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What You’ll Learn
This education module is designed to instruct the QMA in the role and responsibilities of insulin administration. This training is optional for any Qualified Medication Aides (QMAs).
Learning Objectives Include:
Career Options
Understanding the role and responsibilities a QMA plays in insulin administration is pivotal in your career. Updated training is required every year.
Class Details
Prior to any insulin administration the individual must be currently on the QMA registry, have completed the QMA 100-hours Training Program and successfully completed the Insulin Administration Education Module.
The Insulin Administration Education Module includes all of the following:
QMA Insulin Administration Certification Training
Ivy Tech Richmond
2357 Chester Blvd.
IN 47374
In Person, Instructor-Led
Contact: Eddie Wigginton,
765-966-2656 ext. 4106,
Costs may vary by location given differences in the cost of supplies and class provider.