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Bloomington Campus

Bloomington Main Campus Affiliated Learning Sites

Next Level Jobs Bloomington

Quickly Earn a FREE Credential

Earning an Ivy Tech certificate can help you start a new job quickly in a high-demand career field. With Next Level Jobs, eligible students earn a free certificate paid for by the state's Workforce Ready Grant. As an added benefit, certificate credits count toward earning your associate degree if you decide to continue your education.

Ivy Tech offers free training in the fields of advanced manufacturing, building & construction, education & public affairs, healthcare, information technology & business, and transportation & logistics as part of Next Level Jobs. See all program offerings below.


RSVP for an information session and meet with us learn more.

September 24 @ 6 PM Advanced Manufacturing & HVAC

October 29 @ 6 PM Business & Logistics / Supply Chain


Can't attend a session? View a slideshow about our programs.

Eligibility requirements

Next Level Jobs completely covers the cost of your tuition if you qualify. You are eligible to earn a free certificate if you fulfill all of the following:

  • You are an Indiana resident, and
  • You have a high school diploma or GED/High School Equivalency, and
  • You have not earned a certificate in a Next Level Jobs-eligible program, and
  • You have not earned an associate degree or higher.

To learn more, RSVP for an information session or connect with us. If you're ready, apply now!

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program offerings

Explore your training options to see if Next Level Jobs could be for you.

This icon indicates credentials that can be completed online within the containers below.