Tech

$530-$1,060; 4-8

  • Bloomington
  • Eligible students shall be enrolled in one of the following healthcare degree programs at the Bloomington campus of Ivy Tech Community College: Nursing, Radiation Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Paramedic Science
  • Students receiving scholarships shall be citizens of the United States and reside within the service area of the Bloomington campus of Ivy Tech
  • As the scholarships will be awarded based on financial need rather than evidence of academic excellence, eligible students will maintain a current FAFSA on file with the office of Financial Aid
  • Each recipient shall also write a note of thanks to donor and include a brief autobiography of him or herself

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and include a brief autobiography of him or herself. Recipients should attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Bloomington Rotary Club Scholarship

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The Bloomington Rotary Club was established in 1918 and is part of a global network of 34,000 clubs with 1.2 million members. Rotary International is a service organization of business and professional leaders united in humanitarian service, encouragement of high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

$500; 3

  • Bloomington
  • Student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • Student must be enrolled as a full-time student at Ivy Tech Bloomington
  • Student must have a current FAFSA on file with the Office of Financial Aid
  • Student must have completed at least 12 credit hours in their chosen academic program
  • Student must complete a 750 word essay addressing career aspirations, graduation plans and personal involvement in civic engagement activities
  • Student must obtain a letter of recommendation from a faculty member in their chosen academic program
  • Student must attend a designated Bloomington Rotary Club luncheon if awarded this scholarship (the club meets each Tuesday at noon at the Indiana Memorial Union in Bloomington).
  • Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring, Complete their course work for the entire semester, or be responsible for repayment of the scholarship
  • Give the Bloomington Rotary Club and Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington permission to use their essay and/or letter of recommendation in promotional material and understand that those items submitted become property of the Bloomington Rotary Club and/or Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington.


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Bloomington Scholarship

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This scholarship was created by generous and continual donations by the faculty and staff of the Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington campus to assist students who have demonstrated financial need to continue their education. The scholarship is awarded in the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Bloomington Scholarship Donors

$250-$750; 2

  • Bloomington
  • Financial need must be demonstrated
  • FAFSA must be on file
  • Student must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at Ivy Tech Bloomington.

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Bogetto-Bush Memorial Endowed Scholarship

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The Bogetto-Bush Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by the families of Christina Krapesh Bogetto and Louise Stewart Bush to provide scholarship support to Ivy Tech students pursuing the study of culinary arts

John Bush


  • Bloomington
  • Financial need must be demonstrated by having a FAFSA on file
  • Must be enrolled full-time in the Associate of Applied Science in Hospitality degree program at Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington
  • Must have successfully completed their first semester of program study
  • If a scholarship recipient in culinary arts is not available then one pursuing a degree in the field of education could be considered.

Concentrations in culinary studies or baking and pastry. 

Recipients should write a thank you letter to the donor and attend the scholarship reception in the spring


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812 -330-6160 .

Bonita Schmidt Scholarship

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The Aurora Chapter of Tri Kappa sponsors this scholarship to celebrate the spirit of Bonita Miller Schmidt. Bonita was a member of Tri Kappa for 33 years and during her service held all offices. Many will remember her smile and strong work ethic. She believed with motivation and desire one could accomplish any goal. It is in this memory that the Aurora Chapter of Tri Kappa honors her with this scholarship. Bonita lost her battle to ovarian cancer in 2006, but her spirit and belief that one should never give up inspired this scholarship. Recipients of this scholarship should remember by virtue of attending college and accomplishing the first year of rigorous nursing program, anything is attainable.

The Aurora Chapter of Tri Kappa

$300; 1

  • Lawrenceburg
  • Must be enrolled at the Lawrenceburg campus.
  • Must be entering the 2nd year of the Nursing
  • Must be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours.

Thank you letter


Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-537-4010 ext. 5305.

Book Scholarship - Indianapolis

Indianapolis (ALL)

Funds to be used at discretion of Central Indiana Region towards student need, including books and scholarships


  • Indianapolis
  • Lawrence
  • Plainfield
  • Skills Training Marketplace


Applicants must fill out Ivy Tech Indianapolis general scholarship application at

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 1-888-489-5463.

Boots-2-Books Scholarship

Kokomo (ALL)
Apply in

This scholarship is for Military Veterans or Reserves.



  • Kokomo
  • Logansport
  • Peru

• Resident of Cass, Fulton, Howard, Miami, or Tipton counties
• Minimum 2.5 GPA
• Enrolled in at least 9 credits
• Demonstrate proof of community service, club involvement or volunteer work
• Must be prior service veteran (one that served honorably on active duty in Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard, reserves or the National Guard); OR an active duty veteran (Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard, reserves or the National Guard)

Thank you letter

  • Tuition


Complete Scholarship Application

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 765-252-5571.

Borgman Family Farms Scholarship

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This scholarship was established by Kevin Borgman, a 2014 graduate of the Ivy Tech Columbus Agriculture program, to honor his parents, Paul and Jenet Borgman, in an effort to ‘give back’ to other students pursuing the same degree program.

Kevin Borgman and Borgman Family Farms

$1,000; 1

  • Columbus
  • Franklin
  • North Vernon
  • Seymour
  • Shelbyville
  • Student must have at least 24 credit hours completed in the Agriculture Program.
  • May be part time or full time, carrying at least 6 credits per semester.

Priority consideration given to students with a $0 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determined by FAFSA, and do have to demonstrate financial need. May not be receiving any Federal or State Aid.

Thank you letter

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)


  • FAFSA required.
  • Essay and Letter of Recommendations not required, but suggested.

Contact our Financial Aid team at

Bower-Suhrheinrich Scholarship

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Applicants of the Bower-Suhrheinrich scholarship must be degree seeking at the Evansville Service Area. Must complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech. The scholarship may be applied toward tuition, fees, and book costs. Selection to be determined by Ivy Tech Community College scholarship committee.

Bower-Suhrheinrich Trust

$1,000; Varies

  • Evansville
  • Must be degree seeking at the Evansville Service Area.
  • Must complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.
  • Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and have a FAFSA on file with Ivy Tech.
  • Students are expected to write a thank you note to the donors and attend the scholarship event in the spring.
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)
  • Technology Fees
  • Bookstore Fees
  • Textbooks


  • Complete the Ivy Tech scholarship application.

Contact our Financial Aid team at or 812-429-1429.

Boyer Machine & Tool Scholarship

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The Boyer Machine & Tool Co., Inc., will provide financial assistance to students pursuing Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering degrees.

Boyer Machine & Tool Co., Inc.

$2,500; 2

  • Franklin
  • North Vernon
  • Seymour
  • Shelbyville
  • Columbus
  • Must be degree declared.
  • May be a full or part-time student.
  • Must have completed at least one semester.

Priority consideration given to students with a $0 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determined by FAFSA, but do not have to demonstrate financial need.

Thank you letter

  • Tuition
  • Fees (Non-specific)


  • FAFSA required.
  • Essay and Letter of Recommendations not required, but suggested.

Contact our Financial Aid team at